James Bay United Church is part of: Reconciling with Indigenous Peoples and the Land, an interfaith steering group formed to facilitate further steps in the work of reconciliation.


Letter Writing Campaign: Voice Your Concerns!

Explore our sample letter addressing the proposed highway development and join us in advocating for thoughtful community planning.

Did You Know?

The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is proposing to widen the highway inside the boundaries of Goldstream Park to continue installing a median barrier. Part of their plan is to
blast rock walls, cut 700+ trees shading Goldstream River, build a retaining wall that intrudes into the river’s bank and eliminate a trail beside the river, replacing it with a metal walk hung off the side of the highway wall. This will adversely impact the Goldstream River which supports wild chum, coho and chinook salmon. The Ministry estimates 600,000 people enjoy visiting this park annually with peaks during summer and salmon spawning season.

At the entrance to the river, the WSÁNEĆ practice their ongoing Douglas Treaty rights which include fishing, food gathering, ceremonial gatherings and stewardship responsibilities over the Goldstream River. We support the assessment and community engagement process that the WSÁNEĆ Nations are currently undertaking.

Putting Our Care Into Action

We want our government to uphold these Douglas Treaty rights, to sustain the wild salmon for future generations, and to protect the Goldstream River and
this Class A Provincial Park. Let your voice be heard. Please contact the Premier’s office or Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, or Minister of Indigenous Relations.

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