My Heart is Hopelessly in Love with Everything

My heart is hopelessly in love

with everything.

It is singing

like a song bird at dawn,

singing to the hearts

in everything,

everything grazing

on the hillsides

and in the meadows,

everything swimming

in the ocean

and the mountain stream.

My heart is singing

to the hearts

in everything,

the trees yearning for the sun,

the chalices

of hibiscus

filled with the nectar of love,

the honey bees

and hummingbirds


for the nectar of love.

There is thirsting

and yearning

and singing

in the hearts of everything

and when this thirsting

and yearning

and singing

is overflowing,

there is dancing,

dancing in the hearts

of everything.

Barry Hunt

Join me for a free 90 minute online workshop Monday, June 21st at 2PM PST to celebrate the Summer Solstice.

I am a poet, workshop facilitator and life coach hopelessly in love with the beauty all around me! For more information about me and the services I provide please visit

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