If you are wondering about a great summer read, can I gently suggest this for your consideration?

I spent over three years years crafting this positive, uplifting vision of a future in which we tackle our many problems successfully and begin to build an ecotopia right here in BC, in the year 2032.

In shows new approaches to the climate crisis, the housing crisis, community-building, food and farming, building a new economy, the Second American Revolution, Israel/Palestine, healthcare, education, transportation, cycling, cooperatives, seniors care – and it wraps up with a dinner party conversation between the book’s characters about science, consciousness and syntropy theory. Something for everyone!

Readers love it: https://www.amazon.ca/Journey-Future-Better-World-Possible/product-reviews/1927755336/

David Suzuki, Elizabeth May and Tzeporah Berman, among many others, have said great things about it. http://www.journeytothefuture.ca/book/what-people-say/

It’s in all Victoria bookshops, in local libraries, on Amazon, and as an E-Book for just $5. http://www.journeytothefuture.ca/book/purchase/

Happy reading!

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