Take The Pledge Today!

By taking the Lighter Living Pledge and sharing with us what you are doing or intend to do, you can help others see what’s possible.

Each step we take, regardless of how small it might be, is a step in the right direction. Anything is possible. Together we can build community and feel encouraged by the positive steps we are all taking.

We will begin sharing community stories, ideas, and adding tips as we receive them.

Take Action! You will be automatically entered into a prize draw from Creatively United.* Winners will be notified by email.

*Your contact information will remain confidential and is never shared.

Lighter Living Pledge

I pledge to do what I can to lower my carbon footprint and help mitigate climate change.

New Field

5 + 8 =

See Who Has Taken The Pledge

“Installed new windows, growing my own organic vegetables, planting trees, driving a hybrid, walking instead of driving, only run the gas furnace in the early morning and evening in the fall and winter, reduce, reuse, recycle.”

– Margo R.

“I have bought an electric bike and electric car, replaced a gas stove with an induction electric, changed my diet to mostly vegetarian, spoken up at North and West Vancouver City Council meetings for declaring a climate emergency and helped launch Drawdown classes in BC and the bcdrawdown.org website.”

– Sandi

“We have heated our house with an above ground heat pump for about 8 years now. We opted to have no electric or gas backup, just the fireplace (which we haven’t used for several years).

We leased an electric car (Nissan Leaf) last July & have plugged it in to the house power only since then (we have 110). Works fine for city driving! Goal this year – to travel a bit farther afield.

In Feb. 2020, we had installed 14 solar panels which feed into the grid – and is expandable in the future.

I try to shop locally, only once a week (especially now!), use a zero waste approach, and recycle when necessary.

Grow some vegetables and fruit at home.”

– Ann S.

“We drive a hybrid car, support environmental groups, use recyclable bags, and never use plastic bottles.”

– Kit & Katherine

“I shop local, work from home, use beeswax wraps  and do my own cooking.”

– Sara N.

“I planted a small forest, have solar water panels, grow own vegetables and drive a hybrid car. I have also stopped buying oil to heat my house.”

– Ann B.

“I live in an 800 sq ft house, with 200 gal of rain water catchment (non-potable.) I heat primarily with wood, electric back up. I have extensive gardens, eating all year, filling my big freezer, and giving lots of food away. I am part of 2 more community gardens, where I help others, especially around composting. I ride an electric bike, and dont own a car. Im 70 years, old and live 4 miles from town.”

– Susan H.

“Gradually reducing my energy consumption via:

  • Using lower wattage light bulbs and less of them
  • Manually cutting my meadow lawn using a scythe or push driven rotary blade mower
  • Looking for biomechanical devices to replace electric or gas driven devices.”

– Brad F.

“I have stopped using plastic bags and became a minimalist”

– Surya

“Replaced our oil furnace with a heat pump.”

– Joanie & Kim H.

“I grow my own food greens, focus on plant-based eating, reduce plastic and car usage, and shop local.”

– Mary C.

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