The Highlands District Community Association (HDCA) is asking for public support requesting MLA’s (the Premier’s) support in stopping the OK Industries (OKI) strip mine, and in changing the Province’s Mines Act so this won’t happen again – here or anywhere in BC.

Our community’s opposition to the strip mine has been steady for the past three years. It’s been a long and arduous journey and MORE HELP IS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN MOMENTUM. This Update summarizes the history, why a rock quarry in the Highlands is so objectionable, where things stand now, and ways you can help.


Why are Highlanders strongly objecting to this strip mine?

The host of reasons Highlanders have opposed this project include the risk of contaminating  our groundwater aquifer; up to two decades of blasting, noise, dust, and heavy vehicle traffic; the negative impact on house prices and quality of life within a 5 km radius of the mine; the potential of contaminating upper Millstream Creek just as it is being readied to accept salmon and cut throat trout; the disturbance of a natural wildlife corridor connecting Thetis Lake Park; and the irreversible impact on climate change.  Even if we allow for an ongoing need for the asphalt that OKI produces, there is simply no shortage of rock in southern Vancouver Island and far less invasive places to conduct this activity. Would this be permitted in Sooke watershed?


What’s the latest?

One year ago today, March 18th 2020, the BC Ministry of Mines issued a Mine Permit authorizing OKI to proceed with laying waste to the land.  This decision triggered a host of activities too numerous to cover in a short email. Find out more at the HDCA’s Public Forum following its AGM on April 14th – see details below.


If the mine has been approved, what’s the point in carrying on?

All is not lost. Viable avenues for success politically and in the courts and court of public opinion remain. Your HDCA and the District, as well as a Highlands residents “Not OK” group, continue to put up an important and spirited fight. The Not OK group needs more help (more below).


What’s happening in the courts?

The HDCA has launched three court actions, the most recent involving an appeal to the BC Court of Appeal. The District of the Highlands has also launched an appeal to the BC Court of Appeal on a separate matter related to the Mine Permit. More background and details will be available at the upcoming Public Forum.


What role is the media playing?

The media rightly portrays this as a David versus Goliath fight. David, in this case, are the residents of a small municipality taking on the Goliath of heavy industry and the Provincial Government in an effort to overturn a decision to impose a rock mine where it’s not wanted, and to change the legislation that allowed it in the first place. We expect that as the media grasps the extent to which current Mines Legislation disempowers residents from being able to influence the kinds of heavy industrial activity permitted in municipalities, the pressure on the Government to bring the Mines Act into the 22nd Century can only increase.


What is the Not OK residents group doing?

This small group of residents is doing its utmost to call attention to the unfairness of the Mines Act and the utter destruction being wrought by OKI. They are engaged in legal roadside protests and are very encouraged by the number of drivers honking and waving. They have launched letter writing and phone call campaigns. They are looking for support by more Highlanders to show that widespread community opposition continues. They have prepared a list of Qs and As and a sample letter to send to politicians (both attached). These actions are focused on putting pressure on the Provincial Government to halt the mine and make changes to the antiquated Mines Act. For more information and to join or lend support to this group check out the Not OK Strip Mine Facebook page or contact


What’s next?

Public Forum:  The HDCA will be hosting a public forum following its AGM on April 14th, to recap the backstory and the reasons to continue the fight, outline the myriad of options still open, generate new ideas, and foster the community commitment required to see this through.  We will offer a menu of actions individuals can choose from that best fit the time, commitment, resources and energy you can spare.


How can I join the Public Forum?

Please use this Zoom link at 7 PM on April 14th.

Meeting ID: 871 4918 2464

Passcode: 162837


What can I do in the meantime?


  • Renew your HDCA membership – Membership numbers matter to the Courts!

o   You can do this by mailing $5.00 to the HDCA at 1980 Millstream Rd, Victoria, BC V9B 6H1.  Please provide your name, street and email address.

  • Check out our Facebook sites:

o   HDCA

o   Not OK Strip Mine

  • Volunteer with Not OK who need:

o   People to join them on the picket line

o   Social media managers

o   Recruiters

o   Researchers

o   Coalition builders

o   Phone/email/letter writing campaign manager

o   A contact person for all email inquiries, manager of the email account

o   Event coordinators for Zoom meetings/ice cream social/coffee morning/marches and rallies



Thank you for noting the inherent injustice of the BC Mines Ministry decision and taking the time to read this update. We are encouraging all Highlanders to continue to band together on this issue, demonstrating the indefatigable spirit of our community even when it means confronting a “Goliath.”  We have a unique opportunity to make history by turning this story in our community’s favour, while empowering all BC communities to have the right to “Say NO” to similar proposals in their jurisdictions.

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