We are living into a very important moment in history. So much work needs to be done and now is the time! The structures of society as we know it are shaking. Business as usual is less of an option. Now is the time to reinvent ourselves. Now is the time to be brave and to show up for a future where everyone can thrive, including the ecosystems we depend on.
Still grieving what was and trying to find our bearings in the midst of uncertainty, we are now facing 2 options: buckling up and rising higher than before or clinging and whining for the return of what we knew and was comfortable, yet broken?
Yes, a lot of work needs to be done to break the systemic injustice and destruction upon which our society is build.
Instead of seeing it as work, the invitation is to see it as radical imagination. Radical dreaming and envisioning. Radical love and empowerment. Let’s see it as doing the work that will allow us to thrive in relation to ourselves, each other and the Earth. Let’s see it as making the decision to honour the sacredness of life within everyone and everything. Choosing to welcome ourselves home to the gifts only us can offer the world and to welcome everyone else as gifted and invaluable. Choosing to be in this together, to reinvent the way we do life together, to reinvent the world and structures we share.
We can create a world that is for all of us, not just a select few, and we can create a world that accounts for the generations to come and the ecosystems we depend on. We are gifted an opportunity to be better stewards than we have been in recent history.
More than ever, vision is needed if we want to change the course of things. We need vision, but also dedication. We need to be whole-hearted visionaries with warriors’ dedication. We need each other to stay on path, to bring into fruition our bold visions, to mirror each other’s greatness and weakness, to express our sorrow as we are struggling to stay brave, to hold each other as we are walking side by side on a path we never walked before, on a path we are building moment by moment.
There is work to be done and the work needs to be done now. It starts by looking at our relations with ourselves, each other and the Earth. It starts by being honest with ourselves about the state of these relations. It starts by accepting to feel vulnerable in the face of what needs to change. It starts by celebrating what already works and what needs to be nurtured.
It starts with a choice: showing up. In small brave ways everyday. What’s brave for one won’t be the same for someone else. Bravery comes in all size. What makes it brave is that one chooses to show up in a way that pushes them forward even if in the tiniest way.
Show Up.
Be brave.
Stretch out of your comfort zone and see it growing in front of your eyes.
Choose vibrancy and aliveness.
Choose Life!
A life bigger than yours or mine. Life with capital L.
If not for Life, what for?
Mia expresses herself through words and images and sees the work to be done as one of re-connection to oneself, each other and the Earth.