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Learn a number of proven ways to reduce anxiety, boost your immune system and feel lighter and brighter with simple techniques provided by three professionals with many years of experience.

Author, Karen Ledger, a respected health educator and nurse therapist, who has worked in the fields of health, mental health and community development for over 40 years, discusses the effectiveness of the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as tapping; retired clinical counsellor/psychotherapist, Gene Furbee, shares personal insight and a fun look into what makes laughter the best medicine of all; and Somatic practitioner and musician, Greg Augustine, provides some tips for avoiding and reducing back pain, plus some musical moments.


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Back Pain Blues and Essential Gratitude by Augie Dawg/Greg Augustine


Additional Q&A

Q. What benefits do earthing and handling microbes in soil have for our chakras?

A. Thank you for this great question. I am not an expert on Earthing. If you really want to understand the concepts, I recommend the book by the same name, written by Clinton Ober, Stephen T Sinatra M.D., and Martin Zucker. Having said that, my understanding is that the concept of Earthing has to do with the fact that most of us are exposed to high levels of Electromagnetic, Cellular and Wireless frequencies that are contributing to inflammation and Dis-ease in our bodies. When we allow our bodies to connect and “ground” physically with the earth, this supports the discharge of these frequencies into the ground, and reduces the electrostatic stress from our bodies. We best ways we can do this by walking in the ocean, laying or walking bare-foot on wet grass or wearing natural materials such as leather or wool and walking on sidewalks or the ground.

Regarding microbes in the soil, I have limited knowledge. However, I do recall one of my mother’s favourite sayings “ We need to eat a peck of dirt before we die!”

Peck definition: a dry measure of 8 quarts; the fourth part of a bushel, equal to 537.6 cubic inches (8.81 liters).

I recently heard a medical expert talking about viruses, and he stated that our bodies are made up of thousands of viruses, and that working in the soil helps to maintain some of those essential viruses that make us who we are, especially if we are using a lot of hand sanitizer which tends to kill beneficial viruses in addition to dangeous ones.

It is important to know that Emotional static from stress, past or present trauma, and distressing emotions are NOT released by earthing or working in the dirt. That is because they reside in different frequency bands that that of our physical body.

So the bottom line here might be, when we get out and work in the dirt, we are getting the benefits of Earthing and beneficial microbes. But we still need to clear the “emotional dirt and smudges” from our energy systems with processes such as Emotional Freedom Technique/Tapping or other Energy Psychotherapies.

– Karen E Ledger, B.Sc.Nursing

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