New Forest Proposal Act

New Forest Proposal Act

On September 14, a kick off event was held in Nanaimo to introduce a New Forest Proposal Act. Thanks to Dave Weaver, Beaufort Watershed Stewards, Jay Van Oostdam of SOFT, Guy Dauncey of Yellow Point Ecological Society, and all the other volunteers for their... Read more
An Open Letter from John Cashore to Premier Horgan

An Open Letter from John Cashore to Premier Horgan

John Cashore spent 15 years as the elected MLA for Coquitlam-Maillardville, serving as Minister of Environment (1991-1993), Aboriginal Affairs (1993-1998), Labour (1997-1998), and as Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier (2000-2001). He introduced the “Zero AOX” pulp pollution regulation requiring pulp mills to completely eliminate their organochlorine discharges and has been a tireless advocate for the environment.

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Welcome to the Koksilah Watershed

The Koksilah Working Group is a group of community volunteers who address concerns about the impacts of land use and climate change on their local water and environment on Vancouver Island, Canada. It was established in 2015 by the Cowichan Station Area Association,... Read more
Fifty Ways to Bring More Urgency to BC’s Climate Action Plans

Fifty Ways to Bring More Urgency to BC’s Climate Action Plans

“We are facing a disaster of unspoken suffering for enormous amounts of people, so please, treat the climate crisis like the acute crisis it is, and give us a future.” – Greta Thunberg For years, Guy Dauncey has tirelessly warned of the urgency of tackling the climate... Read more
Wolves: The Takaya Legacy

Wolves: The Takaya Legacy

Takaya led a remarkable life for a wolf. His adventuresome spirit brought him to an unlikely place. His calm demeanour, fabulous good looks, resilience and intelligence brought him fame. For many years he lived alone on Discovery Island, off Victoria, until he swam... Read more
When Climate Met COVID

When Climate Met COVID

We face not one but three simultaneous inter-connected crises: the COVID-19 Emergency, the Climate and Biodiversity Emergency, and the Crisis of Capitalism. We urgently need connected constructive responses. When you recall the movie When Harry Met Sally, your horny... Read more
Summer Reading – Journey to the Future

Summer Reading – Journey to the Future

If you are wondering about a great summer read, can I gently suggest this for your consideration? I spent over three years years crafting this positive, uplifting vision of a future in which we tackle our many problems successfully and begin to build an ecotopia right... Read more

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