Lessons from Pandemics

Lessons from Pandemics

“Pandemic-Resilient Community Planning: Practical Ways to Help Communities Prepare for, Respond to, and Recover from Pandemics and Other Economic, Social and Environmental Shocks” Resilience refers to a system’s ability to efficiently absorb shocks. This report... Read more
Smart Climate Action Slideshow

Smart Climate Action Slideshow

Here is a slideshow presented November 19 to the Vancouver Island Section of the Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers (CITE). This presentation reviews our regional transport emission reduction targets, and identifies a specific set of local and regional... Read more
Our Efficient Mobility Agenda

Our Efficient Mobility Agenda

How people travel varies significantly between communities. Although many cities are automobile dependent, with most residents owning a personal automobile which they use for most trips, some cities have much more multimodal transportation systems, were residents own... Read more

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