I feel this 18 min presentation on the Planetary Boundaries and Tipping points of Climate Change is one of the best that every one should watch.
Ted Talks – The Tipping Points of Climate Change and Where We Stand with Johan Rockstrom
It is my hope that you will spend the time to really listen to this presentation. In particulate at 9:00 min mark when Johan is explaining the tipping points that are happening at this time.
About 10 years ago there were 8 tipping points that were been studied, then it moved to 10 tipping points and now we are at 16 and there may be more that develop as the world heats up.
I am going to list the 16 tipping points for you as it is hard to see in the presentation Johan goes through them quite quickly.
The first 5 are tipping point that have already been activated and are now at that point that they are creating more Green House Gases (GHGs) to the point that they are out of control, mainly because of the high temperature of the world today! Which can cause up to 10 meters of sea water rise is possible.
(What are tipping points) https://earth.org/tipping-points-of-climate-change/
- Greenland ice sheet collapse
- West Antarctic ice sheet collapse
- Tropical coral reef collapse
- Northern permafrost abrupt thaw
- Labrador seas current collapse
- Barents sea ice loss
- Mountain glaciers loss
- Atlantic current collapse
- Northern forests die back south
- Northern forests expansion north
- West African monsoon shift
- East Antarctic glacier collapse
- Amazon rain forest die back
- Northern Permafrost collapse
- Arctic winter seas ice collapse
- East Antarctic ice sheet collapse
At 11 min mark of the above presentation Johan points out how much has changed since 2001- 2022. he is showing how much the risk of tipping points have gone up. In 2002 they estimated that the tipping points would start around 3c, but their timing was off and 5 tipping points have started and are active with the world temperature at 1.2 in 2023 and climbing!
If you look through the 16 tipping points a lot of them are ice melt and permafrost melt.
In this next 1hr.30 presentation Jeff Goodell talks about his book. (The Water Will Come) Explains what is happening today with the world temperature at 1.2 – 1.3 and what is going to happen even if we stop the rise in temperature now! He also explains what will happen if we do not stop the rising temperature! (I know this one is a little long and slow at time but again I feel it is worth listening to, in order to really understand the state that we are in.
We are not on track to stay under 1.5c and this next presentations explains where we are and what 3c will look like if we do not act now!
I feel like Canadians do not really know how much GHGs we contribute on a daily bases to the world problems.
This next chart shows that in 2023 Canada was 10th on the list of GHG pollution.
And this next one shows the per ca-pita rating that Canadians have and in this site below they have Canadians as15thon the list at 14.3 ton per person a year.
China is the worse polluting country yet for their, per ca pita they are listed 38th at 8 tons per person, way below Canadians.
I hope you have made it to this point and I hope you will share your feelings about all this with us!
We need to discuss all the solutions that are available to us and act on them as soon as we can to lower our GHG foot print.
This next one is how a lot of us are feeling and the best thing to do about it is to take the action that is needed to fix these problems that are causing the destruction of the bio diversity of life on our planet.
I also hope you will spend the time to listen to this site below also.
Living In The Time Of Dying.
The last video.
If not now when and if not us who!