As you may know, School District 61 in Victoria in their current catchment review process is wanting to make South Park Family School a regular catchment school. It is a school of choice, meaning any family can enroll their kids there, not just the ones who live nearby. This change would be terrible, as families like ours would then not be within the catchment boundaries and could not choose to be part of this unique school community. It needs to be available to everyone who feels they belong there. South Park is a family school where parents commit to being involved in the school, and has been run in cooperation with parents for 45 years.

Here is a recent CTV news story about South Park (and there are 2 other schools of choice the board is wanting to make catchment schools as well, Cloverdale and Victor).

In case you aren’t familiar with South Park, I’d be happy to share my thoughts. (call me 250-419-2733) We tried a regular school (Margaret Jenkins) for 6 months in 2011 when we arrived in Victoria from Toronto. We then unschooled for a year and a half, before I decided I wanted more of a community, and we enrolled the kids in South Park, and it fit them perfectly. Since parents are required to volunteer in the school and are allowed to come into the classrooms (to assist in the class) at any time, it has a strong family and community feel. My kids have enjoyed being in a place where they can have me present more often. I have enjoyed teaching clay seminars to their classes over the years, among other things.

I could go on and on about how I love this welcoming community where we truly have felt that we belong, for the last 5 plus years. It appeals to other parents for different reasons, some because their child experiences anxiety in a more mainstream setting. I would be very sad (it would be tragic) if the board were to follow through on this proposed plan. South Park has pioneered concepts over the years that have become district and even province-wide, such as eliminating letter grades, and project-based learning.

If you feel you can, it would be great having as many supporters as possible at the 3 upcoming open houses. Wear red and white, or a South Park tshirt if you have one.

As a reminder, the district open houses are:

Wednesday Feb 6th at Spectrum on Burnside Rd. 6:30-8:30 Gym B

Wednesday Feb 13th at Lansdowne 6:30-8:30PM Gym

Saturday Feb 16th at Vic High 8:30-10:30 Gym

Other ways to support is to write letters to MLA’s, trustees, and Superintendents, and to SD61.

Carole James’ email:

Sd 61’s media contact is Lisa McPhail 250-475-4103

***Send letters of support for South Park staying as it is to the Boundary Review team at:

You can also submit your story to the PAC of South Park at

Social media, on twitter we are using



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