Leadnow is launching a housing campaign to push politicians for solutions that put people, not profits, first. Your neighbours are getting together to help shape this campaign – will you join them?

Right now, Leadnow supporters across the country are organizing conversations about solutions to the housing crisis, to build a shared vision for our national campaign – and there’s an event happening near you this weekend!

Will you help shape our housing platform by joining a Community Conversation to Tackle the Housing Crisis? Here are the details:

What: A conversation in your community about housing challenges and solutions
When: Saturday, August 24th, from 1-3pm
Where: Vancouver Island Regional Library – Sooke Branch, 6671 Wadams Way, Sooke, BC

Will you join a Housing Community Conversation near you?

With hope,
Rivka and Peter, for Leadnow

Here’s our original email with more information:

Imagine having to spend 100% of your income on rent. This is the shocking reality for some Canadians.

Private investors are exploiting market conditions to increase rents and drive up land costs, leading to skyrocketing housing prices that none of us can afford. Everyone deserves a good place to call home — that’s safe, affordable, and fits their needs, but we are far from that reality right now.

As a first step to that reality, Leadnow is building a community-led housing platform – a way for us to come together to find the solutions we’ll fight for together as part of Leadnow’s national housing campaign.

Here’s how we’ll do it: Leadnow supporters will attend Community Conversations across the country. We’ll gather with our neighbours, share our housing experiences, and crucially – shape Leadnow’s housing platform and look for solutions to the housing crisis we all collectively face.

We already have events all across the country — will you join us at a local conversation to help shape housing solutions that put people, not profit, first?

If there’s no event in your area, please consider hosting one in your neighbourhood! Just click the “HOST YOUR OWN EVENT” button at the bottom of this page.

If you’ve never hosted an event with Leadnow before, we make it as easy as possible! There’s no experience required to host a community conversation, and you don’t need to be an expert on housing policy. Everything you need to know — from how to prepare to what materials you need — is laid out in our toolkit here. If you sign up to host, we’ll help you every step of the way,including recruiting other Leadnow supporters in your community to attend.

Over the past thirty years, our governments have abandoned responsibility for housing to the private sector. While millions of us struggle to find a good home, investors are reaping profits from the housing crisis. This is unacceptable.

Relying on wealthy real estate investors and speculators to provide housing got us into this mess. Why do we expect it will fix it?

Together, we will form a shared vision for what solutions will make life better, housing more affordable and our communities stronger. Then this fall, we’ll take our vision to politicians’ doorsteps and demand housing solutions that put people, not profits first.

Frances, your communities, your neighbours, should decide how we find our way out of the housing crisis. But it will only work if you join us. Will you join a community conversation near you in the coming weeks?

In common cause,
Ellen and Peter for Leadnow

PS.If there’s no event near you, click the “HOST YOUR OWN EVENT” button to set one up in your neighbourhood!

CBC, This woman spends 100% of her income on rent

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