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Thank you to everyone who attended the online and live All Candidates Debate for the Esquimalt-Colwood riding (includes Vic West and View Royal) co-sponsored this past Wednesday evening at Esquimalt United Church, 500 Admirals Rd., by Creatively United for the Planet, Climate and the Arts, the Citizens Environmental Network in Colwood (CENiC), Esquimalt Climate Organizers (ECO), Esquimalt United Church Justice Team, Gorge Waterway Action Society and the South Island Climate Action Network (SICAN).

This graphic also shows the YES/NO or ABSTAINED “answers” given to a number of important questions raised during the debate by both candidates present.

The Conservative candidate declined the opportunity to attend or to provide written answers to the questions provided in advance. A member of our organizing team provided information from the Conservative’s website in relationship to the questions in an effort to provide fair representation for all.

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