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The Saltspring Trust will be voting on the Rogers 5G-enabled cell tower proposed for Channel Ridge, Tuesday, July 27.

So far, the Trust has received 227 letters opposed to this tower, 72 in favour. We have one last opportunity to ask them to make a decision that truly supports our island’s safety and wellbeing. Numbers matter. If you know in your heart and mind that 5G is not life-enhancing, now is the moment to stop it.



Learn more about this proposed tower here:

  1. Forward this Email Message to all of your sympathetic Salt Spring contacts
  2. Take a few moments to Copy, Paste & Send the following message (or your own) BY NOON THIS FRIDAY to:,,

Dear Trust Representatives,

Please write a letter of non-concurrence for the Rogers tower. Planner Kristine Mayes’ Staff Report on this project tells us:

  1. A copy of the Safety Code 6 assessment referenced by the proponent has not been received.
  2. The proposed site is of HIGH to MEDIUM value for important natural areas in the Salt Spring Island Local Trust Area. This alone is a justifiable land use reason for opposing this commercial tower.

Let’s find a solution for CREST that separates the business interests of Rogers from the needs of emergency responders. Our current climate crisis demands that we limit our use of wireless technology and curtail all unneeded development that threatens the invaluable natural resources that sustain us.


Attend Tuesday July 27th’s Meeting:

  • Make a comment at the Town Hall at 12:30 pm
  • Let’s find a solution for CREST that separates the business interests of Rogers from the needs of emergency responders. Our current climate crisis demands that we limit our use of wireless technology and curtail all unneeded development that threatens the invaluable natural resources that sustain us.

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