Last week, Indigenous youth land defenders Braided Warriors were violently assaulted and removed while holding a peaceful sit-in and engaging in ceremony at the offices of Trans Mountain’s insurers. [1]

They were demanding these insurance giants stop backing the climate-destroying, Indigenous rights trampling pipeline. 

Immediately after, Trans Mountain filed a request asking the Canada Energy Regulator (CER) to keep the identity of its insurers a secret, to try to protect insurers from public opposition and grassroots pressure. [2]

It’s a sign that public pressure on TMX’s insurers is working. We can’t stop now — let’s keep the momentum going. 

If thousands of us sign an open letter to TMX’s remaining insurers now, we can show them their continued association with TMX risks massive damage to their brand -once the world sees their complicity in climate destruction and the violation of Indigenous rights. It could help convince them to drop TMX for good.

Will you sign the open letter calling on all remaining insurers of the TMX pipeline to cancel their insurance contracts with TMX now? 

Canada has repeatedly targeted Indigenous land defenders to protect a pipeline that the federal government owns. [3] This same story has played out throughout Canada’s colonialist history: the government punishes land defenders and protects the economic interests of the state. [4]

In the wake of last summer’s Black Lives Matter protests, political and corporate leaders were quick to condemn anti-Black and Indigenous racism. 

Trans Mountain’s insurers are no different: nearly every one of them made a public statement condemning racial injustice and vowing to do better. [5-8]

If thousands of us pile on the pressure by signing this open letter, we can shine a spotlight on Trans Mountain’s violation of Indigenous rights – and show TMX’s remaining insurers that they’re risking their public image by insuring a project complicit in colonial, racial oppression.

Will you sign the open letter now?  For every 500 signatures, we’ll email and tweet the updated signature count to every insurer. 

For years, the Leadnow community has stood with Indigenous land defenders to stop TMX.

Now, with the world waking up to systemic anti-Indigenous oppression — it’s all the more important for us to stand behind our Indigenous allies.

Trans Mountain cited increased costs for its operations because of “dwindling insurance options”. [9] It means our strategy to target insurers and destroy the economic case for this climate-killing pipeline that violates Indigenous rights is working. 

We can’t stop now, Guy. Will you join me in calling on Trans Mountain’s remaining insurers to drop the dirty tar sands project now? 

In solidarity,

Cherry and Maggie for Leadnow

P.S. Braided Warriors have been leading active frontline resistance to Trans Mountain over the last few days, and the situation is fast evolving. To stay up to date on Braided Warriors, follow them on InstagramFacebook, and Twitter and donate here to support their continued efforts. 


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