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Division 28 at Willows Elementary School has been excited to learn about the kindness of trees. Earlier this year, we reflected on how we feel after playing amongst the trees and wondered how we could help others who cannot experience the first-hand benefits of trees. We considered people we know living in care homes and hospitals and decided to launch a tree photography project to bring the joy of trees into the lives of others. We learned how to take great pictures of trees from students in an Oak Bay High School Photography class and invited other primary classes at École Willows School to join our mission.  With even more people isolated and quarantined in homes, this need is now greater than ever and we would like to invite YOU to help us connect our community to the kindness of trees! Check out our website:

We thank you for your support!

Sally Hallam is a Kindergarten teacher at Willows Elementary School. Her mission is to spread kindness while deepening the connections and appreciation young learners have for trees in hopes that we all learn to do a better job of taking care of our natural world

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