My goals and intentions: Conservation Strategy Bandaid. Read my full report here.

For #1. I am not trying to replace EDPA bylaw (that will take 2 years) and detract staff from that work. The EDPA bylaw does not exist anymore. I am asking staff to explore options for filling in any gaps in biodiversity protection for immediate implementation. Staff laid the bricks and mortar in building the bylaw with the help of exemplary Saanich residents and Council. They have witnessed the dismantling and know exactly what pieces have fallen off and what options are possible.

My brilliant collegue Cllr. Ned Taylor is bringing forward to the “Emergency Climate Change Declaration” to the CRD parks committee and next, to the CRD regional board and then if passed it will be dispursed to all 13 municipalities”.

Insuring gaps in protection and proactive conservation seen in the light of a climate change emergency is logical, insulates from us the impacts of climate change and saves money. This is very evident in the case of trees and flooding, especially when we are talking about the Garry Oak ecosystem as a drought tolerant endangered, endemic ecosystem that is a source of fertility on the Saanich Peninsula. Biodiversity is necessary for sustainable agriculture, resilience/ adaptive habiats for species to adapt to climate change. As a food grower we use it almost exclusively for fertility. There are 450 species of bees in BC, many of which are endemic to the Garry Oak Ecosystem these bees are specialists and are only able to get their pollen and nectar from the Garry Oak ecosystem. (Dr. Eric Mader, Xerces).

This recommendation is asking staff to look for any quick fixes, not detracting from the bigger goal of 2 years. While staff look at options I would like a moratorium to be placed on Garry Oak cutting and other native endangered trees.

Yes I raced to the pump on this, sorry if I scared any property owners and placed unrealistic expectations on staff and compromised their good work. Its been too long since we have had a conversation about the EDPA replacement-conservation strategy or whatever we want to call it. I have made no secrets around my intentions about conservation, preservation of the Garry Oak ecosystem, biodiversity and farmland. My speciality has formerly been working with a land owners to protect biodiversity on private property.

Acknowledging stewardship on private property is important in creating the kind of world we want and encouraging more. In many cases using ecological restoration and revitalization can helps to reconnect us to the land. A return to reverence and health.
If you have a Garry Oak ecosystems on your property count yourself lucky a sign of health /fertility and past stewardship.

I do believe that there is a place for the ‘ownership exemplar program’ in the new and improved biodiversity strategy.

I will would also soon like put forward a motion that ensures there is enough funds for a stewardship program like an ownership/stewardship/tax incentive program . Please read my article. There are working models of the owner stewardship program currently. Islands Trust and TLC.

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