In the beginning was the word and the word was of GOD and that word was LOVE. And so LOVE is the You•niverse of harmonious oneness. And the frequency of LOVE creates the sound of LOVE that propagates through the æther; a genderless medium giving rise to the polarity of two genders. A polarity of electromagnetism that includes the sound of light. Æther, being of balanced polarity, acts as light’s medium; for light is an electromagnetic wave that propagates between electric and magnetic fields. And so æther is the harmonious oneness of balanced polarity that facilitates the transmission of light. A message of the medium for source LOVE.
“For your heavenly father is LOVE. For your earthly mother is LOVE. For the son of man is LOVE.” ~ Essene Gospel Of Peace
And so æther is spirit and GOD is LOVE. Connection to æther is connection to spirit is connection to source LOVE, achieved through expanded consciousness and our realization of oneness. Our superconsciousness.
On Mount Olympus, our You•inverse, the GODs breathe æther. Each GOD having gender and teaching spiritual lessons of our soul•ar system. And like the Gods of Olympus, so too do the hue•man Suns of GOD breathe æther here upon our earthly mother. And upon our mother there exists a spirit molecule within the plants, named dimethyltryptamine or DMT. And within the creatures of Earth there exists an æther molecule of endogenous (meaning to originate from within) dimethyltryptamine or E-DMT.
A spiritual practice that involves a practitioner interacting with the spirit world through altered states of consciousness.
DMT (dimethyltryptamine)
Our most powerful psychedelic. Also referred to as the “spirit molecule” or the “GOD molecule”.
Ayahuasca is a hallucinogen commonly made through the prolonged decoction of the leaves of the Psychotria viridis shrub and the stems of the Banisteriopsis caapi vine. Normally DMT would be degraded by a monoamine oxidase (MAO) enzyme in the liver when ingested orally. However, ayahuasca allows the DMT, from the Psychotria viridis shrub, to enter our bloodstream due to an MAO inhibitor (MAOi) contained in the Banisteriopsis caapi vine.
E-DMT (endogenous dimethyltryptamine)
Our pineal gland produces both E-DMT and pinoline. Pinoline is a powerful antioxidant and is short for pineal beta-carboline. Similar to the MAO inhibitors of harmine, harmaline and
tetrahydroharmine, that are present in the Banisteroipsis caapi vine, pinoline is our own endogenous MAO inhibitor.
Spiritual Alchemy
A spiritual health journey that reveals the living dream we call life; our awakening to the reality of oneness. Indeed, our expansion of consciousness from the polaric You•inverse of matter to the ætheric You•niverse of oneness.
Through the production of pinoline and release of E-DMT, gamma brainwaves are produced via Kundalini igniting the alchemical wedding. This brings on superconsciousness. The alchemical wedding occurs when our feminine lunar seed (pituitary gland) releases oxytocin and reciprocally decreases vasopressin, thus stimulating our masculine solar seed (pineal gland) to upgrade
melatonin to DMT and the MAOi of pinoline. Here, our inner world becomes more real than that of our outer world and so too, is the living dream revealed.
A Healthy Psychedelic Mind
Æther is the oneness of balanced polarity, connecting the above and below. And so the æther molecule, of E-DMT, is both of a corporeal and incorporeal nature; i.e. more than a corporeal chemical neurotransmitter altering an avatar’s perception of consciousness (consciousness being the message of the medium named æther). Hence, it is through our connection to nature that we cultivate and release, our molecule of superconsciousness named E-DMT.
And through the cultivation of E-DMT, our most powerful endogenous psychedelic, we connect to our subconscious and unconscious mind; thus facilitating the shadow-work to reveal this shared dream we call life. Here, our health journey and spiritual journey are inseparable due to our ego’s survival strategy, in
polarity, being that of addiction to suffering and victimhood. E-DMT facilitates the shadow-work necessary to end this addiction.
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” ~ Carl Jung
Benefits Of E-DMT
- Facilitation of shadow-work
- Breaking of addiction
- Healing of psychological trauma & disorders
- Balanced discernment
- Heightened concentration
- Neural protection & repair
- Neuroplasticity
- Re-activation of spiritual abilities (interoception, lucid dreaming, astral travel, manifestation, clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance and claircognizance)
The Fire Spirit
A hue•man being is created in the image of GOD. And so in the “below’, that of the polaric You•inverse, a hue•man breathes by using their re•SPIRIT•ory system.
Proper nasal breathing cultivates nitric oxide gas (1 atom nitrogen and 1 atom oxygen) that plays a fundamental role in Kundalini rising and the alchemical wedding. Nitric oxide ionizes our cerebral spinal fluid and as the Kundalini rises she eventually ignites our alchemical wedding. Nitric oxide plays a fundamental role in the alchemical wedding through its increasing of oxytocin and decreasing of vasopressin. Nitric oxide also plays a multifaceted role in the regulation of the enzyme indolethylamine
N-methytransferase (INMT) responsible for converting tryptamine into N,N-Dimethytryptamine (NMDT) and
5-methoxy-N,N-Dimethytryptamine (5-MEO-DMT).
Breathwork can be broadly categorized into passive and active approaches. Both approaches cultivate and release E-DMT.
Passive breathwork cultivates E-DMT by ensuring parasympathetic dominance (rest & digest) of our autonomic nervous system. This is key to the production of the melatonin that is upgraded to E-DMT through the alchemical wedding.
Passive breathwork releases E-DMT through the inducing of theta brainwaves and the hypnagogic state. Theta brainwaves are indicative of a deep meditative state and the hypnagogic state is that place between being awake and being asleep.
Active breathwork includes hyperventilation, breath-holds and yoga bandhas (locks). Hyperventilation cultivates E-DMT by reducing carbon dioxide. Molecularly, CO2 — melatonin = E-DMT. The reduction of CO2 also plays a role in increasing body alkalinity. This too, is necessary for the cultivation of E-DMT. Breath-holds and bandhas can be used to release E-DMT by driving charged cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) up our spine and placing mechanical stress upon our piezoelectric pineal gland. They also stimulate our coccygeal
body, also known as our coccygeal gland, that in turn produces the nitric oxide that ionizes our cerebral spinal fluid.
“(Jacob) dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the Earth, and the top of it reached to Heaven; and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.” ~ Genesis 28:10–19
Chanting during breathwork further increases our cultivation of nitric oxide, the fire spirit, by up to 15x. Both breathwork and chanting are part of the ætheric lifestyle and correspond to the air element and fire element respectively.
Secret Of The Perfect Light
Spiritual alchemy is the science of ascension. As we begin to innerstand that which bridges the within and without, we then begin to reactivate our innate spiritual abilities and to experience Heaven on Earth via a heart of gold.
DNA is our bridge between the within and without; being both corporeal and incorporeal in Nature. GOD is love and it is the frequency of this unconditional love that activates our 12 strand DNA. Through Kundalini and the alchemical wedding, our pineal’s melatonin is upgraded to E-DMT. It then flows into our cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) via our ventricles.
“The Kundalini utilizes that which is termed spinal liquid. It actually ionizes cerebral spinal fluid and changes its molecular structure and consequently the basic DNA structure of the entire body.” ~ Ramtha
There exists a gene that codes for the enzyme indolethylamine N-methyltransferase (INMT). This enzyme is critical to the synthesis of E-DMT and has a high level of activity in the retina, spinal cord and pineal gland. Efficient E-DMT cultivation requires the INMT enzyme to have an environmental pH of around 8.0 and temperature of 25–37 degrees celsius. Also required, are a decalcified pineal and healthy vibrant mitochondria, that are
running the metabolic pathway of oxidative phosphorylation. Both our mitochondria and pineal gland are negatively impacted by toxins such as fluoride, glyphosate, nnEMFs and aluminum.
The INMT enzyme is a dormant gene that is awakened through an epigenetic environment and a specific cosmic signal.
Epigenetic Environment
The ætheric lifestyle.
Specific Cosmic Signal
Sacred secretion practices while our Moon is in one’s Sun sign.
“A secret is not something untold. It’s something which can’t be told.” ~ Terence McKenna
The Ætheric Lifestyle
The ætheric lifestyle is a wholistic lifestyle that focuses on spiritual health through connection to nature. It is this connection to spirit (æther) that enables us to attain optimal vitality (voltage), high biophotonic density, homeostasis, discernment, freedom from addiction and superconsciousness. Through the expansion of our consciousness along our spiritual health journey, comes the reactivation of our innate spiritual abilities. This spiritual alchemy balances the divine masculine and feminine energies within us. And in-so-doing, the creative force of Kundalini rises up our spine to ignite the alchemical wedding. Here, our light-body is activated and duality consciousness is transmuted into that of oneness.
Within the ætheric lifestyle each elemental force has a primary principle with a corresponding chakra energy center. The primary principle and chakra are what determines the corresponding ætheric lifestyle practices.
Note: All 3 of the upper chakras (throat, third eye and crown) correspond to the æther element.
Earth Element
Primary Principle: Form
Chakra: Root
Spiritual Ability: Interoception
Lifestyle Practices:
- Earthing
- Communing With Nature
- A-MMA (Ætheric Mixed Movement Arts)
- Proper Posture
- Salt/Mineral Consumption
- Healthy Boundaries
Water Element
Primary Principle: Womb
Chakra: Sacral
Spiritual Ability: Astral Travel
Lifestyle Practices:
- Proper Hydration
- Circadian Rhythm
- Moon Cycle Adherence
- Shadow-work (dream & active imagination journaling) ● Sound (energy) Healing
- Moon Cycle Adherence (sexual temperance) Fire Element
Primary Principle: Transformation
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Spiritual Ability: Manifestation Lifestyle Practices:
- Sun Exposure
- Sun-gazing
- Fasting
- High Vibrational Diet ● Affirmations
- Singing (chanting)
Air Element
Primary Principle: Movement Chakra: Heart Chakra
Spiritual Ability: Clairsentience
Lifestyle Practices:
- Breathwork
- Open-heartedness
- A-MMA (Ætheric Mixed Movement Arts) ● Exercise
- Stretching
- Dancing
Æther Element (Throat Chakra) Primary Principle: Connection
Chakra: Throat
Spiritual Ability: Clairaudience
Lifestyle Practice:
- Art
Æther Element (Third Eye Chakra) Primary Principle: Connection
Chakra: Third Eye
Spiritual Ability: Clairvoyance
Lifestyle Practice:
- White Tantra
Æther Element (Crown Chakra) Primary Principle: Connection
Chakra: Crown
Spiritual Ability: Claircognizance
Lifestyle Practice:
- Meditation
Yeshua taught that we are each an equal Sun of GOD. And so, in the year of the snake and 9 the divine, the rods and cones, they open pine cones…