A type of excitement builds in the old-growth forest deep

Anticipation growing of the up-and-coming sleep

A time in nature when all the grand trees with all their extended branches

Stand together as one while they firmly secure their stances

A reunion of sorts that celebrates the timely chance

To bond in admiration and unity toward the great dance

It is this dance of life that two-steps through the trees

With a glorious to-ing and fro-ing above the fallen leaves

The trees with needles of green that remain in place as a testament of strength

Proving that trees are fully committed to natures lasting length

The winter winds will come and those cold winds will blow

Providing majestic movement that is both measured and slow

There is no more rustling of leaves to hear

It is only gusty sounds that the old trees will hold near

A period of reflection at this restorative time of year

That allows for consideration of all things held as dear

Come join the ancient trees as they sway towards rest

While they generously invite all free birds to come create new nests

As they accept and enter into slumber with hope nestled down in their roots

They trust that before spring rises there will be an ending to disputes

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