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Bob Haverluck and Gennadiy Ivanov are two artists whose powerful visual art portfolios tell compelling stories of how climate change is affecting ecosystems and affecting social transformation. The essence of these artists and their work is captured in this Climate and the Arts webinar.

Bob Haverluck is a Manitoba artist-educator and theologian who works with community groups using the arts, especially comedy to help engage issues of violence against the earth and her creatures. Recently he was appointed as a Trudeau Foundation ‘Mentor’ to aid emerging scholars to better use their work for purposes of social transformation. This is in keeping with Bob’s ongoing work initiating gatherings of activists, artists, scientists and other scholars.

Gennadiy Ivanov is a UK-based artist, born in Belarus who lived his early life in Russia. A MAFA graduate from Norwich University, Gennadiy is an artist who works simultaneously in several directions and styles. His paintings demand both an intellectual and emotional response with their visual grandeur.

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