Painfully But Patiently Bearing Witness: The Rewards
I have felt sometimes lately like I am descending into some kind of limbo. So much seems to be going sideways in the world at the same time, yet there doesn’t seem to be anything I can do to slow or halt the decline. For the last three years, all I seem to have been... Read moreThe Transformational Moment: Summer Solstice Dispatch
I wish to offer that two great societal forces seem to be cancelling each other out in terms of moving society forward during this critical moment. The first of these forces are those of hope and gratitude and promise for a better future; and the second those... Read moreSummary Synthesis of Amitav Ghosh’s The Nutmeg’s Curse: Parables for a Planet in Crisis
I am now of the view that the scientifically validated discovery of nonhuman sentience and intelligence in the natural world offers the greatest potential for transformation in natural and cultural interpretation and education since the rise of the ecological movement... Read moreSummary Synthesis of Finding the Mother Tree
I have been struggling since the beginning of the pandemic to find meaning in, and to give value to this transformational moment in the human journey. At last, after many months, I have got as far as an outline, at least, for a personal approach to dealing with the accelerating…
Read moreOn Time and Water
Café Books is very good to me. When they see books in catalogues that they think might interest me, they order them in and then put them aside for me to consider them. One such book is the translation from Icelandic of a new book by Andri Snaer Magnuson entitled On... Read moreThe Climate Vaccine
At present, our planet is doubly afflicted. We have become the most dominant and most dangerous species on Earth. We have only one serious competitor – and that one happens to have been around for more than 2 ½ billion years before the appearance of multi-cellular life and that is the virus and, but for vaccines, it could still win.
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