Guide to a Strong Election Climate Plan, for your websites
From Environmental Defence: Let candidates know that if they want your vote, they need to be serious about climate action. We’ve created a guide of key policies to watch for when you’re reading party platforms and talking to your local candidates. What makes a strong climate plan? – False Solutions – Five Questions to ask your candidates.

Climate Emergency Questions for Federal Election Candidates
From Seth Klein, at The Climate Emergency Unit: We encourage you to send these questions to the candidates in your riding via email. Start with a quick introduction of yourself and why you care about this issue. You can share what you heard from them with your community and, if you’d like, with the team at the Climate Emergency Unit. You can also use these questions for local candidates debates or as a basis for a letter to the editor.  Here  https://www.climateemergencyunit.c

Suzuki, Atwood, Ondaatje, Lewis Call for Emergency Leaders Debate on Climate
From The Tyee: Their joint letter to head of debate commission cites ‘a mass and urgent existential threat.’ David Johnston, head of the Leaders Debate Commission, has been asked to hold a special Climate Emergency Leadership Debate as part of the 2021 federal election.

Election 2021: How the four main federal parties plan to fight climate crisis
From the National Observer: Here is where the Liberals, Conservatives, NDP, and Green Party stand on climate action.
GreenPAC is seeking people to host climate debates
From GreenPAC: Join a nation-wide network of environmental change-makers. If you organize a debate, GreenPAC will give you all the tools you need to make it easy. 100Debates on the Environment.

Pledge to Vote for the Environment
From the David Suzuki Foundation: Every election is important. But this year it’s critical to choose a government that will ensure pandemic recovery sets Canada on a path to a sustainable, resilient and equitable future. After signing the pledge, we’ll make navigating this election easy! We’ll send you information on how, when and where to vote, where parties stand on key environmental issues and opportunities to get involved.

Please sign: Tell candidates you’re voting for a safe, equitable, sustainable future
From the David Suzuki Foundation: Sign-on letter to Justin Trudeau, Erin O’Toole, Jagmeet Singh, Annamie Paul and Yves-François Blanchet, including:

  • Stop expanding and subsidizing fossil fuels and nuclear energy, and reduce Canada’s carbon emissions by 60% by 2030 to do our fair share globally;

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