July 31 Deadline for Public Input: BC Hydro’s Completely Inadequate 20-year Plan
From the BC Climate Alliance: BC Hydro is asking for public input to their draft 20-year Integrated Resource Plan (the 111 page report is here). This plan is completely inadequate for the climate emergency, as it assumes we do not meet our legislated GHG reduction targets and that climate impacts will not intensify. As a Crown Corporation, BC Hydro should be working for us, but they are clearly being given poor guidance from the Premier and Cabinet. BC Climate Alliance put together some guidance here to encourage organizations and individuals to provide feedback for the consultation, as well as amplifying your message to the BC government and media. The deadline for submissions is a week tomorrow – Saturday July 31st.

August 12 Deadline for Public Input: BC’s Climate Adaptation Plan
From Andrew Gage, West Coast Environmental Law: Right now our provincial government is consulting British Columbians on a provincial adaptation strategy and, frankly, it’s lame – it won’t protect you from heat waves, or much else. It says only a little about heat waves, and when it does, it is vague, unclear about who is doing what and why, and comes with no new financial commitments. And, unfortunately, that’s pretty standard for the other climate risks discussed in the Strategy. Andrew has clear commentary and suggestions for how to respond:

September 8 Deadline: Petition to the House of Commons on Old-Growth Logging
From Elizabeth May, MP: We, the undersigned, citizens of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to: 1. Work with the provinces and First Nations to immediately halt logging of endangered old-growth ecosystems; 2. Fund the long-term protection of old-growth ecosystems as a priority for Canada’s climate action plan and reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples; 3. Support value-added forestry initiatives in partnership with First Nations to ensure Canada’s forestry industry is sustainable, and based on the harvesting of second and third growth forests; 4. Ban the export of raw logs and maximize resource use for local jobs; and 5. Ban the use of whole trees for wood pellet biofuel production. Please share this, and urge everyone to sign. https://petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-3408

September 30 Deadline for Public Input: A Just Transition: Helping workers and communities thrive in a net-zero carbon economy
From the Government of Canada: The government is seeking public input for a Just Transition Plan, putting workers and communities at the centre of the government’s climate action. There will be stakeholder meetings in August and September. Details here: https://www.rncanengagenrcan.ca/en/collections/just-transition

September 30 Deadline for Public Input: BC Budget Submissions
The government received 500 applications to make presentations, which was seemingly more than they expected. If your organization has been placed on a waitlist, you can still make a written or verbal presentation, which we urge you do to. https://consultations.leg.bc.ca/Submission/Create?cons=Budget2022

November 4 Deadline: Petition to the House of Commons to Stop the Construction of the TMX Pipeline
From Elizabeth May MP and Dr. Tim Takaro: We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the House of Commons to immediately stop the construction of the Trans Mountain pipeline, as outlined in Motion M-94, and instead invest in a made-in-Canada Green New Deal. Please share this, and urge everyone to sign. https://petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-3541

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