Victoria Mayor, Lisa Helps, wants to force a vote (May 12th.) on an initiative that will seriously impact housing for homeowners and renters in Victoria long into the future.
Crucially, it will involve upzoning residential areas of Victoria to allow development of up to 6 units on any city residential lot;
it will also remove opportunity for public comment which informs council decisions. Approvals for many new multiplexes will be delegated to City staff.
The Missing Middle Initiative (MMI), as it is currently proposed, is flawed and incomplete, and we ask that you urge Mayor and Council to delay approval with the possibility of making this an election issue.
Key reasons why a decision on the MMI should be delayed:
- Inadequate engagement
- Lack of public understanding of the policy
- Flawed and incomplete
- No affordability component built in
- No protection for existing renters
- Required a clearer vision for the reduced parking requirements for 6-unit buildings (will residents be charged to park on streets?)
- Requires integration with broader municipal and provincial policies for housing, renter protections, transportation and infrastructure
- No speculation mitigation strategy
- Requires more research on the risk of local government delegating away their ability to “level the playing field” when it comes to development
- Requires more research on the impact on property taxes (not just a homeowner issue as these costs are typically passed down to renters)
Please sign this petition to delay this vote on an important issue until the next Municipal election
This is a major change in policy and should be decided by the residents (voters) of Victoria as an issue in the fall election.