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The COVID pandemic and the global response to flattening the curve provide a once in a lifetime opportunity for the world to re-set its policies to flatten the carbon curve.

The panel consisted of three leading thinkers on this transformational moment. Bob Sandford is Global Water Futures Chair, Water and Climate Security at the United Nations University. Merrel- Ann Phare heads up the Centre for Environmental and Indigenous Resources. Michael Miltenberger is an indigenous leader and Former Minister for Environment in the North West Territories.

The three enjoy a sparkling conversation moderated by Jon O’Riordan with Creatively United and the Gail O’Riordan Climate and the Arts Legacy Fund on the scope of the transformation and the role of reconciliation in supporting it. Bob Sandford demonstrates how society is now living outside the Earth’s natural planetary boundaries and the range of policy changes required to return to stability. The key is to restore Earth’s damaged ecosystems and for humanity to reconcile its relationship within nature’s limits. Merrel-Ann Phare and Michael Miltenberger have both worked extensively with indigenous peoples over the past 20 years to support their reconciliation amongst themselves and with society as a whole. They share wonderful and inspiring stories of where reconciliation is working. Indeed they argue that reconciliation with indigenous peoples is the fuel that can lead to true transformation and a global reset.

The conversation is compelling; the stories are riveting and the prospect of a real transformation is real. This webinar provides unique insights from three highly qualified individuals.

See all of our World Unity Week webinars here.

Cover photo by Michal Klajban

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