Community Stories

Eating for Tomorrow

Narrated by Oscar-winning A-lister Kate Winslet and featuring Sir Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, Indigenous elders, and leading environmental experts, this film brings ideas to potentially turn the biggest crisis in humanity’s history around.

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A Well-being Society Values All Four Forms of Capital

A Well-being Society Values All Four Forms of Capital

We may be economically better off, but we are not much better off in human and social development terms, and we are eating away at the Earth’s life-support systems on which we ultimately depend. Clearly, we need a new economic system, one based on growing all four forms of capital — natural, human, social and produced (or economic) capital — simultaneously.

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Continual growth is completely unsustainable and heightens inequality

Continual growth is completely unsustainable and heightens inequality

Last week I discussed some of the problems that result from our focus on the economy rather than on ecologically sustainable human and social development. This week, I turn to a more in-depth exploration of the impacts of continual economic growth, and in particular the way in which growth, if unchecked, will dramatically increase inequality.

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We need to get over our obsession with the economy

We need to get over our obsession with the economy

I recently came across an eloquent and powerful passage by Carl Sagan, the famed cosmologist, written in response to an image of Earth taken by Voyager 1 in 1990, from beyond the planet Neptune. The Earth was just a pale blue dot, which inspired the title of his 1994 book from which the following passage is quoted. Sagan wrote: “You see a dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us…

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