Takaya led a remarkable life for a wolf. His adventuresome spirit brought him to an unlikely place. His calm demeanour, fabulous good looks, resilience and intelligence brought him fame. For many years he lived alone on Discovery Island, off Victoria, until he swam across the water and was found walking through James Bay. In January he was trapped and relocated to a safe area – but it wasn’t safe. A trophy hunter shot him. Cheryl Alexander has assembled a beautiful yet sad website in his memory.

She writes: “Our family house is near the islands and I go to the islands by boat often to photograph nature. I met up with Takaya soon after he arrived on the islands. I will never forget the moment I first looked into his eyes. After that intense first encounter, I went out to those islands at dawn, at dusk, whenever the weather would permit for six years. Throughout that time I photographed and filmed Takaya as best I could, to document his stunning resourcefulness and his inspiring life. Over time I grew to admire and love this wolf.”

Please join us in signing the Takaya Legacy petition for a Moratorium on Wolf Hunting in BC. https://takayalonewolf.com.

Here is Cheryl’s movie about Takaya on the CBC’s The Nature of Thingshttps://gem.cbc.ca/media/the-nature-of-things/season-59/episode-3/38e815a-011bbb402da

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