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Two opportunities to help nature are coming up soon.

You may not be aware that in BC, there is less than 1% of the biggest old-growth trees left.

Keeping these forests standing is among our best tools for mitigating climate change.
Yet government and industry still plan to eradicate all old-growth outside of parks.
The BC government is still auctioning off cut-blocks of old growth.

There are many species that can only live in old-growth forests. Some of these species include fungi that have powerful medicinal uses.

Please help stand up for these incredible, irreplaceable ecosystems.

(If you want more information, I can forward you several great articles about the situation in BC.
I can also forward you petitions asking the government to stop cutting old-growth, or you can find them at the websites of organizations like Sierra Club of BC, Ancient Forest Alliance, Wilderness Committee, and

This Friday there is a protest at noon, at Centennial Square in Victoria.
Please wear a mask and practice social distancing. Bring a sign or banner.
It is part of Forest March BC, which will include protests, banner drops, etc. in towns small and large all over the province.

Next week, Teal Jones’ application will be heard for an injunction against the activists who have been blockading Fairy Creek, near Port Renfrew.

Please consider attending one of the following vigils in Victoria:

Fairy Creek Blockade Vigil

Locations: March 22-24 (Mon-Wed) East side of the BC Legislature, Government St between Belleville and Superior Streets, Victoria
March 25-26 (Thu+Fri) BC Provincial Courthouse on the Blanshard St side, 850 Burdett St, Victoria

Dates and times:
Mon March 22, 2021 Noon-2 pm (BC Leg)
Tues March 23, 2021 Noon-2 pm (BC Leg)
Wed March 24, 2021 Noon-2 pm (BC Leg)
Thurs Mar 25, 2021 11-2 pm (BC prov court)
Fri March 26, 2021 11-2l pm (BC prov court)

Event Description: Old growth forest ecosystems are almost extinct. BC forestry practices are and have been abysmal for decades. Nothing is more egregious than the current logging of the very last stands (less than 1%) of old growth left on Vancouver Island. The NDP won’t even implement their own forestry report that calls for a moratorium on old growth logging

Right now a courageous group of grassroots forest defenders, known as the Fairy Creek Blockade, are camping at several locations to protect these last stands from clear cutting. The Fairy Creek Blockade has been going on for 7 months and now there is an injunction to be heard in BC Provincial Court on March 25th and 26 to use the weight of the state to stop the blockade.

Let’s offer each other stories, art, prayer, drumming, sharing, etc. as we show our elected officials they must act and we are watching. Please bring signs, noisemakers, drums, costumes, or just your sweet selves. We will supply “stumpwear” as pictured above.

Please share with anyone who might be interested!

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