We find Frosty standing in a frozen field alone
Scanning the horizon from his winter land home
With his two black eyes made of coal
He stares into the future witnessing a frightful scene unfold
Noxious greenhouse gas emissions
Rendering all wondrous life forms out of commission
The cost is high and the toll is steep to continue coal burn on the cheap
Frosty returns from future to present
His scarf tightly wrapped around his neck in resentment
Stemming from the absence of a unified resolution
To the finding of a solution to ending coal burning pollution
There is still time before the days of destruction are cemented in stone
Where Frosty can no longer come to life each year in his winter land home
Perhaps one day the only place to find coal
Will be as the eyes of the Snowman’s soul
Until then we will sputter and choke trying to stay warm under a blackened cloak
Whilst we all urgently await the new clean light of day to be spoke
Thumpety thump, thump, thumpety thump

I’m a Delta, BC resident who writes poetry as a way to explore and understand myself and the wider world. My love of trees, the environment, poetry and the written word continue to inspire me.

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