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Wildwood is a 77-acre forest nestled on the shores of Quennell Lake in the Ladysmith area of Vancouver Island. The Ecoforestry Institute Society (EIS) is a registered charitable society and the owners and trustees of Wildwood Ecoforest. EIS carries on the legacy of Merv Wilkinson, who managed the forest according to ecoforestry principles and practices he developed over decades of interacting with the forest. He was awarded the Order of Canada and the Order of British Columbia for his pioneering work in ecoforestry.

The Ecoforest Institute Society believes humans are a part of nature, not apart from it and respect and acknowledge the inherent services provided by an intact forest, among them air and water purification, carbon storage and sequestration, climate change resilience and wildlife habitat.

EIS conducts selective tree harvesting while working within the ecological parameters of the forest. Education is a critical part of their mandate and they provide a wide array of educational programs and events for everyone from school children to academics. Community is important at Wildwood and they have partnered with First Nations, academic institutions, local business owners and suppliers, artists, musicians, esteemed volunteers and others to share the experience that is Wildwood.

The following presentation is a brief description of how Wildwood fits into the Doughnut Economics model, elevating the environment and society to their rightful places while remaining financially viable and responsible. We hope you enjoy the presentation. Comments and questions for Kathleen Code or EIS are welcome at

Also worth noting is that EIS can accommodate vacation stays at their newly restored Homestead and welcome event inquiries.

Reference correction:
The reference to the Nature Conservancy in the video, should have been to the Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation.


About Kathy Code

After retiring from the BC provincial government as an economic development analyst, Kathy has continued her passion for social justice and economics in very tangible ways. Currently the Vice-chair and Communications Director of the Ecoforestry Institute Society, she is proud to be part of the team that saved Wildwood, keeping it in the public domain. She has since helped drive the strategy to operate Wildwood within ecological commitments while meeting social, cultural and financial responsibilities.

An avid learner, she follows the foremost thought leaders of our time, including Naomi Klein, Jeffrey Sachs, Thomas Piketty, Paul Hawken and Project Drawdown, and most recently, Kate Raworth. She is the founder of Juniper Community Solutions, a company dedicated to building community resilience and social justice for all. Kathy holds a BA in Political Science and Psychology, a Diploma in Criminology and a Masters in Environment and Management.


Additional Links

Ecoforestry: Nurturing Nature’s Ecosystems – A Call For a New Forest Framework in British Columbia
Great Bear Rainforest – A Case for Managing Ecosystem Values in British Columbia
A Call for Enhanced Water Security Cooperation in Canada – Letter to Government Decision Makers
2040 Documentary Film
BC Project Drawdown
Pachamama Alliance Project Drawdown

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