On Feb 8 the city of Victoria is asking residents to vote YES or NO to borrowing $189 million to replace Crystal Pool and for your preferred location: the current pool site in Central Park (NORTH) and right next to it over top of the Steve Nash basketball court, tennis courts, kids playground and picnic area (SOUTH). South gives the option of keeping the pool open during construction—which is why council included it contrary to staff’s recommendation—but with no guarantees because of construction risk and possible facility failures.
Why am I voting NO? The high cost for this deluxe leisure centre and the loss of trees and greenspace given the location options in Central Park. Up to 52 mature trees, including Garry oaks and London planes, could be lost or at risk if rebuilding in Central Park goes through. That is just not right.
First, the cost. A $215 million pool is beyond reasonable for a city of 100,000 —only Victoria taxpayers will pay for this, the most expensive city project ever. The 2017 engagement process developed a wish list for a deluxe facility, but times have changed. And the risk of cost overruns is also real—see City of Victoria’s pool information does not include risks—which would place a further burden on taxpayers. This pricey expenditure would also deplete funds for other deserving city projects.
The mayor has said that if the referendum fails council will “go back to the drawing board“. We need a better, more affordable plan for the future pool that doesn’t destroy our second-largest public park. For more see Let’s clear Crystal Pool.
Second, there is a lot at stake for Central Park and the mature trees and green space that will be lost if a yes vote goes through.
We assume parks are protected areas but no. In both the Central Park NORTH and SOUTH locations, trees will be removed when constructing a 2-storey building 52% larger than the current pool; it will take up to 6 years before any replanting and rehabilitation can be done. The NORTH site, on the footprint of the current pool, is less drastic. The SOUTH site destroys more trees, plus it means the end of the free amenities (courts, kids playground, picnic area) that the lower-income North Park neighbourhood relies on: Crystal Pool referendum: know before you vote.
The graphics show what tree loss would look like if the pool project goes ahead. The information is gathered from Talmak Urban Forestry Consultants arborist report, updated Nov 29, 2024, Thanks to Sheila Potter for wading through it. Find her letter to mayor and council with more detail here.
In total, with the South option, 52 trees will be lost or at risk out of 100, or 52%. For the North option, 24 trees will be lost or at risk out of 100 trees, or 24%. For a city that says it is committed to increasing the urban forest, that makes no sense.
Why would any council in 2025 even consider building in a park? Trees perform so many valuable services for us for free: cleaning and filtering air pollutants, absorbing carbon, providing shade, beauty, habitat. Parks offer community gathering space, play space, and a respite from the built environment. They are vital to a healthy city.

On Feb 8 Vote NO and NORTH. (In case the referendum does pass, North is less destructive than South.) Let friends also resident in Victoria know what’s at stake by forwarding this message.
Advance voting opens Jan 29, voting day is Feb 8: City of Victoria: When and where to vote.
For more information on the Crystal Pool replacement project see:
Times Colonist, Jan 24: Council rejects notion that ads favour yes side….
TC, Jan 19: Victoria votes Feb. 8 on fate of Crystal Pool: A guide to what’s at stake
TC, Jan 11: Counc. Hammond Comment: The pros and cons of the Crystal Pool decision
TC, Dec 30: Comment: Taxpayers to feel the burden of infrastructure renewal
TC, Aug 7, 2024: Comment: Is a new 50-metre Crystal Pool the best we can do?
TC, Jul 6: Victoria Taxpayers, watch the Crystal Pool plan carefully
TC, Jun 16: Mayor supports Crystal Pool project but senses public hesitation
TC, Jun14: Victoria residents to decide if Crystal Pool is replaced
TC, Jun 11: Price tag for new Crystal Pool tops $200 million….
Thank you for supporting NO.
For the trees,
Deirdre Gotto
I’m with you on this too!
What no one is talking about is the $47million in the reserves that the City has also be paid back within five years, and with interest. Will our City property tax also go up for that? Or…will services be cut.
The City wants to bleed us dry.
What really annoys me as a taxpayer and homeowner, is that we will be on the hook not the renters. The fact that everyone in this city can vote on this initiative isn’t itself completely unfair to people who own property.
I am voting yes and south. There are so many benefits to a facility like this. It’s crazy to think that a city like Victoria would be ok with not having a pool and fitness centre.
Funny thing, pools reduce healthcare costs, doctors lineups, youth crime and they help with mental wellness. All of these things were election issues. And yet here we have part of the solution and some people are saying no.
Regular exercises reduces direct health costs by $2,500 per year. If just 10% of the city used the facility that is $25M in healthcare savings a year. That’s a lot of doctor time. Take it away and the refers happens. Doctor lineups and healthcare costs go up!
The fact that the city of Victoria only has one rec centre is already bonkers. The fact that there are people who live here that think we shouldn’t do our best to keep the current one open while constructing a new one is also bonkers.
The current facility is too old to maintain, a new one has to be built. I would rather have the risky possibility of using the old one than multiple years of guaranteed no facility at all.