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Some of the last magnificent ancient forests on southern Vancouver Island need your help.

The Elders for Ancient Trees are engaged in a tough legal battle with the logging industry to save the embattled forests around Fairy Creek.

In a few weeks, our lawyers Diane Turner and Steve Kelliher will challenge the injunction that allows logging company Teal Cedar to clearcut these irreplaceable old growth trees, slowed only by our forest defenders camped in the hills in the area.

Some people sleep in tents on cold fall nights and peacefully protest this destructive logging by day, rain or shine. Others travel to Fairy Creek to bring food and supplies to support them.

Thousands of other supporters are unable to make the trip to Fairy Creek, but they can join our struggle by donating to our legal fund. Please contribute through e-transfer to or by cheque to Forest First Express Society, mailed to FFES, #2 – 730 Sea Terrace, Victoria BC V9A 3R6. All donations gratefully accepted.

Take note of this insightful comment: “The protesters are moral and ethical citizens endeavoring to ward off impending destruction of a rare and irreplaceable ecosystem in the context of an existential environmental and climatological crisis.” These are the words of Justice Douglas Thompson in his BC Supreme Court ruling on Sept. 28 denying Teal Cedar an injunction renewal.

We couldn’t agree more. Unfortunately, Justice Thompson’s ruling may be struck down in the BC Court of Appeal on Nov. 15.

The Elders and the forest defenders feel we can’t afford to lose this appeal and the invaluable role our ancient forests play in lessening the impact of climate change.

We thank you in advance for your help (regretfully, we are unable to issue tax receipts as we are not a registered charity).

Sid Tafler is a journalist and media relations adviser.

He has written many articles on the forest industry, old growth forests and government action or inaction on these issues.

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