Thanks to Mary Wagner and citizen support, Langford Council supported Wagner’s five part motion based on the Urban Forest Management Plan to help preserve and protect more of Langford’s urban canopy. Staff had a recommendation for part 1 and 2, and points 3, 4, and 5 passed unanimously:
1. Approve the City of Langford’s Urban Forest Management Plan as presented; and
2. Approve the hiring of a permanent, full-time City Arborist; and
3. Direct staff to explore opportunities to implement Quick Start Action 2A of the Urban Forest Management Plan, to strengthen the Development Permit Area Guidelines to improve urban forest outcomes in new development, and report back to Council; and
4. Direct staff to bring forward a new strategic plan initiative to conduct a fulsome review of the Development Permit Area Guidelines for designated Environmental Protection Areas and Hazard Areas for Council discussion as part of the Strategic Plan annual review; and
5. Direct staff to explore options for tree replacement measures and other compensation strategies for loss of tree canopy during development