About Us
Our Vision: To celebrate social innovation, unite community and achieve a more just and sustainable world by inspiring individual, community and local well-being.CreativelyUnited.org is a free, non-profit community solutions sharing hub. Here you can post events, articles, artwork, book and film reviews and share what’s going on in your community. We also feature more than 275 non-profits with an emphasis on environmental and social accountability and offer numerous free resources, including a guide featuring 58 Solutions for Lighter and Healthier Living, plus a popular Climate and the Arts webinar series and a wide variety of other videos. See all our videos on YouTube. Sign up for important updates here.
Connecting Community
We know a lot of people are doing amazing things that more people should know about. For this reason, the Creatively United for the Planet non-profit team has responded to the need for a region-wide values-based, purpose-driven event and resource hub that showcases and celebrates the important work that people are doing to ensure where we live, work, eat, play and study remains beautiful, vibrant, healthy and resilient.
Collaboratively we help foster strategic alliances and provide a positive forum and an integrated network for individuals of all ages, community groups, businesses, institutions and non-profits to connect, learn, share and get their message out to larger audiences year-round.
Our focus is to showcase the synergy that happens when people find common ground and create collaborative solutions for the greater good.
To keep the conversations going and growing, we welcome you to participate by reading, writing, posting, sharing and staying connected.
I’m just so impressed, in fact, I’m blown away by the quality, integrity and greatness of the knowledge and ideas found on your website.
After meeting Frances Litman and discovering the Creatively United for the Planet organization, I knew I had found the perfect fit for Motorize – Your EV Stores next chapter. Good people gravitate toward good causes, and the Earth Day Festival at the Royal BC Museum didn’t disappoint. Frances and her team worked tirelessly for months to ensure maximum publicity for this astounding event, and I was floored with the response. Together, we created a wonderful day for clients, driver, environmentally concerned citizens, and buyers.
My affiliation with Creatively United for the Planet has just begun, and my only regret is that I waited this long to make the connection.
Thanks a million.
Our Team
Jim Bronson
Board Member
Jim Bronson wishes to foster a deeper awareness of our ecosphere so that all future generations will enjoy a healthy planet for a home and the source of all we need to live fulfilling lives.
Jim developed a heartfelt connection with nature as an Outward Bound Instructor, leading students into wilderness. He founded two organizations that specialized in outdoor experiential training programs for corporate and school groups.
Jim and his partner Sandi Goldie have voluntarily-led Drawdown courses for hundreds of students, as well as train-the-trainer courses for Drawdown Trainers and Conveners and offer the Pachamama Alliance course Awakening the Dreamer.
Sandi Goldie
Board Member
When Sandi Goldie first encountered the Pachamama Alliance, she immediately recognized a vision that matched her own: “The vision that informs the Pachamama Alliance’s work is a world that works for everyone: an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, socially just human presence on the planet – a New Dream for humanity.”
As a retired teacher, who re-wired as a Life Coach, Sandi discovered the Drawdown Initiative on a visit to Ashland, Oregon, when the local Pachamama Alliance group was offering their first pilot Introduction to Drawdown. She recognized a path of grounded optimism to tackle climate change, and remake the world into a just, fulfilling and sustainable place and brought Drawdown classes to B.C. in 2018.
Sandi and Jim now live in Eugene, Oregon in the River Song Cohousing Community, where they lead climate solutions groups and are among the founding members of The Third Act Oregon, Eugene Working Group. The Third Act is Bill McKibbon’s organization for Americans over age 60, promoting democracy and environmental justice and supporting youth in working for a viable planetary future.
Jake Jansen
Webmaster, Graphic Designer
Jake is a web and graphic designer and amateur photographer who loves to capture nature in his images.
He designed and maintains the Creatively United website. He also creates the graphics and printed materials for the organization, as well as assists with administrative tasks.
Ella Kim
Social Media Coordinator
Ella is a UBC Honours Sociology and Environment and Society graduate who is soon starting her Masters degree in the Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology (REES) program. Her passions align with environmentalism and social justice, and her recent research interests have been focused on just transitions for workers and communities that will be impacted by green industry shifts.
Ella is also currently a volunteer policy analyst for the BC Council for International Cooperation’s youth-led climate change branch. Through her time as a volunteer, she has worked on a survey regarding the climate change related concerns and opinions of BC youth, and a green jobs database for Canadian youth.
Frances Litman
Creatively United Founder, Communications Coordinator
Frances Litman is an international award-winning photographer, community activator and multi-media producer who is passionate about sharing creative solutions that foster healthy, happy and resilient communities. She has voluntarily coordinated some of North America’s largest zero waste Earth Day festivals and sustainability showcases, and is the creative force behind CreativelyUnited.org and co-founded the Community Trees Matter Network.
Frances’ big picture vision has resulted in her receiving an Honourary Citizen of Victoria Award, a CRD Ecostar Community Award, and Victoria Community Leadership Award.
Jonathan O'Riordan
Board Member
Jon O’Riordan is a Victoria Philharmonic violist and choir member, and the founder of the Gail O’Riordan Climate and the Arts Legacy Series. He obtained an MA degree in Geography from the University of Edinburgh and a PhD from the University of British Columbia.
Jon worked in the public service throughout his career first with the Federal Government and then with the Province of British Columbia. He completed his full time work as Deputy Minister for the Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management. After leaving government, he taught a graduate course in Resource Planning and Public Policy at UBC and has since undertaken research on watershed governance for the Polis Project on Ecological Governance at University of Victoria and on climate change adaptation at Simon Fraser University.
Our Lead Sponsor/Partners

The Gail O'Riordan Climate and the Arts Legacy Fund, supported by The Victoria Foundation, is dedicated to changing human consciousness towards global environmental change by combining science with the creativity of the performing arts.
Creatively United for the Planet Society and Climate and the Arts also gratefully acknowledge the support of the Polis Foundation, Horne Coupar and McAvoy Rule & Co.