Here are some resources to help settlers understand and advance Indigenous Reconciliation:
    • 21 Things You May Not Know About the Indian Act: Helping Canadians Make Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples a Reality
    • Calling My Spirit Back, by Elaine Alec. Elaine is from the Syilx (Okanagan) Nation and Secwepemc (Shushwap) Nation, and a Member of the Penticton Indian Band. “An amazing book, a raw accounting of Elaine Alec’s life. It deals with many sensitive subjects involving trauma, addiction, coping and recovery and how she has become the woman she is today. She teaches an understanding of the process of colonialism and the effects on the Indigenous spirit, families and children. She invites you to learn about these teachings and how important they are for the Syilx people, and how relatable the teachings are for non-Indigenous people as well.”
    • Reconciliation Education: a 3-hour, online course.
    • 11am – 1pm: Marking the National Day. Join the Prairie Federal Council and the Canada School of Public Service for an event on the lived experiences of residential school survivors and their communities. Guest speakers will share their thoughts and insights on what those experiences mean for Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada as we continue the journey of truth and reconciliation. Register here:
    • National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation:
    • Circles for Reconciliation aim to establish trusting, meaningful relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples by the creation of small gatherings of an equal number of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in discussion circles. Each group of ten participants, led by two trained facilitators, meets weekly or biweekly for ten 75-minutes gatherings:

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