Once a year, we put out an appeal for financial support – by Becoming a Member – here! https://yellowpointecologicalsociety.ca/join-us/

Some of our initiatives cost us nothing, but we have costs to keep our various technologies going, and some of our new projects will have financial costs.

We just had our AGM, so you can read our 2020 President’s Report on all that we got up to last year: https://yellowpointecologicalsociety.ca/2021/02/01/2020-presidents-report/

This year:

  • We will be completing and publishing our Yellow Point and Cedar Landowner’s Handbook
  • We will be running a Community-Wide BioBlitz on May 1, 2 & 3, including local schools.
  • We will be continuing our efforts to create the Yellow Point Trail
  • We are working with a student from VIU to do a local Wetlands Mapping Project
  • We will be working with the CVRD to develop language and ideas to protect forests and wetlands in the new OCP
  • We will be hosting a Community Circle to develop inputs for the new OCP
  • We will be writing a regular column in Take 5 Magazine
  • We will continue to offer presentations, on Zoom until this wretched Covid thing is over
  • And there will doubtless be more, since we have a pretty creative group.

If you are able to support us by becoming a member, you can choose any level you like. Just click here: https://yellowpointecologicalsociety.ca/join-us/

If you are already a member – many thanks! Your annual membership renewal is due now.

And many thanks to all who have become members or renewed their membership over the past 2 weeks.

with best wishes from all of us in the Yellow Point Ecological Society


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