On September 14, a kick off event was held in Nanaimo to introduce a New Forest Proposal Act. Thanks to Dave Weaver, Beaufort Watershed Stewards, Jay Van Oostdam of SOFT, Guy Dauncey of Yellow Point Ecological Society, and all the other volunteers for their contributions.
The speakers did a fantastic job and the New Forest Act Proposal was well received.  People in the audience had thoughtful questions and feedback. There were a number of politicians in attendance who not only listened attentively, but also made suggestions for how to make policy change via grassroots political pressure.

The Power of Forests

Briefing Note Protecting Communities and Nature with a New BC Forest Act

New Forest Act Proposal


3 Key Priorities of the New Forest Act

  • The first and overarching priority is to enshrine in law that all forestry decisions are based on ecosystem and conservation science rather than timber supply considerations.  This is an umbrella priority that applies to everything else that comes after it.
  • The second priority is a re-centering of forestry decision-making that allows the public and Indigenous Peoples to participate.
  • The third is that the government eliminates monopolies and, instead incentivizes and supports small-to-medium businesses doing local forestry, conservation, and restoration work that is founded in nature-directed stewardship.

Learn more here: https://yellowpointecologicalsociety.ca/2024/08/31/protecting-communities-and-nature-with-a-new-forest-act/

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