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Thank you to everyone who came out in support of Creatively United’s Sixth Annual Earth Day Community Celebration & Sustainability Showcase.
The crowds were steady, the displays interesting and meaningful, the art and music beautiful and plentiful, and the lectures, panels and workshops engaging.

We made history with Vancouver Island’s largest electric vehicle showcase thanks to Emotive, the Victoria EV Club, Tesla Tours, Silke Sommerfeld and Rolf Oetter, Wayne Foster, Buddy Boyd, Barb Hetherington, Miles Craig and the dedicated team of Motorize – Your EV Store, who took on the huge task of organizing, driving and setting up more than 20 electric vehicles, a motorbike and electric bikes from their lot in Sidney to Victoria.

The feedback has been incredibly positive.

It takes a community to put an event on like this and the list of people to thank is endless. Our gratitude is boundless.
A big shout out to our sponsors, partners, participants and hard-working volunteer team for their big hearts, generosity and helping hands.

There is a gallery of photos on our website and we’ll be posting videos in the near future. Stay tuned!

PS… If you missed seeing the creative upcycled artwork of Saltspring Island artist Jaime Murdoch, you can view it at the Robert Bateman Centre, 470 Belleville St. This display, in partnership with Creatively United, continues until April 30th.

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