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All Month

CRD Parks hikes, explorations and events for all ages.

Change the World on Shaw TV, with Guy Dauncey. Interviews with local people who have big bold ideas and positive solutions for the future. Shaw TV Channel 4.


Affinite Wealth Group

Victoria Cycling Adventures

Victoria Outdoor and Social Club

Victoria Club Tread

Victoria Nature Explorations

Victoria Nature Walks

Victoria Outdoor Club

Victoria Sea Kayakers

Vegan Victoria

West Shore Cycling

MEC Victoria Road-Ride Cycling

Greater Victoria Green Team

Net Squared Victoria

Cowichan Valley Outdoor Club

Cowichan Valley Walking/Hiking Group


Every Week

Every day, 10 am – 5 pm Clothing for Conservation Fundraiser with Habitat Acquisition Trust: visit Hemp & Company, 1312 Government St. $10 from every purchase of the featured Celebration Top goes to HAT. Makes a great gift!

Every day, 9 am-4:30 pm The forest is always ‘green’ here in Goldstream. With over 8 km of hiking trails you will be sure to find one of our unique trees, from Western Red Cedar, Black Cottonwood, Red Alder to Douglas Fir, Garry Oak and Arbutus. Stop in at the Goldstream Nature House for up to date trail information. 250-478-9414 or goldstream@naturehouse.ca

Every Day (except Monday) Victoria Public Market, Hudson’s Bay, Douglas St. Maryanne Carmack, marycarmack@victoriapublicmarket.com 250 884 8552 www.victoriapublicmarket.com

Every Monday, 4-6:30 pm, Free Family Cooking Classes *pre-registration required* – Cowichan Green Community – 360 Duncan Street, Duncan, BC – Jennifer Dorby #250.748.8506 or by email jennifer@cowichangreencommunity.org https://cgcf.ca/projects/chow-cooking-classes/

Every Monday, 10 am -12 pm, Brodick/Bow Parks (Saanich) Invasive Species removal. Volunteers needed. Training, gloves, and tools provided. No dogs. Judy 250-472-0515

Every Monday, 4-6:30 pm, Cowichan Green Community Chow Down Family Cooking Classes. Free. Visit https://cgcf.ca/projects/chow-cooking-classes/ for more details. Registration is necessary by emailing or calling Jennifer: jennifer@cowichangreencommunity.org/ 250-748-8506

Every Tuesday, 9 am, Tuesday Morning Birding. Meet foot of Bowker Ave, waterfront off Beach Drive in Oak Bay. Bill Dancer 250-721-5273. Novice and experienced birders all welcome.

Every Wednesday, 11-6 pm, Haliburton Food Box Program. Receive a luscious weekly box of certified organic seasonal produce from the farmers who grow the food. 741 Haliburton Rd (off the Pat Bay Highway), Victoria www.haliburtonfarm.org

Every Wednesday and Sunday, 9 am Bird Walks with naturalists, Swan Lake Nature Sanctuary, 3873 Swan Lake Rd. Margaret Lidkea 479-0211

Every Wednesday, 7:30-9 pm, Inspirational Explorations featuring a variety of speakers each week at the Church of Truth – Community for Conscious Living, 111 Superior Street;  Everyone welcome to drop in.  By Donation   http://cotvictoria.ca/oneness/

Every Thursday, 1-7 pm, Food Garden Volunteers needed, throughout the summer of 2018. Gain skills in horticulture, permaculture, irrigation and outreach in Banfield Commons and Orchard. 521 Craigflower Road, south of the Vic West Community Association. foodgardens@victoriawest.ca https://vicwestfoodsecurity.org/

Every Thursday and Saturday, Volunteer events at Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary. Charlotte Houston restoration@swanlake.bc.ca.

Every Saturdat, 10 am -12 pm Moss Street Market for homegrown produce, homemade food, baking and handicrafts, music, kids activities. Thurlow St, Fairfield. www.MossStreetMarket.com

Every Saturday, 8 am, Morning Birding. See http://www.vicnhs.bc.ca/calendar.html for each week’s location. VNHS. Novice and experienced birders all welcome.

Every Saturday, 9-12 pm, Beacon Hill Park Ivy Pull. Volunteers welcome. Cornelia 250-920-3556

Every Sunday, 1-3 pm, No Ivy League. Join the Friends of Uplands Park to remove English ivy, and help restore the endangered Garry Oak Ecosystem, and protect 24 rare plants. Tools, gloves and the Best Practices instruction provided. Meet at Cattle Point, near the kiosks.

Biweekly. OUR ECOVILLAGE Educational Tours. 10-12:30 pm, with option to stay on for lunch in OUR Zero Mile Meal Eatery. Learn all legal and regulatory work for permaculture, natural building, and sustainable community design while delving into the back of systems and inside cob/strawbale/solar/alt systems. Scheduled volunteer days also avail. info@ourecovillage.org   250-743-3067  www.ourecovillage.org

Biweekly. Garry Oak Ecosystem Restoration at Fort Rodd Hill. Help us win the battle against invasive species and assist in our meadow project at Fort Rodd Hill National Historic Site. Scheduled volunteer days. frh.volunteer@pc.gc.ca  250-812-8133  http://www.pc.gc.ca/eng/lhn-nhs/bc/fortroddhill/activ/activ2.aspx

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