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We Can’t Afford To Miss The Shift From A Consumer To A Conserver Society

We Can’t Afford To Miss The Shift From A Consumer To A Conserver Society

My recent columns have emphasised that we urgently need a rapid transformation of the major systems that make up society and underpin today’s dominant culture. Not only will this transformation protect the Earth systems we depend upon for our wellbeing, indeed our very survival, it will lead to improved ­wellbeing and quality of life.

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Climate action needs a greater sense of urgency

Climate action needs a greater sense of urgency

On June 12, Bill Blair, federal minister of Emergency Preparedness, said Canada is in the midst of its worst wildfire season in the past 20 years — and it was only mid-June. Then in a June 20 news release, Environment and Climate Change Canada said we can expect “higher-than-normal temperatures [in] most of the country until at least the end of August.”

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Robots Will Have To Pay Taxes

Robots Will Have To Pay Taxes

I don’t know when I first heard the suggestion that robots should pay taxes, but it was some time in the 1970s, and the idea came from Japan. The concept was certainly in the air by the 1980s. Matt Novak, who writes the Paleofuture blog (about “the history of the future”), wrote in 2014 about an article in the March-April 1986 issue of The Futurist magazine.

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