Solutions Guide
When Inspiration Meets ActionFor every problem there is a solution. That is why, instead of focusing on the bad news that seems to be everywhere, we have taken a positive approach to showcase what is possible.

58 Ways to Lighter & Happier Living
Welcome to the premiere edition of Solutions where you can quickly and easily find solutions for a wide variety of topics relevant to living life — at home, work and school — more fully and sustainably.
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Since 2012, the Creatively United for the Planet Society has been bringing people together to explore ways we can live happier, healthier and more resilient lives. More than 10,000 people have attended our zero waste events to meet, learn and share with each other and hundreds of British Columbia innovators, community heroworkers and changemakers.
Our registered non-profit community keeps those conversations going year-round online at where there is free access to all. We’re sharing some of that wisdom in this handy guide because we believe that, together, anything is possible and that the actions of one individual can, and does, make a difference, regardless of one’s age.
After all, we can all learn a lot from Bhutan, considered the happiest country in the world, where their success is measured on a Gross National Happiness index vs Gross Domestic Product (GDP). They understand the direct correlation between the health of the environment and the health of their citizens.
Consider taking on one solution a week with the understanding that there are more solutions than problems — solutions that can contribute to your health and happiness, while saving you money, energy and resources.
Tips at a Glance
Check out previews of some of the 58 Solutions offered in Creatively United’s Solutions Guide
Click on an image to enlarge
Together in CommUNITY We Grow in Numbers and Influence
- We have helped to save a wildlife-rich, 49-acre forest from destruction
- Created and produced a comprehensive and informative community solutions hub, event guide and webinar series
- Brought needed attention and recognition to charitable heroworkers to build more support
- Raised climate action on local government agendas
- And, created our 58 page Solutions Guide that we offer you to download and enjoy for free!
Collectively, there is much more important work to be done. Please consider a small donation to help us meet our costs. Every little helps and we sincerely value your support.
- Visit some of our wonderful partners as featured in our free community Pair Up Directory
- Browse our Community Blog
- Be sure to follow us on social media for regular updates. Like us on Facebook, follow on Twitter and subscribe to Creatively United on YouTube
Together we can pay it forward so everyone wins!
Play Along with the Lighter Living Bingo Card
It’s time to play lighter living bingo! We want to challenge our community to put into action some of the suggestions from our “Solutions Guide for Lighter and Happier Living”. These actions are not just good for the planet but also for your own health and sense of connection to others. 💕🌸
Download this bingo card and share what actions you are taking with your friends on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter! Make sure to tag us when you get “bingo” so we can reshare your achievement. 🙌🏻
Click on the Lighter Living Bingo Card to download the image to track your progress and sharing on social media.
Your Solutions guide is FANTASTIC! I would love for every home to receive one of these. It is so positive, and makes action manageable rather than overwhelming. Well Done!
Lindsay Beal
Coordinator, Inclusive Leadership Cooperative
Thank you for producing the Solutions guide. I have read 33 of the 58 tips and have thoughts for our household. With our group gathering in January I am hoping each person can share with their neighbours or connected groups to have each household select a few solutions for a few months measuring what they have achieved, come together again, tell the stories of how and what they achieved and what were the barriers. We all need support and resources and am confident that citizens can change habits and practices to impact our changing climate. Congratulations on a great resource.
Eleanor Calder
I read your Solutions guide cover to cover, all 58 stories. Very inspirational! The content is equally as good as the production quality. The advertisements are also exceptional. It is national quality. Congratulations!
Miles Craig
Vancity has received a lot of great feedback from our branches across Metro Vancouver, the Fraser Valley, Victoria, Squamish and Alert Bay regarding Creatively United’s Solutions Guide.
Alanna Kirtay