This is a biannual International world-wide run for peace with a Torch (Olympic style) – since 1987 – that takes place in over 150 countries. Organizers are expecting some 50,000 children in over 1,000 locations along the Canada-US route to participate.
In Canada the torch has been held by former leader of the Green Party Elizabeth May, Environment Minister Catherine McKenna, environmentalist Geoff Green, leader of the Canada C3 expedition and founder of Students on Ice, children’s entertainer Fred Penner, musicians Heather Rankin, Alex Cuba and Aaron Pritchett, Frances Litman and Indigenous artist Butch Dick. Frances Litman, Geoff Green and Butch Dick are three locals who have received the Torch Bearer Award for their contributions to work for the environment as well as with Indigenous children.
This event does not seek to raise money or promote any religious or political cause – it is an awareness run and a grassroots event that invites all to carry the Torch for peace if inspired.
Contact: Narmada @ 416-605-8204 or call the Centre @ 250-502-6211
Links to map and promotional material:
The Peace Run was inspired by visionary Sri Chinmoy, to give citizens a dynamic way to express their own hopes and dreams for a more harmonious world. An athlete, philosopher, artist, musician and poet, Sri Chinmoy dedicated his life to inspiring people to find peace within themselves. He said, “Lasting peace must begin within the depths of the individual, and from there spread in ever-widening circles as a dynamic force for world change.”