Creative Solutions for a New World

Where Every Day is Earth Day

Creative Solutions for a New World

Where Every Day is Earth Day

Welcome to Creatively United’s Community Solutions Sharing Hub

Welcome to this free community Solutions Hub created in the spirit of collaboration and unity to address climate change and provide solutions for some of the most pressing issues that face our society today. Here you will find a multitude of positive and creative solutions, videos, events, information and resources that contribute to healthier, happier individuals and communities.

Please feel free to contribute your own ideas, tips, book and movie reviews, music, art, information and resources to the Community Blog and share your events plus check out others on the Community Event Calendar.

Welcome to this free community Solutions Hub created in the spirit of collaboration and unity to address climate change and provide solutions for some of the most pressing issues that face our society today. Here you will find a multitude of positive and creative solutions, videos, events, information and resources that contribute to healthier, happier individuals and communities.

Please feel free to contribute your own ideas, tips, book and movie reviews, music, art, information and resources to the Community Blog and share your events plus check out others on the Community Event Calendar.

Esquimalt-Colwood All Candidates Meeting

Thank you to everyone who attended the online and live All Candidates Debate for the Esquimalt-Colwood riding (includes Vic West and View Royal) co-sponsored this past Wednesday evening at Esquimalt United Church, 500 Admirals Rd., by Creatively United for the Planet, Climate and the Arts, the Citizens Environmental Network in Colwood (CENiC), Esquimalt Climate Organizers (ECO), Esquimalt United Church Justice Team, Gorge Waterway Action Society and the South Island Climate Action Network (SICAN).

This graphic also shows the YES/NO or ABSTAINED “answers” given to a number of important questions raised during the debate by both candidates present.

The Conservative candidate declined the opportunity to attend or to provide written answers to the questions provided in advance. A member of our organizing team provided information from the Conservative’s website in relationship to the questions in an effort to provide fair representation for all.

Safeguard Your Health: What the Public Needs to Know

Would you knowingly eat food, drink water or breathe air that contains toxic chemicals and microplastics linked to cancer that are contained in sewage sludge from Victoria, BC’s wastewater treatment plant?

Right now, forever chemicals, which true to their name last nearly forever in our environment, such as PFAS, and microplastics as well as PAHs, lead, mercury, dioxins, and pharmaceuticals are making their way into our air, water and soil through the bio-accumulation of tons of these toxic chemicals that remain in the sludge after the waste water from our homes, industry, businesses and health care facilities is processed.

Since 2022, the CRD plan was to use these dried biosolids as an alternative to fossil fuels in a cement plant, which is in keeping with a ban on the land application of biosolids the CRD Board passed in 2011. Instead, every day, 10 tons of toxic sludge, also known as “biosolids,” has been spread or buried at Victoria’s Hartland Landfill, where wind and rain erosion disperses these forever chemicals into the neighbouring farms, fields, forests and watersheds.

There is a strong triple bottom line business case for thermal conversion which the CRD needs to employ as it:

  • creates a non-toxic biochar which is the desired end product as a result of thermally converting toxic biosolids into inert biochar – a new green industry;
  • it’s a carbon free fuel source, not incineration, no pollution, low carbon footprint;
  • a plant could be up and running within two years if treated as the emergency this is;
  • thermal conversion can stop landfill expansion and convert ALL waste, not just biosolids, into fossil fuel free energy and save our waters, soil, trees, fish, our health and the beauty of the region and why so many people chose to live and visit here.

Solutions Exist! Learn More Here:

Creatively United Biosolids FAQ & Resources
Biosolid Free BC on Facebook
Butchart Gardens
Mount Work Coalition
Raincoast Conservation Foundation
Sierra Club

Take action by letting the CRD know you oppose the land application of biosolids by emailing:

Metamorphosis: A Healing Journey

Theatrical Performance and Book Launch

Changing Course:
A River’s Journey of Reconnection

Thank you to everyone who attended and supported Creatively United’s recent premiere performances and book launch of Metamorphosis: A Healing Journey and the incredible cast, crew and volunteers we were so fortunate to work with.

This live theatrical production involved a cast, dancers, crew and volunteers of more than 20 people, and an almost equal number of choir members from the Victoria Philharmonic Choir (under the direction of Peter Butterfield). See cast bios below.

Just like an ecosystem, we had to work in perfect harmony for things to flow, which further strengthened the unique collaboration of Indigenous and non-Indigenous voices, professionals and amateurs, young and older.

We experienced a metamorphosis together in the creation and delivery of this show. Everyone gave it their all and we thank our audiences for being so receptive. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.

Going through this process is not for the faint of heart. We salute all performing artists and technicians who deliver their gifts and presence to making this world a more thoughtful, creative and beautiful place and to those who support the arts and environment.

We are grateful for the leadership and support in our community from businesses and organizations like Copper Mountain Acupuncture, Lifestyle Markets, the Polis Foundation and Climate and the Arts/Victoria Foundation.

Did you know that British Columbia is named after the Columbia River which used to be one of the world’s largest salmon bearing rivers in the world?

Creatively United for the Planet has produced a 60-minute documentary that explores the degradation of what was once one of the most productive salmon rivers in the world. It looks at the dams and storages that eliminated wild salmon from the main stem of the river in Canada, and how this loss cut the heart out of Indigenous culture throughout the basin. The film also touches on the Columbia River Treaty, which came into force between Canada and the United States in 1964. At the time, it had a very narrow focus on flood control and hydropower. Sixty years later, however, new thinking is needed to ensure a sustainable future for this important river.

In Changing Course: A River’s Journey of Reconnection, leading voices from Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities eloquently express the need for new approaches to water management and governance that are more connected to nature, account for climate change, and meaningfully include First Nations leadership.

Produced and directed by Jonathan O’Riordan; co-producer and narrator Frances Litman and filmmaker, Bohdan Doval.

Please visit Creatively United’s YouTube channel to view this film and see Creatively United’s many other offerings.

How to Heal the Future, Not Steal the Future

Creatively United offers a wide variety of options, from a free webinar series to posts and resources, that explore solutions to restore and regenerate the planet. This graphic was inspired by the work of Paul Hawken, celebrated author of Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming and the just released book, Regeneration: Ending the Climate Crisis in One Generation. This graphic, co-created by Creatively United founder, Frances Litman, and Rhiannon James, was also the inspiration behind Frances’ recent TEDx Talk: How to Heal the Future, Not Steal the Future.

Stay In The Know

Learn about not-to-miss 2024 events and solutions by signing up for occasional email updates from Creatively United.

Events Calendar

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Community Blog

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Video Library

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PairUp Directory

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Browse the Community Blog

Why Carbon Pricing is Good for Your Health

It is very clear that pollution causes harm. Oxford Reference defines it as “contamination or undesirable modification of soil, food, water, clothing, or the atmosphere by a noxious or toxic substance,” adding that “any form of pollution can have adverse effects on health.”

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Update on Biosolids Management in the CRD

Currently, 80% of the biosolids produced by the Residuals Treatment Facility located at Hartland are being used as a fuel at the LaFarge cement facility in Richmond. The balance of the biosolids are mixed with sand and land applied at a quarry located at Cassidy near...

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Forget ‘Axe the Tax.’ Try ‘Pay the Price’

By proclaiming that the carbon tax “is an existential threat to our economy and our way of life” and that it threatens a “nuclear winter” for the economy, Pierre Poilievre has entered the world of full-on craziness and inverted logic. The reality is exactly the opposite. The “carbon tax” — actually…

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Community Events


Path of the Totem

Cowichan Public Art Gallery Ingram Street, Duncan

Week of Events

Path of the Totem

Path of the Totem

Art Sparks’ Cosmic Creativity & Well – Being Program

Art Sparks’ Cosmic Creativity & Well – Being Program

Pacific Opera – Mozart’s La clemenza di Tito

Pacific Opera – Mozart’s La clemenza di Tito

Victoria Festival of Authors

Victoria Festival of Authors

Explore Solutions for Lighter & Healthier Living

Arts, Community, & Inclusivity

Here you will find a Climate Action Kit; free downloadable cartoon colouring sheets; mayor, councillor and CRD contact information; resources and much more.

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Energy, Housing, & Buildings

Learn about solar, heat pumps, how to reduce your energy costs, ways to inspire a new corporate culture, rainwater harvesting, eco buildings and neighbourhoods, plus more.

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Food & Health

Explore how to increase your immune system, stay healthy, rise above negativity, transform regional food systems through collective impact, lighten up and recharge, and de-stress.

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Nature & Conservation

Zen your yardcare, celebrate clean and green, explore a One Planet approach, learn all about the benefits of oceans and trees, check out the Tree Toolkit and even find tips on pruning.

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Active transportation, EV facts, transportation systems, idling information, plus a video on the Future of Transportation and more can be found here.

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Zero Waste & Circular Economy

Discover how food sharing, tool sharing, book sharing and even fashion all contribute to a circular economy and what you can do to save money, while saving the planet.

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“Your website is an indispensable resource for anyone looking for ways to live a more climate conscious life and for ways to support government and community in taking the urgent climate actions needed now.

Your community blog is a cache of the most valuable information and has helped connect and inform us for positive action at a time when we need this more than ever. What a gift!”

– Alison Spriggs

Awaken - A Forest Ballet

Awaken, an exquisitely intimate performance inspired by the soft whispers of the forest, features original music composed, sung and orchestrated by Canada’s multi award-winning legend, Ann Mortifee, in collaboration with former Chilliwack band member, Ed Henderson (guitar), and Finn Manniche (cello). The story follows the delightful journey of a young girl and her dog who discover the magical wonders of the forest thanks to guidance from forest sprites.

Free Solutions Guide

Welcome to the premiere edition of Solutions where you can quickly and easily find solutions for a wide variety of topics relevant to living life at home, work and school, more fully and sustainably.

Consider taking on one solution a week with the understanding that there are more solutions than problems — solutions that can contribute to your health and happiness, while saving you money, energy and resources.

Trees Matter

Through music, dance, song and stunning visuals, the importance of protecting, preserving and planting trees is artfully expressed in this unique collaboration involving members of the Victoria Symphony, the Victoria Philharmonic Choir, the Emily Carr String Quartet and Ballet Victoria. In addition to showing Trees Matter, the half hour launch event, included Leq’á:mel First Nation (Stó:lō Nation) Indigenous Leader, Patrick Kelly, plus a Fairy Creek old growth forest update with popular singer & songwriter, Luke Wallace, and ecoforestry advocate, Kathleen Code.

Creative Solutions for a New World Webinar Series

Since 2012, Creatively United has hosted large, in-person, zero-waste Earth Day events in celebration of community – until the arrival of Covid in 2020.

Like many others, we pivoted to online learning and engagement with a free Climate and Artists webinar series. More than 40 timeless webinars, featuring an incredible array of world-class presenters, authors, and artists, can be found on Creatively United’s YouTube channel, with a few examples below.

Please be sure to sign up for our newsletter to stay informed with occasional updates about upcoming events and information.

Take The Lighter Living Pledge

By taking the Lighter Living Pledge and sharing with us what you are doing or intend to do, you can help others see what’s possible. Each step we take, regardless of how small it might be, is a step in the right direction. Anything is possible. Together we can build community and feel encouraged by the positive steps we are all taking.

Take Action! You will be automatically entered into a prize draw from Creatively United. Winners will be notified by email.

Community Climate Partners

Community Trees Matter Network

Take a stand for the trees in your neighbourhood. Collectively our voices can make a difference in protecting and preserving our urban trees.

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Ecoforestry Institute Society

Dedicated to the principles and practices of ecoforestry, demonstrating that we can harvest trees and plants from the forest while maintaining healthy and integrated ecological systems.

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Sierra Club BC

Our vision is to support people stewarding abundant ecosystems and a stable climate, while building resilient, equitable communities.

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Take Action – Contact Government Officials

Take action on issues that matter to you. Local, provincial and federal government officials need to hear from the public to create action. Every voice matters and the more voices, the better. This handy guide provides easy access to do just that.

Pair Up! Non-Profit Directory

Find organizations who share your values.

Take The Lighter Living Pledge

and inspire others to do the same

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Creating Cultural Change

Collectively, we can continue to catalyze a more socially and environmentally thoughtful approach to life in our community, where everyone wins.

Our goal is to keep the conversations going and growing so that caring for our environment and each other becomes second nature, from public policy to procurement practices and everything in between.

Our Partners

The Gail O'Riordan Climate and the Arts Legacy Fund, supported by The Victoria Foundation, is dedicated to changing human consciousness towards global environmental change by combining science with the creativity of the performing arts.

Creatively United for the Planet Society and Climate and the Arts also gratefully acknowledge the support of the Polis Foundation.

Horne Coupar Lawyers
Kauai Perfection
Shaw Community TV

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