The SAFE Cities movement, hosted by, seeks artists to create graphic art that inspires and engages millions of people around the world in our critical mission. SAFE Cities works with neighbors, local groups, and elected officials to phase out toxic fossil fuels and fast-track clean energy solutions in communities.
We invite you to imagine, design, and create graphic art that shows your vision of a community that’s tackling the climate emergency and social injustice head-on by saying no to the expansion of the fossil fuel industry and yes to a just energy transition and a healthy and safe future. Your art will be used to catalyze action in communities across the US and around the world, and will potentially be seen by millions of people.
Art chosen from submissions will be featured on our website and social media, and may be included in other SAFE Cities materials. We are looking for graphic art only at this time. Please do not submit other kinds of art, including songs or videos, right now. They can’t be considered in this call.
How to Submit
● Work can be submitted from Sept. 22 to Oct. 22
● File types for submission are png, jpg, or gif files.
● Please include a brief statement about the artist or artist team and the artwork or 120 words max, preferably written in the 3rd person, and which includes the title of the work, name of the artist(s), and a phone number and email address to use to reach the artist or team. Only title and artist(s) names will be shared publicly. Contact information will not be made public.
● Email the submission and brief statement to by or before midnight PT on Oct. 22, using Subject Line: Art Submission for SAFE Cities
● Maximum of two submissions per artist or artist team.
Judging and Prizes
● staff will judge the winners from the submissions and their decisions will be final
● 1st place winner will receive $1,000, will be featured on our website and social media, and may be included in other SAFE Cities materials .
● 2nd place will receive $400, may be featured on our website and social media and included in other SAFE Cities materials .
● 3rd place will receive $200, may be featured on our website and social media and included in other SAFE Cities materials .
● All submitting artists and art teams will receive or SAFE Cities gear and their submissions may be included in a collage for our website, social media, and other SAFE Cities materials.