From the Qualicum Nature Preservation Society: In Qualicum Beach, the 200-acre rural Estate Residential forest contains a highly-productive and rare old-growth Coastal Douglas Fir ecosystem, that’s known as the scenic gateway to our village. So when a plan for residential development threatened this iconic treasure, the community rallied. At the public hearing, 76% of the citizens speaking defended our vision for these ecologically important properties. The day before a municipal by-election, however, our society and other private citizens were served by developers Richard and Linda Todsen. For raising our voices for the voiceless, we have endured harassment, and charges of trespassing and vandalism. But now we face a strategic lawsuit, bringing fear and stress for our families. No one should have to face a lawsuit for defending our environment and speaking on behalf of our communities. West Coast Environmental Law is working with the Qualicum Nature Preservation Society to fight the charges, known as a ‘SLAPP Suit’ – a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation. They are raising $32,000 to fight the charges in court. The Yellow Point Ecological Society has voted to donate $300. Can you chip in too?

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