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Parks Canada is doing a mass kill of all the fallow deer on Sidney Island. The native black-tailed deer will also be completely exterminated in the process.

When: Phase 1, November 25 – approximately December 15
How: Shooting by helicopters. Using dogs to round up deer and shooting them.
Cost to Taxpayers: $6,000,000 ($6 million)
Stated Purpose: To allow vegetation/ecosystem to regenerate
Peaceful Demonstration: Friday, Nov. 3 1:00 pm
Beacon Park * SIDNEY

Population of Fallow deer: According to Wildlife Biologist, Emeritus Professor David Bird, the population has been well controlled through organized hunting and a UBC study indicates that the island vegetation/ecosystem is recovering. Parks Canada’s estimates of the deer population are not based on a scientific count, which is a fundamental principle
of wildlife management.

GOALS: Stop the inhumane, unscientific and costly deer eradication on Sidney Island.
• At least postpone this action to have a scientific count of the deer & vegetation recovery.
• Review alternatives like Oak Bay’s successful contraception program.
• Ask for a response from Member of Parliament, Elizabeth May, who, to our knowledge, has made no public statement on this costly and controversial matter.

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