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Ann Mortifee is an inspirational leader in both the environment and the arts. She is Canada’s National Performing Treasure, a recipient of the Order of Canada, beloved by thousands for her penetrating wisdom and humanity. She is an accomplished performer, singer, composer of songs, music for ballets, musical theater, an opera, writer of poetry and books, and global workshop leader.

Ann has the heart of a lioness in preserving Nature. She is a founder and longtime Chair of the Trust for Sustainable Forestry, an organization focused on inspiring landowners, through her own example, to manage their forest lands according to the principles of ecoforestry.

Ann hopes to inspire governments everywhere to apply these principles to forests on public lands – to stop the devastation of clear-cut logging. She is also the founder of Everwoods, a successful sustainable forestry community on Cortes Island, two ferry rides away from Vancouver Island.

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