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Speaker, author, futurist, Guy Dauncey, and Creatively United founder and professional multi-media artist, Frances Litman, present A Modern Alphabet – Re-Imagining Our Future.

Guy Dauncey is a futurist, anthropological economist, plus founder of the BC Sustainable Energy Association, and the author or co-author of 10 books, including The Climate Challenge: 101 Solutions to Global Warming and Journey to the Future: A Better World Is Possible. He is currently completing his next book on The Economics of Kindness. He is an Honorary Member of the Planning Institute of BC, a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Arts, and President of the Yellow Point Ecological Society.

Frances Litman is an international award-winning photographer, community activator and multi-media producer. Her passion is bringing positive solutions that foster healthy, happy and resilient communities and people together. She has voluntarily coordinated one of North America’s largest Earth Day festivals and sustainability showcases, and is the creative force behind and co-founded the Community Trees Matter Network. Frances’ big picture vision has resulted in her receiving a 2012 CRD Ecostar Community Award, a 2017 Victoria Community Leadership Award and a 2018 Honourary Citizen of Victoria Award.



I just saw your 11 am Wed. webinar. FABULOUS!!! Thank you – will be tuning in weekly and sending others here. I feel inspired….
– Joan (of the Drawdown Convener’s group)

You & your collaborators have done it again!
The truth and beauty of what you present; the poignant language & the powerful impact of the photos never fails to bring a tear to my eye.
In a way, I truly thank the pandemic for causing you to present your offerings online. I can view and re-view at my leisure so I can inhale some beauty when I need that particular prescription.
Many blessings to you Frances for lightening the load we bear in these troubling times and for bringing a smile to my face. Your heart is bringing joy to us. With love for all you do.
– Dan K.

I wanted to tell you how special that webinar was in comparison to so much that is happening on the web that is simply marketing and self-promotion. You not only encourage individuals to explore their creativity but modeled the risk taking needed to bring those creations into the world. I thought the webinar was fresh, original and potentially inspiring for those on the call, and your creations were beautifully delightful.
– Gene F.

Guy truly does have an amazing knowledge and perspective on things and vision for the future. Coupled with your own abundant energy and enthusiasm, the whole thing was amazing!
– Ben S.

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