Urgent, before September 7th: FortisBC, the province’s gas utility, tried to sneak one by us

From The Wilderness Committee: It split the expansion project at its Tilbury LNG plant in Delta into two. We’ve got until Sept. 7 to tell the province to reject a key part of it. If FortisBC can’t have the jetty, the whole thing falls apart! The BC Environmental Assessment Office (BCEAO) has opened up one final comment period for the marine jetty portion of the Tilbury LNG project. Use our fax tool to submit your comments to the BCEAO and ask it to stop this polluting project in its tracks! https://www.wildernesscommittee.org/take-action/tilbury-lngs-one-weak-spot

 Action: BC Utilities Commission Blocks Climate Goals

From Force of Nature Alliance, North Shore: The BCUC continues to approve new fossil gas infrastructure, and electricity rates that penalize users of heat pumps and EVs. Several environmental groups have called for changes to the BCUC’s 50-year-old mandate to bring it in line with BC’s climate goals. They urge these changes before the BCUC reviews BC Hydro’s new 20-year plans next year. More information in a TYEE article here, the group’s letter to the government is here and the background info is here. Please write to BC government, sample letter here.

 Action: How is your pension investing your retirement savings in the face of the climate crisis?

From Shift: Canada’s top ten pension funds manage nearly $1.8 trillion. How these funds invest your retirement dollars is a major factor in how quickly we can transition to a low-carbon economy. The decisions of pension funds influence whether businesses in Canada and in other countries build electric cars and solar panels, or diesel engines and gas-fired power plants. Write a letter to your pension fund manager here: https://www.shiftaction.ca/take-action

Would you like to join the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty BC Working Group?

From FFNPT-BC: We are part of a global initiative calling for an end to all new coal, oil and gas projects, and a just transition away from fossil fuels. Teams are forming in Metro Vancouver municipalities to persuade them to sign the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, and we’re looking for people to help us to persuade more municipalities to do the same. To join the fun, contact us at ffnpt_bc@protonmail.com

Extinction Rebellion blocks Whitehall in protest against HMRC and Barclays

From The Guardian: Protesters in Whitehall said they understood the bank to have funded fossil fuel industries to the tune of billions since the Paris climate accords were adopted in 2015. Photo by Jeremy Williams. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/aug/24/extinction-rebellion-block-whitehall-in-protest-against-hmrc-and-barclays

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