Pair Up! With Local Non-Profits

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Arts & Culture


Unit 10 – 909 Carolwood Drive, Victoria, BC V8X 3T9
Website – 778-678-6282
We provide children with the opportunity to develop life skills by participating in high-quality arts programming that they wouldn’t be able to access otherwise. For these children to participate at no cost, funds are raised through grants, donors, sponsors and events.

Community Arts Council of Greater Victoria

3220 Cedar Hill Road, Victoria, BC V8P 3Y3
Website – 250-475-7123
We are dedicated to raising awareness of and developing a positive, supportive environment for the arts through education, civic advocacy, projects and programs that reach artists and the community at large.

Community Arts Network

Community Arts Network (CAN) is a platform which aims to engage, enable, and empower people through arts – be they individuals, organizations or whole communities. Through CAN, these groups can unite in shaping a more humane future together – powered by people who believe the transformative qualities of the arts can and should be used for social impact.

By providing resources and toolkits for effective arts impact, measurement, and promotion, as well as providing a network for like-minded organizations and individuals for partnerships and collaborations, CAN aims to strengthen the impact, creative process, and overall potential for arts communities and projects.

Friends of Music Society

2328 Trent Street, Victoria, BC V8R 4Z3
Website – 250-952-5114
We offer a variety of musical opportunities for members to perform and practice together, to work and to socialize and entertain others. This is accomplished through day and evening programming as well as organized public concerts.

The Gail O’Riordan Climate and the Arts Legacy Series

Our mandate is to bring climate solutions to the forefront creatively by working collaboratively with art organizations of all descriptions and The Climate and the Arts series will be inclusive of the entire arts community, who, using creativity, will merge the growing public interest in finding solutions to the growing climate crisis and loss of biodiversity with the arts to educate, inspire and motivate behavioural change.

Greater Victoria Performing Arts Festival

3651 Shelbourne Street, Victoria, BC V8P 5S2
Website – 250-386-9223
We are a volunteer-based organization and are dedicated to working with performing arts educators to develop artistic skills and a love of the performing arts for all ages and skill levels in music, dance and speech arts. Our annual community festival provides reputable professionals who foster inclusion, education and performance opportunity during adjudicated sessions.

Friends of Nanaimo Jazz Society (FONJS)

Website – 403-813-4605
A non-profit society run entirely by community volunteers with a passion for jazz and an interest in cultivating opportunities for student musicians to develop their potential. Our mission is to promote arts and culture in Nanaimo through the presentation of live jazz while also creating a nurturing environment for young local jazz musicians to reach their full potential. With the support of local businesses, musicians, educators, and volunteers, we offer music enrichment programs such as clinics, workshops, mentorship opportunities, and bursaries to support the development of Canada’s future musicians. Our mandate is to contribute to Nanaimo’s cultural scene through the presentation of world class jazz performances and workshops, while providing learning and mentoring opportunities to aspiring student musicians.

Open Space Arts Society

2nd Floor – 510 Fort Street, Victoria, BC V8W 1E6
Website – 250-383-8833
Open Space has hosted thousands of artists and also publishes, manages a resource centre, maintains archives, and manages a commercial lease for the lower level of its building.

Pandora Arts Collective

10 – 1921 Fernwood Road, Victoria BC V8T 2Y6
Website – 250-920-7227
Our vision is to facilitate and support health through the social and educational benefits of a welcoming creative arts space. We would like to invite anyone interested in pursuing a happier state of mind to join us, bring your art or just yourself, and enjoy a few hours of creating art together.

Point Ellice House Preservation Society

2616 Pleasant Street, Victoria, BC V9A 6P3
Website – 250-380-6506
We aim to promote public awareness of this historic site and the significance of the collection. Volunteers are an important aspect of Point Ellice House.

The Robert Bateman Centre

470 Belleville Street, Victoria, BC V8W 1W9
Website – 250-940-3630
We house and preserve Robert Bateman’s legacy and provide a multi-purpose meeting place for collaboration, creative thinking, and networking about in-nature education initiatives.

SUPPLY Victoria

Website – 778-700-7233
SUPPLY is a non-profit creative reuse center that redistributes used art, office, and school supplies and offers creative reuse classes to youth and adults. Our mission is to divert materials from the landfill and put them into the hands of artists, students, and teachers in order to craft a more sustainable, equitable, and creative Victoria.


Artemis Place Society

3020 Richmond Rd, Victoria, BC V8R 4V1
Website – 250-598-5183
Our program offers a space for young women, all trans youth, and/or young women who are pregnant or parenting who have resisted conventional programs and require an intentional community to find support and success.

Camosun College – Student Employment Services

3100 Foul Bay Road, Victoria, BC V8P 5J2
Website – 250-370-3420
We provide free career resources plus access to one-on-one coaching to help students and alumni launch their careers. Whether you are entering the workforce for the first time or transitioning careers, come see us!

CIFAL Victoria
CIFAL Victoria, hosted by the University of Victoria (UVic), is one of 33 training hubs in a worldwide network coordinated by the United Nations Institute of Training and Research (UNITAR). The mission of the CIFAL Global Network is to empower and strengthen the capacities of individuals, communities, organizations, and institutions to advance sustainable development and address global challenges. We focus our efforts on four themes: sustainability, climate and oceans; innovation and entrepreneurship; decolonization and Indigenous knowledges; and global health and well-being.

Diversify Our Narrative SD61

We are a student-led, grassroots initiative in SD61 aimed to create more representation of BI/POC authors and protagonists in our literature taught at schools.

Eco Learning Hive

434 Russell St., Victoria, BC V9A3X3
Website – 250-380-7585
Whether you are a student, teacher, informal educator, parent, or an involved community member, there will be something for you to check out. There are plenty of ways to search for what you are looking for including an interactive map.

Education is Power

#5-5177 William Head Road, Victoria, BC V9C 4H5
Website – 250-888-9556
EIP is made up of volunteers from Canada, Kenya and Tanzania. Proceeds go directly to East African students’ school fees or to help hire teachers at struggling primary or secondary schools in East Africa.

Elizabeth Buckley School
Hands On Summer Camp

1309 Hillside Ave, Victoria, BC V8T 2B3
Website – 250-995-6425 –
EBS offers an exceptional education based on the BC curriculum, and enrichment programs to enhance students’ learning opportunities. Our experienced teachers are certified by the BC Teacher Regulation Branch and skilled Education Assistants work to support each student on their individual journey to success.


Our goal is to align human designs with the planet’s natural systems & materials. We work with you to change the critical questions, spark creativity and make it real.
Through coaching, facilitation, training sessions & events, NatuR&D helps you integrate resources and tools with your practice and offering. By going outside the box of your studio and into Nature for guidance, the rhythm of the work flow and access to time tested strategies can only be healthy.

Support your team with sessions that are nested within the natural rhythm of the work flow to grow the space for conversation and a culture of innovation. We help with research & design, finding partnerships to access R&D tools and facilities so you can prototype and test your assumptions. NatuR&D applies biomimicry thinking to research and discover Nature-inspired designs and solutions for today’s challenges.

Regenerate BC Free Courses

RegenerateBC aims to engage, inform, and inspire people to take positive actions to accelerate known solutions to the climate crisis. Free courses are offered by volunteer facilitators in many different formats and venues: in-person, online, at high schools, libraries, conferences, senior centres, universities, churches, book clubs, lunch and learn sessions.

Does your workplace, faith group, school, or community organization want to learn how to take positive climate action? Check out or email to connect.

When enough people come together, then change will come and we can achieve almost anything. So instead of looking for hope — start creating it. – Greta Thunberg

Royal B.C. Museum

675 Belleville Street, Victoria, BC V8V 1A1
Website – 250-387-7902
The objects in our collections speak volumes, helping us to understand our past and present, and to envision our future. We are proud to present 100 highlights from the museum and archives – chosen by curators, archivists and staff – from among the more than 6,000,000 objects in our collection.

S.A.L.T.S. Sail and Life Training Society

451 Herald Street, Victoria, BC V8W 3N8
Website – 250-383-6811
School or youth groups participate in five-day voyages to the Gulf Islands each spring and fall. Individual young people join in ten-day summer voyages to extraordinary places. Bursaries are available for those who cannot afford the full cost.

Sea Smart

Website –   604-358-0163
Sea Smart is a charity that delivers innovative, engaging education programs on current ocean issues to empower youth to make a positive impact on our oceans. Sea Smart uses fun, hands-on games and activities to teach youth in Kindergarten to Grade 12 about current issues impacting our oceans and get them brainstorming solutions in our online programs, school programs, after school programs, and summer camps. Created by marine biologist Dr. Elaine Leung, Sea Smart helps youth understand the role they play in making the world a better place. Since our inception in 2016, we have empowered almost 500,000 youth across the world to become ocean heroes.

Victoria Literacy Connection

306-620 View Street, Victoria, BC V8W 1J6
Website – 250-385-0014
Everyone in Greater Victoria has opportunities to acquire the literacy skills to function effectively in today’s society. We help children, youth and adults improve their literacy skills, including reading, writing, and math, by providing tutoring and a variety of other programs.

VIDEA Victoria

1923 Fernwood Road, Office #2, Victoria, BC, Canada V8T 2Y6
The Victoria International Development Education Association (VIDEA) is an International Development agency, that takes a Human Rights and Social Justice based approach to their work. VIDEA was one of Canada’s original global education centres in order to promote greater intercultural understanding and awareness of global issues. VIDEA runs a number of programs including work in schools and an International Development Week initiative.

Environmental Conservation

Be the Change Earth Alliance

949 W 49th Ave, Vancouver, BC V5Z 2T1
Website – 604-269-9874
Our challenge together is to build the widest school-based climate action communication network and engage the most student and teacher voices in a climate education survey that will help shape the future of the BC education system.​


Unit 322 – 268 Keefer St, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6A 1X5
BCCIC engages its members and others to share knowledge, build relationships and develop their capacity towards achieving global sustainable development.

BC Forestry Reform

We seek to elevate voices across the province and unite communities who are impacted by forestry operations. The goal of this page is to provide a safe space for people and communities to discuss sustainable models or alternatives to forestry management and share their concerns on the current state of forestry in BC. By joining our group, you agree to abide by the Forest March BC Group Rules. This ensures that dialogue remains productive, meaningful, and inclusive so that we can continue building bridges across communities in BC!

BC Stewardship Centre

Our mission is to strengthen ecological stewardship in BC by providing educational, technical and capacity programs and resources to organizations, governments, the private sector and the general public through collaborative partnerships.

BC Sustainable Energy Association

932 Balmoral Road, Victoria, BC V8T 1A8
Website – 250-920-0124
We advocate for local municipalities to adopt 100% renewable energy by 2050 including organizing a town hall in Saanich to impart information and receive ideas from the public on a 100% renewable energy future for the region.

C02 Reduction Plan

This is a Grass Roots effort by ordinary citizens to encourage all people to voluntarily reduce carbon dioxide emissions and global pollution. Our local, provincial, and federal governments cannot or will will not act quickly enough in order to avert environmental catastrophe. Each of us must commit to action – we can no longer afford to be bystanders.

C40 Cities

C40 is a network of the world’s megacities committed to addressing climate change. C40 supports cities to collaborate effectively, share knowledge and drive meaningful, measurable and sustainable action on climate change.

 Carbon CREW Project

In dynamic small CREWs we inspire early climate adopters to make plans to halve their household environmental impact while bolstering their fellow participants and spreading word about their efforts using a self-replicating open-sourced curriculum.

Caregivers of Mother Earth​

Connecting children with nature through educational environmental enrichment in after school programs and day camps. Eliciting communities to become Caregivers of Mother Earth Cities. Building nature curriculum for teachers. Supporting the development of community gardens.

Your Organization Here!

Add your organization to the PairUp Directory. Click here for more info

Citizens’ Climate Lobby Canada

435 Notre Dame Ave, Lower Level, Sudbury ON, P3C 5K6
Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) Canada is a non-profit, non-partisan, grassroots advocacy organization funded solely by Canadians with a twin focus: to create the political will for a livable planet and to empower people to claim their political and personal power. In Canada, we have been laser-focused on lobbying for carbon fee and dividend since September 2010.

Citizens of South Langford for Sustainable Development (CSLSD)

We are a neighbourhood group of regular people from all walks of life. We all live in South Langford, and share a common interest in creating more forested parkland in our area.

Clean Energy

Suite 304, 305 – 75 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5E7
Website – 250-370-9930
Clean Energy Canada is a climate and clean energy program within the Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. We work to accelerate Canada’s clean energy transition by sharing the story of the global shift to renewable energy sources and clean technology. We conduct original research, convene influential dialogues, inform policy leadership, and build citizen engagement.

Climate Action Network

Climate Action Network Canada – Réseau action climat Canada (CAN-Rac Canada) is a coalition of more than 100 organizations across the country.CAN-Rac Canada is the only network in the country that brings labour, development, faith-based, and Indigenous groups together with the key national, provincial, and territorial environmental organizations working on climate change. The network plays a critical role in helping Canadian organizations understand and respond to climate change impacts and policies, across Canada and around the world, to coordinate efforts for greatest impact.



Climate Justice Victoria

A collective of local organizers working for climate justice and a #GreenNewDeal on Lekwungen & W̱SÁNEĆ Territories.​

Climate Reality Project of Canada

Founded and chaired by Nobel Laureate and former US Vice President Al Gore, The Climate Reality Project is dedicated to catalyzing a global solution to the climate crisis by making urgent action a necessity across every level of society. To tackle climate change, we focus on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as its main culprit, and on education and grassroots action as the solution.

Climate Resilience Project

An educational account dedicated to providing relevant information on climate resilience and climate justice topics. The information on this page is intersectional, factoring in the relation BIPOC groups have to climate injustices and the future of sustainability.

Citizens’ Environment Network in Colwood (CENIC)

CENIC is a group of Colwood residents who care about the future of the community and the planet. Their mission is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and community-wide learning on advancing climate action and environmental sustainability in Colwood.

Common Vision Common Action

A grassroots initiative to develop a regional policy platform for the municipal elections based on social and ecological justice.

Community Trees Matter Network

We are a community-led action group for respectful development and urban tree preservation and protection. Helping trees survive and thrive is our mission.

Conversations for a One Planet Region

We believe that before we can design and create a more just and sustainable future we need to discuss, understand and imagine it.

Cowichan Valley Earth Guardians

We are a crew of inspired young activists in the Cowichan Valley who are taking action for a future that is regenerative, safe and just. We acknowledge that the work we do is on the unceded land of the Coast Salish and Hul’q’umi’num speaking people.

Dead Boats Disposal Society

Research, education, inventory, removal, assessment, remediation, disposal of dead boats and marine debris, from our shores in British Columbia, Canada

Dogwood Initiative

PO Box 8701, Victoria, BC V8W 3S3
Website – 250-370-9930
We bring British Columbians together to reclaim power over our environment and democracy as the province’s largest nonpartisan citizen action network.


Suite 390, 425 Carrall Street | Vancouver BC V6B 6E3
Website – 604-685-5618
Ecojustice goes to court and uses the power of the law to defend nature, combat climate change, and fight for a healthy environment for all. Our strategic, innovative public interest lawsuits lead to legal precedents that deliver lasting solutions to our most urgent environmental problems.

ECO – Esquimalt Climate Action

Our objective is to become a vibrant community group that partners with the Township of Esquimalt Climate Action Plan. To engage with, motivate and support Town Council and residents to decrease energy consumption, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and prepare for climate impact in order to promote the overall health and well-being of the residents of Esquimalt. We invite contact with other organizations that share these goals for our region.

Families and Educators supporting Climate Change

A group of teachers, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and other individuals whose role it is to support to share knowledge and skills with youth to navigate the transition to a green economy and the necessary lifestyle changes. To support actions by organizations focused on climate change mitigation and adaptation and to connect neighbours to each other and local organizations that share a vision for a just society and an environmentally sustainable future.

For Our Kids

We are a network of parents and grandparents in Canada fighting for a better world for our kids and grandkids. Our vision is a green, equitable, and just world where our children and grandchildren grow up safe and healthy. But we know that in order to get there, we need to come together to advocate for it.

For the Love of Creation

For the Love of Creation is a national initiative that brings together faith bodies and faith-based organizations in Canada under a unified banner to mobilize education, reflection, action and advocacy for climate justice.

Force of Nature

Lower Mainland
Force of Nature is a registered nonprofit society under the BC Societies Act. View our Constitution and Bylaws. We have roughly 160 voting society members, 60 to 80 active volunteer organizers, 9 directors on our board, 6 Community Action Teams (CATs), and an additional 42,000 British Columbians who have supported our actions and signed our petitions since we were founded in December of 2014

Friends of Bowker Creek Society

We are working towards realizing a vision where the varied human uses and natural areas in the Bowker watershed are managed to minimize runoff and pollution, making Bowker Creek a healthy stream that supports habitat for native vegetation and wildlife, and provides a community greenway to connect neighbourhoods.

Friends of Uplands Park

Our mission is to create opportunities for stewardship, education and inspiration. We support initiatives for protecting the ecosystems of Uplands Park, educate our community on it’s natural and cultural history, celebrate the creativity inspired by Uplands Park, facilitate research/documentation focusing on the park, and seek out local knowledge.

Georgia Strait Alliance

Website – 250-753-3459
We are dedicated to protecting and restoring the marine environment and promoting the sustainability of the Strait of Georgia, its adjoining waters, and communities. We collaborate with communities and across sectors to find long term, evidence based solutions to our region’s most pressing marine and environmental issues.

Greater Victoria Climate Reality Project Hub

Our mission is to build a bridge between citizens and their local and regional policy and decision makers, by facilitating a diversity of voices as a strong, organised group advocating and working with governments to implement urgent and effective climate action. Members strive to learn, understand, and curtail the effects of colonialism. We meet bi-weekly to support one another, advance our projects, provide updates on events and actions within the climate activist community, and inform each other on current issues and resources.

Greater Victoria Green Team

1123 Bay Street, Victoria BC V8T 1S4
Website – 778-677-9078
Restore, Conserve, and Connect to our Environment in Victoria, BC. The Greater Victoria Green Team is a regional-wide environmental volunteer program and is part of the National Charity Green Teams.

Greater Victoria Naturehood

The Greater Victoria Naturehood is a collaborative effort by several not-for-profit, public and private organizations. Representatives from Nature Canada and Canadian Wildlife Service serve as advisors to the partners. The purpose of the collaboration is to work more effectively together to connect residents and visitors with the nature that can be found in and around the Greater Victoria region so that they are more inclined to protect and restore it.

Guardians of Our Salish Estuaries (GOOSE)

Our Mission is to conserve and enhance the health and productivity of estuaries. We work closely with local governments, regulatory agencies, and First Nations to achieve our mutual goals and objectives.

Habitat Acquisition Trust

PO Box 8552, Victoria, BC V8W 3S2
Website – 250-995-2428
We are a regional land trust that conserves nature on south Vancouver Island. We envision a future where the full array of natural habitats on south Vancouver Island and southern Gulf Islands is healthy and conserved.

Habitat Protection Project

Our mission is to give people concerned about habitat loss place to voice their concerns. We will research the issue, decide on the best way to proceed and take action. Having the direction and support of the HPP community can make all the difference.

Horticulture Centre of the Pacific

505 Quayle Road, Victoria, BC V9E 2J7
Website – 250-479-6162
We offer great Community Education workshops for everyone, from landscape professionals to hobbyist gardeners. We offer a wide range of topics including pruning, basket weaving, flower arranging and more.

Indigenous Climate Action

Indigenous Climate Action (ICA) is an Indigenous-led organization guided by a diverse group of Indigenous knowledge keepers, water protectors and land defenders from communities and regions across the country. We believe that Indigenous Peoples’ rights and knowledge systems are critical to developing solutions to the climate crisis and achieving climate justice.

Indigenous Climate Hub

Okwaho Equal Source, Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, ON, K0K 3A0
The Indigenous Climate Hub is an Indigenous-led project and national online platform for First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples, communities, and organizations to Learn, Share and Connect. The idea for the national platform was first proposed by First Nations climate change leaders at the inaugural Indigenous Climate Change Adaptation Gathering (ICCAG), which took place February 13-14, 2018 in Gatineau, Quebec.

I-SEA Institute for Sustainability, Education and Action

c/o 521 Isabella Point Rd
Salt Spring Island, British Columbia V8K1V3
Website – 250-653-0007
The Institute for Sustainability Education & Action (I-SEA) was created 17 years ago to broaden and deepen the understanding, appreciation, and commitment to sustainability locally throughout the Gulf Islands of British Columbia, as well as internationally.
The vision of I–SEA is to be an integral, positive force for individuals, organizations and communities striving to practice sustainability. This goal is achieved through educational projects, collaborations, communications and research. We are a registered charity, and are pleased to function as a qualified donee on projects with not-for-profit organizations.

Islands Trust Conservancy

200-1627 Fort St, Victoria, British Columbia V8R 1H8, Website – 250-405-5171

Islands Trust Conservancy is the conservation land trust for the Islands Trust Area – the islands of the Salish Sea. This are holds some of the most endangered ecosystems in Canada and are a priority area for protecting species-at-risk.

The Province of British Columbia created the Islands Trust Conservancy in 1990. Our work:

  • Create Nature reserves to preserve the region’s ecosystems
  • Work with landowners to protect ecosystems on private property
  • Build a strong conservation alliance by supporting local island conservancies
  • Manage protected land with the highest standards of stewardship

Land Trust Alliance of British Columbia LTABC

The Land Trust Alliance of BC represents the province’s 40 land trusts by providing education, research, information and services related t private land conservation.

Mount Work Coalition

Our primary objective is to encourage all levels of government to make policy and development decisions on the basis of community consultation, evidence-based research, and long-term, well thought out solutions. We feel the Mount Work region of the CRD is an important region to protect and that it is the responsibility of our elected representatives to ensure the health and safety of their residents, landfill employees, ecosystems, local farms and food security.

Nature Conservancy of Canada

200-825 Broughton Street, Victoria BC V8W 1E5
Website – 250-413-8013
The Nature Conservancy of Canada is a charitable land trust working to conserve nature in all its diversity, and to safeguard the lands and waters that sustain life. Through our Conservation Volunteers program, Canadians of all ages can help steward the conservation lands that we have protected while also enjoying meaningful, hands-on educational experiences in ecologically significant areas.

Nanaimo Climate Pledge

The Nanaimo Climate Pledge is an integrated climate outreach project, designed to discover which method(s) will best encourage individuals and households to take action on the climate emergency by reducing their CO2e emissions. The project is focused on the ‘middle majority’ – those who have some awareness of the climate crisis and its impacts, but for one reason or another have not yet taken any substantive action.

North Shore Climate Hub

North Vancouver
The North Shore Climate Hub is made up of several local community climate action groups and individuals and unites civil society, business, government, and the citizens of each of the regional districts in our community around a vision of carbon neutrality.

Now Or Never Coalition

219-365 Waterfront Crescent, Victoria, British Columbia V8T 0A6
Website – 250-514-8708

We host a web platform for sharing free posters that promote activities and social values that build resilient communities and underpin sustainability. We also provide workshops and introduce role models that provide support and a vision to those considering a transition into low-carbon livelihoods and lifestyles.

One Cowichan

c/o 1799 Pritchard Rd, Cowichan Bay, BC, V0R 1N1, Canada

Our purposes as an organization are: To engage citizens of the Cowichan Valley in issues of equality, sustainability and justice; To increase public awareness and appreciation of the Cowichan Valley’s watersheds, lands and
ecosystems, as places to celebrate, conserve and protect; To increase awareness of and encourage citizen engagement in democracy in the Cowichan Valley; To increase the public’s appreciation of Aboriginal culture in the Cowichan Valley and support reconciliation with First Nations; To raise money, acquire funds and other assistance for the purposes of the society; and To do everything incidental and necessary to promote and attain the foregoing purposes.

One Planet BC and One Planet Saanich

We help communities across the province understand sustainability priorities – and take action! One Planet Living is our vision for happier, healthier lives for everyone within the limits of our one planet. The 10 One Planet Principles are our lens for action. Combined with carbon and ecological footprint priorities, they ensure that we meet broader objectives, like achieving equity in our communities. They include health and happiness, sustainable food and zero waste. The 10 principles are part of the One Planet Living Framework by Bioregional UK and are used around the world – by individuals, businesses, communities. One Planet Living creates a ‘big tent’ that brings together diverse organizations for action – from local government, business, education and civil society. Together, we co-create a vision of the future and prioritize and plan the actions needed to bring this into being. Saanich is BC’s flagship community for One Planet Living. One Planet Saanich launched in 2018.

Pacific Wild Alliance

1529 Amelia Street, Victoria, BC V8W 2K1
Website – 250-380-0547
Pacific Wild is the leading voice for Wildlife Conservation in the Great Bear Rainforest and beyond. We support  innovative research, public education, community outreach and raising conservation awareness to achieve the goal of lasting environmental protections for the lands and waters of the Great Bear Rainforest and throughout the wild Pacific Northwest. Using our powerful, authentic, visual storytelling (film, photography, books), evidence-based reporting, wildlife monitoring, legal action and community-led initiatives, Pacific Wild leverages its many partnerships to influence policy, public opinion, and legislative change to more urgently support healthy and protected ecosystems that can sustain optimal biodiversity throughout the northwest Pacific region.

Parents 4 Climate

Parents 4 Climate! is a local group of committed, loving parents on Lekwungen territory, united around the basic sense of duty every parent feels to ensure that our children have a healthy planet to grow and live on.

Project Drawdown

Our mission is to help the world reach “Drawdown”— the point in the future when levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stop climbing and start to steadily decline, thereby stopping catastrophic climate change — as quickly, safely, and equitably as possible.

Protect the Planet/Stop TMX

Protect the Planet began on August 3, 2020, when Land Defenders and Water Protectors deployed an aerial camp high in the cottonwood trees in the Brunette River watershed in Burnaby. The purpose of this Holmes Creek ‘tree camp’ was to prevent TMX from clearing trees scheduled to be cut between August 1 and September 15, 2020, along the proposed pipeline route.

Raincoast Conservation Foundation

2238 Harbour Rd, Sidney, BC V8L 2P6
Website – 250 – 655-1229
We are a team of conservationists and scientists empowered by our research to protect the lands, waters and wildlife of coastal British Columbia. We use rigorous, peer-reviewed science and community engagement to further our conservation objectives.


Old lumber from building demolitions makes up an alarming share of waste destined for landfill. This strong, seasoned material often heads for the dump before any thought is given to how it might be re-purposed. Meanwhile, community gardens, nurseries, and small farms face escalating costs for the wood they need to build garden boxes, compost bins, fence, tool sheds, and other items. ReWood is a volunteer-led effort that addresses both of these challenges. We give old wood a second life by liberating lumber from building sites before it is transferred to the landfill. We donate our time, skills and energy to design and build strong, durable wooden infrastructure products for use in community gardens, small urban farms, nurseries and related social enterprises in our region.

Rock Bay Creek Revival Community

Website – 250-385-7692
Rock Bay Creek Revival works to remind us of the water below our feet, water we have forgotten, water without which we cannot live. Without water there is no life, no life for hummingbirds and mayflies, coho and cutthroat, bears, deer, raccoons, and mice, and we humans. If we do not remember our water, if we do not take care of it, there will be no place for us on this earth.

Rotary Club of Shawnigan Lake EcoClub

Website – 250-732-0531
We are the first Rotary EcoClub in Canada – a new and different kind of club! – devoted to environmental issues and caring for our outdoors. Together as part of a support network of over 1.2 million Rotarians, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves. We gratefully acknowledge the traditional custodians of Showe’luqun, the Hul’q’umi’num speaking peoples, who hunted and gathered in this area, respecting their caring connections to each other and the places where we live, work and play.

The Resilient Urban Systems & Habitat (RUSH) Initiative

Climate change is a real bummer but reversing the trend is at our fingertips and in our footprints. The Resilient Urban Systems & Habitat (RUSH) Initiative is about rapid resilience in record time. Join this collective creation to mapping the difference we’re all making. Comparing datasets on personal and planetary health. Help us plot the spots that track the healing. Help identify the risks and the fixes.

By showcasing the research, creativity, and innovation happening in this region on an interactive landing page, we hope to provide a shared language on the vulnerabilities and opportunities for long-term health and climate action.

Saanich Parks – Pulling Together Volunteer Program

1040 Mackenzie Ave, Victoria, BC V9E 2L4
Website – 250-475-5502
Come work your muscles and your mind with the Pulling Together Volunteer Program. Our volunteers work on high rocky outcrops, creek side forests, wetlands, wildflower meadows and waterways. This hands-on, inclusive, ecological restoration program has been in place since 1999.

Science Alliance for Forestry Transformation (SAFT)

SAFT is an informed group of BC’s top forest ecology scientists and forest practitioners that have joined forces in 2021 to bring better data, information, debunk myths, and provide ecologically sound alternatives to current forest harvest practices and policy.

Sequoia Solution

Website – 778-840-9229
Sequoia Solution helps heal humans, while healing the planet by planting trees. Sequoias are the perfect workhorses to help heal our earth by sequestering up to an astonishing 3.5 tons of CO2 per year! Not only are they the largest living things on earth they are able to live thousands of years.

At Sequoia Solution, we create opportunities for Humans to lovingly and joyously plant baby trees locally – no experience required! We plant all over the Lower Mainland and Gulf Islands.

Sierra Club of BC

2994 Douglas St, Victoria, BC V8T 4N4
Website – 250 – 386-5255
We work to defend B.C.’s wild places and species, within the urgent context of climate change. We advocate for a rapid shift away from fossil fuels to a low carbon, equitable economy.

South Island Climate Action Network

A network of local climate action teams, SI-CAN meets monthly to share ideas and strategize on how to move the dial on climate action within their local municipalities. We unite when needed to amplify our collective voice.To date we have representatives from Colwood, Esquimalt, Langford, Metchosin, North Saanich, Oak Bay, Sooke, Saanich, Central Saanich, Sidney, Victoria, and View Royal. If interested in joining a team or starting your own, please contact Jane Devonshire.

Click here to see all members

BCSEA – BC Sustainable Energy Association, Victoria Chapter (Observer status)


Colwood CENIC Citizens Environmental Network in Colwood
Contact: Harley Gordon

Esquimalt ECO – Esquimalt Climate Organizers
Contact: Francois Brassard

Metchosin MCAT – Metchosin Climate Action Team
Contact: Alison Leduc


Oak Bay OBCF – Oak Bay Climate Force
Contact: Andrea Careless,


Saanich SEA – Saanich Eco Advocates
Contact: Salome Waters


Sooke T.S. – Transition Sooke
Contact: Susan Clarke


Victoria Climate Action Team (VCAT)
Contact: Lynn Taylor


Victoria FGCAGCAG- Fairfield Gonzales Community Association Climate Action Group


View Royal VRCC – View Royal Climate Coalition


Contact: Maia Carolsfeld


Individual members from:

Central Saanich, North Saanich & Sidney SPEC – Saanich Peninsula Environmental Coalition
Contact: Bob Peart:


Contact: Kara Middleton


North Saanich
Contact: Nancy Balcom,

Swan Lake/Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary

3873 Swan Lake Road, Victoria, BC V8X 3W1
Website – 250-479-0211
Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary is a wild oasis in the heart of the urban landscape and includes two distinct ecosystems: the beautiful marshland of Swan Lake and the rocky, oak-forested highlands of Christmas Hill. Both are home to an incredible array of native plants and wild animals.

Synergy Sustainability

415 – 620 View St, Victoria, BC V8W 1J6
Website – 778-265-8053
We work with businesses & builders who want to make a meaningful and measureable change to their environmental impact.

TLC The Land Conservancy of B.C.

PO Box 50054 RPO Fairfield Plaza, Victoria, BC V8S 5L8
Website – 250-479-8053
We are a non-profit, charitable Land Trust working throughout British Columbia. TLC protects important habitat for plants, animals and natural communities as well as properties with historical, cultural, scientific, scenic or compatible recreational value.

Transition Sooke

2119 Melrick Place, Sooke, BC V9Z 0M9
Website – 250-642-1036
Transition Sooke is a volunteer, public interest group working towards a resilient and sustainable community. We are dedicated to practical, local, common-sense steps to regain control of the future of our communities by reducing:
Dependence on fossil fuels
Impacts of climate change
Vulnerability to global economic instability

Van Isle Decade on Restoration

The challenges of today requires problem-solvers who bring different perspectives and are willing to take risks. The University of Victoria’s Make a Difference Week Team emerged out of a pursuit to inspire and support the community, and a desire for actions to speak louder than words.

This Decade offers an opportunity to collaborate regionally on a collective push to raise awareness of ecosystem restoration in our region, and to encourage hands-on action by regional agencies and residents. Led by the Restoration of Natural Systems Program at the University of Victoria, representatives from municipalities, conservancies, and volunteer groups have come together to help organize a regional movement.

The Victoria Foundation

Well known for it support and funding for many social and environmental causes, and which has recently announced its commitment to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, and especially Goal 11 – the creation of sustainable cities and communities.

Victoria Greenbelt Society

1772 Millstream Rd, Victoria, BC V9B 6E4
Website – 250-478-5858

We promote the reservation, acquisition and protection, and where necessary the purchase of greenbelt lands, potential parklands and outstanding examples of our natural and cultural heritage for the benefit of all citizens of the Greater Victoria metropolitan area.

Victoria Herring Enhancement Society

Residents of the Oceanside Area interested in saving the Herring in the Strait of Georgia. The eco system needs your help! Thanks for joining this group. Please share it and the informational posts to help build awareness of the potential impacts that are about to be made.

Victoria Horticultural Society

Established in 1921 in Victoria, British Columbia, where we enjoy one of Canada’s finest gardening climates. We respectfully acknowledge that we live and garden on the traditional lands of the Coast Salish peoples.

West Coast Climate Action Network

We work to unite the multitude of groups, organizations and initiatives in British Columbia whose members share a deep concern about the global climate emergency, and who wish to see more urgent, rapid action. We work to serve, support, amplify and promote their work, and to take whatever further actions we deem necessary to end the global climate emergency. – Six Mountains Community Forest


We are a gathering place committed to advocating for public engagement, the greater good and health of our Six Mountains Community Forest. Where Do We Stand began with a few concerned citizens and quickly evolved into a grass roots movement. It is a film, a community event, a facebook page and a website. Our one shared message is stated by the petition and signed by over 1500 citizens.


Wildsight works locally, regionally and globally to protect biodiversity and encourage sustainable communities in Canada’s Columbia and Rocky Mountain regions.

Zero Waste Emporium

1728 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC, Canada
Website – 778-433-9376
We provide an enjoyable and affordable package free shopping experience in Victoria, BC. Bring any of your clean and dry containers from home, or borrow one of ours from our “take a jar, leave a jar” baskets! Weigh your container and add the tare weight at one of our C.A.R.E stations, then fill ’em up with as much or as little as you need. Feel good about grocery shopping without creating any waste!

Family & Community Support

AIESEC Victoria

3800 Finnerty Road, Victoria, BC V8P 5C2
Website – 778-228-1485
We are present in more than 126 countries and territories around the world, each entity working towards impacting more youth through cross-cultural exchanges through volunteer and internship placements that also benefits the communities.

Backpack Project Victoria

3800 Finnerty Road, Victoria, BC V8P 5C2
A local annual initiative that provides the homeless and those in need in our community, with backpacks full of necessities on Christmas Day. With generous support and donations from local businesses and schools in Victoria and its surrounding municipalities, hundreds backpacks have been filled and distributed to the men and women who call the streets their home.

Beacon Community Services

10030 Resthaven Drive, Sidney, BC V8L 3G4
Website – 250-656-5537
We provide care and support to thousands of people on southern Vancouver Island and the outer Gulf Islands, through a wide range of programs and services including health, children and family, training and employment, adult recreation, housing, and volunteer services.

Suite 703-1803 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC V8T-5C3
Website – 778-746-7799
We educate Canadian citizens on the benefits of moderation and restraint in the use of alcohol and drugs. We encourage everyone to make a promise to themselves to be “you” by not misusing alcohol and drugs.

Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Victoria

230 Bay Street, Victoria, BC V9A 3K5
Website – 250-475-1117
We create and support positive mentoring relationships for young people to help them succeed in life. Facing prolonged adversity creates toxic stress in the brain that can negatively impact development. With the support of a mentor, these risks can be reduced or even avoided, and youth can reach their full potential.

Bloom Victoria

91 Hartland, Saanich, BC V9E 1L7
Website – 250-479-5217
Our vision is a world where people can easily share their passions and resources, resolve conflict, and live creatively in balance with nature. Bloom Victoria is one of over 30 bioregional chapters of the Bloom Network. We create a few community events each year and are always looking for collaborators and volunteers.

Boys and Girls Club Services of Victoria

301-1195 Esquimalt Rd, Victoria BC V9A 3N6
Website – 250-384-9133
We provide a safe, supportive place where children, youth, and families can experience new opportunities, overcome barriers, build positive relationships, and develop confidence and skills for life.

Bridges for Women Society

1809 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC V8T 4K5
Website – 250-385-7410
We inspire women impacted by violence or abuse to reclaim their lives and build economic stability. Bridges draws on its extensive knowledge of the impacts of abuse on employability, to provide education, training and consulting to community agencies, employers and government.

Burnside Gorge Community Association

471 Cecelia Road, Victoria, BC V8T 4T4
Website – 250-388-5251
We provide family resource programs and services that respond to the needs of families in the area such as family outreach, parent & child programs, childcare, a youth centre and special events. We offer educational and recreational activities such as yoga, dance, and language courses.

Capital Bike

Our aim is to be there for everyone who wants to enjoy cycling in the Capital Region – whether you’re new to the Region and perhaps just learning to ride, dusting off a bike that’s been the garage for a while, or an experienced rider who wants to connect with our vibrant cycling community.

Central Saanich Community Association

22573 James Island Rd, Saanichton, BC V8M 1V6
Website – 250-634-2644
We serve to strengthen and unify community members interested in common goals in order to make the Central Saanich region a better, more vibrant, and healthier place to live, learn, work and play.

Children’s International Summer Villages

PO Box 8058, Stn CE, Victoria, BC V8W 3R7
Website – 250-704-2626
CISV Victoria was incorporated in 1965 and became a registered charity in 1980. Youth members are encouraged to take a leading role in organizing, running, as well as participating in monthly meetings, exploring themes of diversity, human rights, conflict and resolution, and sustainable development. We have both local activities through our monthly Junior Branch meetings and our local outreach programme, Mosaic for members of all ages; as well as offer international opportunities to meet and grow with CISV Members from all around the world.


Website – 250-818-4751
We are non-auditioned choir program for school-age kids that focuses on singing for fun to foster a love and appreciation for music. Since 2008, the ChoirKids program has been provided in selected local public schools serving marginalized communities.

CINDEA (Canadian Integrative Network for Death Education and Alternatives)

Website – 250-383-4065
CINDEA is a volunteer-run non-profit society which supports wholistic and ecological alternatives to the pan-death process, including ACP, home funerals, and green disposition options. It provides several pages of cross-Canada resources, and information to individual requests.

Community Action Bus

Website – 250-893-7848
The Community Action Bus is a vehicle for change; the most effective way to mobilize folks for community events, rallies, and protests.

Community Circles Restorative Justice Society

Email – 236-594-9073
We are a volunteer run non-profit that serves the area between Nanaimo and Duncan. Our purpose is to educate, engage and support residents who seek healing options for dealing with harm and conflict. When requested, we facilitate restorative justice and conflict resolution circles for people and groups.

Community Social Planning Council

203 – 4475 Viewmont Ave Victoria, BC V8Z 6L8
Website – 250-383-6166
We improve the quality of life for everyone in British Columbia’s Capital Region, particularly the people who are disadvantaged due to poverty and distress. We engage community members and organizations, businesses and government to research social issues and create sustainable solutions.

Community Options for Children and Families

1595 Pembroke Street, Victoria, BC V8R 2B5
Website – 250-380-6363
We provide a wide range of services to people with developmental disabilities, their families and their caregivers on South Vancouver Island. We work in partnership with other organizations, individuals and government to ensure the inclusion of all people in our community.

Cook Street Village Activity Centre

Suite 1-380 Cook St, Victoria, BC V8V 3X7
Website – 250-384-6542
This is your home for social, educational and recreational activities! We are open to people of all ethnic and cultural backgrounds (yes, this means you!). Come on by and take a tour of the Cook Street Village Activity Centre (CSVAC) and discover what a friendly, open community that is available to you here.

The Cowichan Therapeutic Riding Association (CTRA)

1843 Tzouhalem Rd, Duncan, BC V9L 5L6
Website – 250-746-1028
A registered charity serving the Cowichan Valley. CTRA provides equine assisted therapeutic services and has been operating in the region since 1986. CTRA uses “horsepower to empower” providing participants with diverse special needs with a range of highly individualized therapeutic interventions. At CTRA, a shared love of horses brings people together – bridging perceptions of difference, catalyzing human potential, and fostering a sense of belonging among participants, families, volunteers, and visitors alike.

Cridge Centre for the Family

1307 Hillside Ave, Victoria, BC V8T 0A2
Website – 250-384-8058
A place where people can find hope and direction when they are the most vulnerable and in need. A community of caring individuals who believe there’s more to social services than providing programs, because love is the bottom line.

Cridge Transition House for Women

Victoria, BC
Website – 250-479-3963
We are a safe place for women with or without children who are escaping violence or abuse in their homes. Abuse can be emotional, psychological or physical.

The Didi Society

3-117 Medana Street, Victoria, BC V8V 2H6
Website – 778-440-0283
We empower women globally through fair trade, and educate youth locally on social justice issues. Didi means older, respected sister in the Hindi language.

 The Diverters’ Foundation

Website – 203-736-7270
The Diverters’ Foundation is dedicated to destigmatizing recycling livelihoods and creating economic opportunities for marginalized and low-income individuals in Victoria surrounding. Binners are those who collect refundable containers to supplement their income and are crucial environmental stewards that clean the streets and contribute to a circular recycling system. We have created multiple programs that educate about recycling and provides more opportunities for binners and diverters to take part in making Victoria’s waste management systems more inclusive.

Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre

02 Columbia St. Vancouver, BC V6A 4J1
Website – 604-681-8480
Founded in 1978, DEWC is one of the few safe spaces within the Downtown Eastside exclusively for self-identified women and their children. High levels of violence, homelessness, addictions and poverty characterize the Downtown Eastside community. Women and children are particularly vulnerable to exploitation, injustice and injury.
We provide practical support to over 500 women, children and seniors, every day. As well as providing a refuge and shelter from conditions of poverty and violence, the Centre provides basic necessities.

Esquimalt Neighbourhood House

511 Constance Avenue, Victoria, BC V9A 6N5
Website – 250-385-2635
We offer programs and services for children, youth and adults in the Greater Victoria Area, and especially for people living in Esquimalt, British Columbia. Please contact us if you would like more information, or to access our services.

Esquimalt United Church

527 Fraser Street, Victoria, BC V9A 6H6
Website – 250-384-3031
We are a congregation of the United Church of Canada that offers opportunities for spiritual nurture, learning, service, and celebration as we promote justice within community, both locally and beyond. We joyfully share our place with a variety of non-profits including the Rainbow Kitchen.

Esquimalt Volunteer Services

527 Fraser Street, Victoria, BC V9A 6H6
Website – 250-412-8556
Volunteer your time and expertise on one of seven Council committees. The committees play a vital role in advising Council and making policy and action recommendations.

Extreme Outreach Society

102-284 Helmcken Rd, Victoria, BC V9B 1T2
Website – 250-384-2064
We are a local, non-profit organization with a vision to remove barriers caused by poverty, resulting in stronger, healthier communities.

Fairfield Community Association

1330 Fairfield Road, Victoria, BC V8S 5J1
Website – 250-382-4604
Our mission is to create a connected, collaborative, inclusive, and sustainable community.

FairVote Canada

Proportional representation is a principle underlying a voting system: People should be represented in proportion to how they voted. The percentage of seats a party has in the legislature should reflect the percentage of people who voted for them.

Family Caregivers of BC

#6 – 3318 Oak Street, Victoria, BC V8X 1R1
Website – 250-384-0408
We are 100% dedicated to supporting family caregivers. Most of us have cared for aging, ailing or disabled loved ones and have experienced firsthand the stress, joy, confusion, and feelings of purpose that come with caregiving.

Family Services of Greater Victoria

899 Fort Street, Victoria, BC V8W 1H6
Website – 250-386-4331
British Columbia’s premier agency for all family members facing change and challenges in their relationships. FSGV’s professional staff combine current knowledge with training to provide a wide range of caring, timely, and effective services.

Fernwood Neighbourhood Resource Group

1240 Gladstone Avenue, Victoria, BC V8T 1G6
Website – 250-381-1552
We are a social enterprising non-profit organization run by and for the residents of Fernwood, a neighbourhood in Victoria, BC.

Francophone Immigration Program of BC / Programme d’immigration francophone de la C.-B

531 Yates St, 3rd floor, Victoria, BC V8W 1K7
Website – 250-800-1601 –
Gate West offers free and confidential settlement, integration and employment services to francophone immigrants who move to British Columbia or to other western provinces.

Greater Nanaimo Cycling Coalition

2nd Floor, 941 Pandora Ave, Victoria, BC V8V 3P4
Website – 778-269-5642
We create opportunities for the people of Nanaimo to be able to walk and cycle to school or work, and to be able to access the many services and amenities in their neighbourhoods and the larger community. We advocate for walkable neighbourhoods, good transit options, and mixed-use neighbourhoods.

Greater Victoria Coalition to End Homelessness Society

2nd Floor, 941 Pandora Ave, Victoria, BC V8V 3P4
Website – 250-370-1512
A partnership of local service providers, non-profit organizations, all levels of government, business and the faith community located in Greater Victoria, British Columbia.

Greater Victoria Housing Society

2326 Government St, Victoria, BC V8T 5G5
Website – 250-384-3434
A non-profit charitable organization dedicated to providing affordable rental housing for low- to moderate-income families, seniors, working singles, and adults with disabilities who live independently.

Greater Victoria Police Victim Services

850 Caledonia Avenue, Victoria, BC V8T 5J8
Website – 250-995-7351
We provide services to victims of crime or trauma who may or may not have reported the crime to police or be involved with the criminal justice system. Since 1983, GVPVS has provided emotional and practical support for victims of crime and trauma.

The Greater Victoria Women’s Shelter Society (GVWSS)

Website – 250-995-0058 –
We are a small non-profit community group with a mandate to provide supportive housing for women and their children. Our organization has a strong commitment to feminist principles.

Habitat for Humanity – Victoria

849 Orono Avenue, Victoria, BC V9B 2T9
Website – 250-480-7688
We bring communities together to help families build strength, stability and independence through affordable home ownership.


1075 Alston Street, Victoria, BC, Canada, V9A 3S6
Website – 250-590-4221
HeroWork was originally created to improve the state of buildings that house charities, but quickly learned that modern-day barn raising is about much more than a fast-paced renovation. From our first project in Victoria, BC, we witnessed an increased sense of pride and engagement for clients, staff and volunteers inhabiting the new space. Participants in a Radical Renovation also experienced a renewed sense of belonging and community and became stronger leaders through the process.

Indigenous Perspectives Society (IPS)

664 Granderson Road, Victoria, BC V9B 2R8
Website – 250-391-0007
We are a charitable and not-for-profit social enterprise that offers training programs and services that help foster a deeper understanding of Indigenous perspectives, cultural differences, and the need for self-determination.

Internet for Humanity

Box 52020 Beacon Av., RPO Sidney, BC V8L 5V9
Website – 250-655-6590 –
We work to establish low-cost, reliable, compressed-internet browsing and email systems in isolated and impoverished regions of the world. Our clients include NGOs, non-profits and humanitarian organizations, as well as local schools, hospitals, cooperatives and other community initiatives.

Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria

102-808 Douglas Street
Victoria, British Columbia V8W 2B6
Website – 250-388-4728
For more than fifty years, the Inter-Cultural Association’s (ICA) purpose has been to support the full integration of newcomer immigrants and refugees into the social, economic and civic life of the Capital Region of British Columbia. ICA plays a critical role in helping immigrants get a positive start to their new lives in Canada by providing the services and resources they need to thrive.

James Bay Community Project

547 Michigan Street, Victoria, BC V8V 1S5
Website – 250-388-7844.
A non-profit community organization helping seniors, youth and families by providing counselling services, community support and volunteer services. JBCP has several tenants providing services to the community: the Victoria Health Co-operative, LifeLabs, HerWay Home and other independent providers of health services.

James Bay Market Society

c/o 547 Michigan Street, Victoria, BC V8V 1S5
Website – 250-381-5323
We want to promote the benefits of a local market with the intent to foster the uniqueness of this neighbourhood.

Journeying Beyond

c/o #401-885 Craiglower Road, Victoria, BC. V9A 2X4
Website – 250-383-4065
Journeying Beyond offers comprehensive Advance Directives and other ACP planning, and pan-death support to those who are dying and their families. This includes home funerals (deathcare done at home, paperwork and transportation by family), various kinds of personalized pre/post death ceremonies, and green disposition options.

Langford Voters for Change

Residents of Langford who are uniting to change the way it is currently governed & working to ensure that we have a voice in its future.

Leadership Victoria

306 – 620 View Street, Victoria, BC V8W 1J6
Website – 250-386-2269
A community-based, voluntary organization committed to developing, recognizing and honouring outstanding community leaders in building a vibrant community.

Legacy Housing Land Trust

1027 Pandora Ave, Victoria, BC V8V 3P6
Website – 250-479-5217
We support the people of the Capital Region and strengthens their communities through the development and stewardship of permanently affordable homes. Properties can be developed by Legacy Housing Land Trust, by government and/or by community groups.

Learning Through Loss

1027 Pandora Ave, Victoria, BC V8V 3P6
Website – 250-413-3114
We design and deliver grief education and loss support programs to youth, and provides training to other youth-serving community to increase capacity to support young people through difficult times.

LifeCycles Project Society

2 – 625 Hillside Ave, Victoria, BC V8T 1Z1
Website – 250-383-5800
Cultivating community health by connecting people with the food they eat and the land it comes from. We support the region to grow, access and eat local food in ways that foster diversity and enhance our urban environment.

Lifetime Networks Victoria

102-4090 Shelbourne Street, Victoria BC V8N 4P8
Website – 250-477-4112
We build Networks of Friends, provide Continuing Education, Community Engagement Support, Employment Preparation, Job Search, ‘on the job’ support and more… all within inclusive, safe, welcoming settings.

Living Edge Community

PO Box 46020 Quadra, Victoria, BC V8T 5G7
Website – 250-383-8915.
Since 2011, we have been freely providing groceries and plated hot dinners on a weekly basis in the Quadra Village neighbourhood. We specialize in distributing fresh food – not just canned goods – to local residents.

M’akola ILBC Housing Society

2009 Fernwood Road, Victoria, BC V8T 2Y8
Website – 250-474-1524
We provide safe, affordable and appropriate homes primarily for Aboriginal people and families. Through community partnerships and funders M’akola is able to provide subsidized housing, affordable rentals and assisted living units throughout most of British Columbia.

Mary Manning Centre

210 – 1175 Cook Street, Victoria, BC V8V 4A1
Website – 250-385-6111
We respond to children, youth and families who are affected by abuse in all its forms as well as abuse related trauma, by providing victim services, counselling, prevention and education within the greater Victoria community, and consultation throughout the province of British Columbia.

Men’s Trauma Centre

102-1022 Pandora Avenue, Victoria, BC V8V 3P5
Website – 250-381-6367
We help and support anyone who identifies as a man who has experienced emotional, sexual or physical trauma as a child or an adult.

Mercy Ships

5 – 3318 Oak St., Victoria, BC V8X 1R1
Website – 250-381-2160
We are a global humanitarian organization who uses hospital ships to deliver free, world-class health care services, capacity building and sustainable development to those without access in the developing world.

Mustard Seed Street Church

625 Queen Street, Victoria, BC V8T 1L9
Website – 250-953-1575
We are a non-profit fighting hunger and restoring faith to hurting souls in Greater Victoria.

Your Organization Here!

Add your organization to the PairUp Directory. Click here for more info

North Shore Connexions

1070 Roosevelt Crescent, North Vancouver, BC V7P 1M3
Website – 604-984-9321
We support people with intellectual disabilities by providing the care they need to feel safe and enjoy physical and emotional wellbeing throughout their lives. We seek to discover and honour their interests, talents, skills and aspirations so they can thrive and be included as genuine members of their local community and to live the life they choose.


Oak Bay Community Association

138-2017A Cadboro Bay Road, Victoria, BC, V8R 5G4
The Community Association of Oak Bay is a non-profit charitable society focused on developing a sustainable vibrant community while having fun.

Oak Bay Volunteer Services

101-2167 Oak Bay Avenue, Victoria, BC V8R 1G2
Website – 250-595-1034
We provide direct volunteer services to Oak Bay residents on a one-to-one basis. Clients can be of any age, and are individuals in need of volunteer help because of health, financial or other needs.

Oaklands Community Assoc & Centre

1 – 2827 Belmont Ave, Victoria, BC V8R 4B2
Website – 250-370-9101
Our vision is to provide a welcoming, engaging, sustainable community where all members can live, learn and thrive. We are proud to serve Oaklands, which is bordered by Cook Street, Haultain Street, Shelbourne Street and North Dairy Road.

Oasis Society for the Spiritual Health of Victoria

106-505 Trutch Street, Victoria, BC V8V 4C3
Website – 250-361-9228
A not-for-profit urban Indigenous organization. The Society has been responding to the needs of the community in a unique and personal way since 2006. We deliver an effective culturally appropriate program to urban Indigenous peoples.

Open Door Spiritualist Sanctuary

1600 Cook St, Victoria, BC V8W 2R9
Website – 250-383-2293
An independent centre of divine service and healing. It opened its doors to the public in 1939, and moved to its present location on Cook Street in Victoria in 1947. It has been in continuous existence since its formation in 1872 and today is a thriving entity, integrating as it does a modern outlook with a revival of Spiritualist traditions.

 Oregon Climate Action Hub

The Oregon Climate Action Hub is on a mission to empower ALL Oregonians to take effective climate action. We have created a comprehensive information hub about opportunities to take effective climate action within the state of Oregon. Our goal is to build individual and community capacity for action, and encourage each of us to live in ways that create a vibrant future for all. On the Hub, you can find opportunities to take action at individual, community, organizational, and/or policy levels.

Our Place

919 Pandora Avenue, Victoria, BC V8V 3P4
Website – 250-388-7112
We offer a sense of belonging to Greater Victoria’s most vulnerable citizens. We provide a home, nourishment and hope through living, sharing, learning and worshipping together.

Pacific Peoples Partnership

#407-620 View Street, Victoria, BC V8W 1J6
Website – 250-381-4131
Our current programming is focused on promoting climate resilience and gender equity in South Pacific communities, and on facilitating knowledge exchange between Pacific Islanders and the Indigenous peoples of Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

Pacifica Housing Advisory Association

827 Fisgard Street, Victoria, BC V8W 1R9
Website – 250-385-2131
mission is to be a leading innovative provider of affordable homes and support services that contribute to the independence of individuals and families. We believe in “housing first”: helping people find safe, secure and permanent housing, so that health, family and other personal matters can then be addressed.

P.E.E.R.S. (Prostitutes Empowerment, Education and Resource Society)

1-744 Fairview Street, Victoria, BC V9A 5T9
Website – 250-388-5325
Through direct service delivery and community partnerships, Peers provides an array of outreach and drop in harm reduction and support services alongside education and employment training for current and former sex workers, in Victoria and on Vancouver Island.

Refugee Sponsorship Program

900 Vancouver Street, Victoria, BC V8V 3V7
Website – 250-386-7781
We provide information, support and resources for the private sponsorship of refugee families to Vancouver Island. The Refugees of Vancouver Island provides information and support for individuals and groups interested in private sponsorship of refugees (PSR) through St. Matthias Anglican Church in Victoria, BC, as well as the Refugee Committee of the Anglican Diocese of BC.

Respecting Aboriginal Values and Environmental Needs Society (RAVEN)

#303-620 View Street, Victoria, BC V8W 1J6
Website – 250-383-2331
Our vision is a country that embraces the ancestral laws of Indigenous Peoples and their equitable access to the justice system within a thriving natural habitat.

Restorative Justice Victoria

1933-1939 Lee Avenue, Victoria, BC V8R 4W9
Website – 250-383-5801
We are a non-profit, community-based organization that facilitates dialogues in the aftermath of crimes that occur in the City of Victoria, Oak Bay, and Esquimalt.

Ross Bay Villa Society

Website –
To educate the general public, including children, about Canada’s social, cultural and architectural heritage.

Rotary Clubs of Greater Victoria

Our impact starts with our members—people who work tirelessly with their clubs to solve some of our communities’ toughest challenges.

Saanich Neighbourhood Place

3100 Tillicum Road, Victoria, BC V9A 6T2
Website – 250-360-1148
A non-profit organization that delivers a wide range of programming aimed at helping families access resources and supports they feel they need, in a barrier free environment and within their own neighbourhoods.

Salvation Army National Recycling Operation

3948 Quadra Street, Victoria, BC V8X 1J6
Recycling operation which runs 7 thrift stores for those in need and individuals with limited resources. Also recycles a variety of other materials including paper/cardboard.


738 – 203 Kimta Road, Victoria, BC V9A 6T5
Website – 250-480-7351
When someone needs a hand, we are happy to help. Our Sendial Grocery Shopping & Delivery Program does the shopping for customers who, because of injury, frailty or other physical reason, can’t easily get to our stores or shop independently.

Search & Rescue Society of British Columbia

23 Burnside Road West, Victoria, British Columbia V9A 6Z7
Website – 250-384-6696
Providing services since 1984, we are a 100% volunteer, registered charity that provides direct access community support to those in need. Accredited through Imagine Canada. When traditional resources have not provided resolve for a wilderness and inland waters missing person we may be able to help by providing unique resources that are not normally available on a missing person incident. We respond province wide.

In addition we offer the proven lifesaving Project Lifesaver Program in Greater Victoria for those with cognitive disorders (Dementia, Alzheimers, Autism, brain injuries, etc.) who are prone to life threatening wandering behavior. This program has a 100% success rate at finding those who have wandered.

Seniors Serving Seniors

109 – 1022 Pandora Ave, Victoria, BC V8V 3P6
Website – 250-382-4331
We are a volunteer organization promoting quality of life and well-being for seniors in Greater Victoria.

Shelbourne Community Kitchen Society

3541 Shelbourne Street, Victoria, BC V8P 4G6
Website – 250-595-0980
A community resource for individuals and families living on a low income, who have difficulty accessing sufficient nutritious food on a consistent basis—in other words, they are experiencing food insecurity.

Shekinah Homes Society

3114 Irma St, Victoria, British Columbia V9A1S8
Website – 250-595-1014
Supporting adults with diverse abilities in their homes and community.

Silver Threads

1728 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC V8W 2G7
Website – 250-388-4268
Our services, programs and community partnerships have evolved to meet the changing needs of an ever-growing population of older seniors.

Sooke Options for Community Living

108 – 2145 Townsend Road, Sooke, BC V9Z 0H3
Website – 250-642-6364
We provide opportunities for personal growth, independence, and participation in the community for people who live with developmental and physical disabilities, and provide support to their families and caregivers.

Sooke Region Historical Society

2070 Phillips Road, Sooke, BC V9Z 0Y3
Website – 250-642-6351
Inspiring an appreciation of the Sooke Region’s past and its relevance to our present and future.

Sooke Region Volunteer Centre

6672 Wadams Way, Sooke, BC V9Z 0H3
Website – 250-642-6351 Ext. 235
Founded to promote and support volunteerism in the Sooke Region, and to build a community where everyone volunteers.

Sooke Transition House Society

PO Box 527, Sooke, BC V9Z 1H5
Website – 250-642-2544
We provide emergency shelter for women and their children who are in crisis resulting from family violence.

Society for Children and Youth of BC

303-1720 Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada V5L 2Y7
Website – (778) 657-5544 or toll-free 1-877-462-0037
The Society for Children and Youth of BC (SCY) is a unique provincial organization dedicated to improving the well-being of children and youth in British Columbia.
Since 1974, the Society has focused on providing a strong voice representing children and youth. We provide support to adult duty bearers to improve the well-being of children and youth in British Columbia.
Using the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as a foundation, SCY has a track record of creating and delivering programs that have motivated change in research, legislation, policy, and practice in Canada.

Society of Friends of St. Ann’s Academy

853 Humboldt St, PO Box 9188, Victoria, BC V8W 9E6
Website – 250-953-8820
We carry out ongoing work in support of the Academy and grounds, undertaking gender justice, educational projects while melding the values of the past to the present.

Soroptimist International of Victoria Westshore

P.O. Box 100 1621 Island Highway, Victoria, BC V9B 1H8
a lively Club of women of various ages, professions and backgrounds. This diversity is often the creative ‘juice’ of the very interesting projects we undertake! Chartered in May 2010, SIVW is based in Victoria’s fast-growing Westshore community. We welcome guests and members from all regions in Greater Victoria. Learn more about us in this video.

South Island Centre for Counselling & Training

3821A Cedar Hill Cross Road, Victoria, BC V8P 2M6
Website – 250-472-2851
South Island Centre for Counselling and Training is a registered non-profit charity which offers professional affordable counselling to individuals, children, families, and couples in the CRD. All of our counsellors have trained at the graduate level and have experience helping with anxiety, depression, grief and loss, trauma, relationship challenges, managing life’s transitions, coping with family dynamics, and promote emotional, physical and spiritual wellness. We also provide training and courses in the areas of grief and loss, pastoral care, family systems’ theory, support for anxiety, positive psychology, parenting education, and a DBT support group.

St. Vincent de Paul

4349 W Saanich Road, Victoria, BC V8Z 3E8
Website – 250-382-2767
Emergency assistance to anyone who is in need of food, clothing, furniture and referral, regardless of race, creed, religion etc. Store provides clothing, furniture, etc. at minimal cost.

SWAN Vancouver

#325 – 1101 Seymour Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 0R1
Website – 604-719-6343 (English) or 778-865-6343 (Cantonese & Mandarin)
SWAN is one of only two organizations in Canada providing culturally-specialized supports and advocacy to im/migrant women engaged in indoor sex work. The diverse voices and ongoing resilience of these communities of women fuel SWAN’s mission to change the social and political narratives that racialize, misdefine, exclude and otherwise harm them.

Threshold Housing Society

900 Vancouver Street, Victoria, BC V8V 3V7
Website – 250-383-8830
We are committed to creating a safe and stable home environment for our community’s vulnerable youth. We offer acceptance, transitional housing, practical skills, and access to community resources to assist youth in achieving their goals.

Together Against Poverty Society

302-895 Fort Street, Victoria, BC V8W 1H7
Website – 250-361-3521
The only organization in Victoria providing free, face-to-face legal advocacy for people with income assistance, disability benefits, employment standards, and tenancy issues. We help over 5,000 people in Victoria each year.

Transiton Network

Transition is a movement of communities coming together to reimagine and rebuild our world. It is about communities stepping up to address the big challenges they face by starting local. By coming together, they are able to crowd-source solutions. They seek to nurture a caring culture, one focused on supporting each other, both as groups or as wider communities.

Vancouver Island Public Interest Research Group

PO Box 3050 STN CSC, University of Victoria V8W 3P3
Website – 250-472-4386
VIPIRG does research in the public interest, financially supports UVIC students through our community grants program, organizes events and workshops, and operates an alternative resource library.

Victoria Community Micro Lending Society (VCMLS)

#202-2610 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC V8T 4M1
Website – 250-590-4515
A non-profit society that connects local lenders to local borrowers in the Southwest BC region.

Victoria Cool-Aid Society

103 – 749 Pandora Ave, Victoria, BC V8W 1N9
Website – 250-383-1977
Homelessness touches many lives at a significant cost to communities. The Cool Aid Society has been a key player in the work to end homelessness in the Capital Region for decades and, with your help, is developing 360 more apartments for people who are currently homeless.

Victoria Disability Resource Centre

817A Fort Street, Victoria, BC V8W 1H6
Website – 250-595-0044
We work closely with people who have a disability and with other community organizations to find and remove barriers that prevent full participation in life. The Independent Living approach to providing services offers a new perspective on disability.

Victoria Free-net Association

2L, 4476 Markham Street, Victoria, BC V8Z 7X8
Website – 250-727-7057
The first public Internet service provider (ISP) in Victoria. We offer the most affordable Dialup Internet Access, provide Email, Website and Server Hosting, and much more at low cost to consumers.

Victoria Global Village Store

535 Pandora, Victoria, BC V8W 1N5
Website – 250-380-1530
We buy our crafts from over 35 producer groups. Most of these are craft cooperatives, groups of low income people, 90% of them women, who have organized themselves to create and sell traditional crafts.

Victoria Immigrant & Refugee Centre

1004 North Park Street, Victoria V8T 1C6
Website – 250-361-9433
We assist in the settlement and adjustment of immigrants and refugees in Canada, and to provide services designed to increase the newcomer’s participation in Canadian society, by assisting the newcomer to overcome barriers.

Victoria Rainbow Kitchen

500 Admirals Road, Victoria, BC V9A 2N4
Website – 250-384-2069
We provide a nutritious, tasty hot lunch to approximately 125-140 people daily, Monday to Friday, 50 weeks a year – over 36,000 meals a year. In addition, approximately 40 meals are taken home each day.

Victoria Shows Love

We are a group of local people working to bring a refugee family to Victoria and invite you to join us in this direct action of hope. Join our group and help organize and support the family through their journey and settlement. ​Make a cash donation or donate a unique item for the silent auction. Support our fundraising events, have some fun and learn more about the refugee story.

Victoria Therapeutic Riding Association

PO Box 412, Brentwood Bay, BC V8M 1R3
Website – 778-426-0506
We provide a therapeutic horseback riding program for children and adults with disabilities that promotes and enriches their physical, psychological and social well-being.

Victoria West Community Association

521 Craigflower Road, Victoria, BC V9A 6Z5
Website – 250-590-8922
A non profit community group that promotes the interests of the residents of the Victoria West neighbourhood. This is accomplished mainly through the many hours of volunteer work by its membership, the community and funding support from the City of Victoria.

Volunteer Victoria

306-620 View Street, Victoria, BC V8W 1J6
Website – 250-386-2269
Providing leadership to the non profit community since 1974, Volunteer Victoria is the primary recruitment and referral centre for the Greater Victoria Region.

Wear 2 Start Society

216 – 733 Johnson Street, Victoria, BC V8W 3C7
Website – 250-472-9327
We reduce barriers for women in need and help women who have completed a job training program make their best impressions in job interviews and the workplace by providing them with a wardrobe.

WIN Community Cooperative

785 Pandora Avenue, Victoria BC V8W 1N9
Website – 250-480-4006
We support women along their journey between crisis, financial self sufficiency and wellness. Our programs are there for women along each step of their journey.

Food, Farming & Forests

Ancient Forest Alliance

303, 620 View St, Victoria, BC V8W 1Y5
Website – 250-386-9676
We are working to protect the endangered old-growth forests of BC and to ensure sustainable forestry jobs in the province. For the sake of future generations, we need to make the transition into a second-growth, value-added forest industry soon, BEFORE we eliminate the remaining unprotected old-growth forests.

Bright Greens Canada

1216 North Park, Victoria, BC V8T 1C9
Website – 250-213-9352 – tamara(at)
Have you heard about BC’s first sustainable container farm? Bright Greens grows Victoria’s freshest pesticide-free greens and culinary herbs year round.

Climate-Friendly Supermarkets

Supermarkets have colossal environmental footprints and contribute to the climate crisis in several ways. A significant and avoidable part of their climate impact lurks in their refrigerated aisles. Supermarkets all across the country are leaking refrigerants, greenhouse gases thousands of times worse for the climate than CO2. A single supermarket emits 875 pounds of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) each year, equal to the carbon dioxide from more than 300 cars.

Capital Region Food and Agriculture Initiatives Roundtable (CRFAIR)

1183 Fort Street, Victoria BC
Website – 250-383-3224
Our vision is for a region where local, sustainable and healthy food is celebrated, abundant and central to the cultures, health and well-being of residents. We mobilize and connect efforts to develop healthy, equitable and sustainable food systems in the Capital Region.

Community Fridge Victoria (Community Food Support Initiative)

Our goal is to make food free and accessible to those who need it. This is a community response premised on mutual aid rather than charity, we are not a non-profit or a business. COVID-19 has only exacerbated existing food insecurity and inequality within our community. We aim to support folks in accessing food while making the process as barrier free as possible. Everyone in the community deserves access to healthy food.

Compost Education Centre

1216 North Park, Victoria, BC V8T 1C9
Website – 250-386-9676
We are a non-profit organization with charitable status providing composting and ecological gardening education to residents of the Capital Regional District (CRD) and Greater Victoria, British Columbia. Our core funding is generously provided by the CRD and the City of Victoria.

 EIS – The Ecoforestry Institute Society

P.O. Box 5070 Station B, Victoria, BC, Canada, V8R 6N3
Website – 125-059-5065
The Ecoforestry Institute Society (Registered Charitable Number 88911-0599 RR0001) is the trustee of Wildwood Ecoforest, an 83-acre property located in the Cedar/Yellow Point area, nestled on the shores of Quennell Lake. Our mandate is two-fold:
1. to steward a working demonstration forest using a forest framework that ensures biological ecosystems remain fully functioning in a rare old-growth Douglas-fir forest; and,
2. to create and offer education programs, fostering public awareness of the principles and practices of ecoforestry and the importance of intact forest ecosystems, through both Indigenous and Western eyes.

Esquimalt Farmers Market Society

Memorial Park, 1230 Esquimalt Road, Victoria, BC V9A 3N8
We exist to provide a marketplace which serves as a community gathering point that builds relationships, encourages healthy, local living, environmental and economic sustainability.

Fateh Care

791 Cameo St., Victoria, British Columbia
Website – 587-889-2700
Fateh Care is a free mobile food bank founded in Victoria, BC. We deliver food and other items to people in Greater Victoria who are unable to access regular food banks, whether for financial or health reasons. The company was founded by Harjas Singh Popli and Dr. Navneet Kaur Popli in 2021.

Garry Oak Ecosystems Recovery Team Society

PO Box 38026, Victoria, BC V8W 3N2
Website – 250-383-3224
The Garry Oak Ecosystems Recovery Team (GOERT) was formed in 1999 to coordinate efforts to protect and restore endangered Garry oak and associated ecosystems and the species at risk that inhabit them.

Garry Oak Meadow Preservation Society

The Garry Oak Meadow Preservation Society (GOMPS) is a registered non-profit society with CRA charitable status. It is 100% operated by volunteers, having no paid staff or any official office space. The Society is dedicated to the preservation, protection and restoration of Garry oak stands and their natural habitats.

Haliburton Community Organic Farm Society

741 Haliburton Road, Victoria, BC V8Y 1H7
Website – 250-478-1694 –
Our vision is to be a leading model of community-supported, small-scale sustainable organic agriculture carried out in harmony with local ecosystems.

Legacy Growers Collective

The Legacy Growers Collective is a network for Afro-Indigenous centered farming and gardening, outdoor education, and food security. The collective functions as a hub for African Diaspora Food Justice initiatives across metro Vancouver.

Mother Tree Project

The Mother Tree project is investigating forest renewal practices that will protect biodiversity, carbon storage and forest regeneration as climate changes. This field-based research compares various retention levels of Mother Trees (large, old trees) and their neighbours, as well as regenerating seedling mixtures, in Douglas-fir forests located across nine climatic regions in British Columbia.

North & South Saanich Agricultural Society (NSSAS)

1528 Stellys Cross Road, Saanichton, BC V8M 1S8
Website – 250-652-3314
We encourage & support a general interest in agriculture. Also, we work diligently to organize & present a community “Agricultural Fall Fair” and has done so for the past 148 years. The fair attracts over 40,000 people annually.

Vancouver Farmers Markets

1316 Grant Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada V5L 2X5
Website – 604-879-3276
Founded in 1995 as a non-profit society, Vancouver Farmers Markets (VFM) has grown to become one of Canada’s leading farmers market organizations with nine weekly markets, 47o,000 shoppers per year, and annual vendor sales of $10 million. We run farmers markets in Vancouver, BC on the unceded territories of the Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish), Səl̓ílwətaʔ/Selilwitulh (Tsleil-Waututh), and xʷməθkwəy̓əm (Musqueam) Nations. We operate all year round, with seven weekly summer markets and two weekly winter markets in neighbourhoods across the city.



3688 Cessna Drive, Richmond, BC, V7B 1C7
Website – 188-843-7088
We empower, support, and connect the autism community in BC that encourages the inclusion and acceptance of the entire autism community. We are a grassroots organization founded in 1975 to support people on the autism spectrum and their families. We continue to support autistic individuals by providing parents and communities with knowledge and by engaging with people on the autism spectrum to create stronger, more diverse communities.

 Awake In Relationship

2031 Store Street, Victoria, BC V8T 5L9
Website – 250-884-7061
Awake In Relationship podcast, programs and events focus on the art reconnecting offline through intimacy, community and culture. Featuring thought leaders on the frontiers of personal growth, spirituality, leadership and change making, AIR’s mission is to inspire personal social fitness and transformational relationships.

BC Schizophrenia Society

941 Kings Road, Victoria, BC V8T 1W7
Website – 250-384-4225
We help ill people receive the medical treatment they need and deserve so that they can regain their health.

Broadmead Care

4579 Chatterton Way. Victoria V8X 4Y7
Website – 250-658-3220
Broadmead Care, a non-profit organization, offering long-term care and programs for people who require assistance every day. With five locations in the Victoria area and compassionate, dedicated staff, we live our purpose by building communities where every person can experience wellbeing and happiness.

Canadian Association of Nurses for the Environment (CANE) Victoria Group

The Canadian Association of Nurses for the Environment (CANE) is a part of the Canadian Nurses Association’s (CNA) Network of Nursing Specialties. We represent Canadian nurses who are dedicated to the improvement of planetary health.

Canadians For Safe Technology

Canadians For Safe Technology, C4ST, is a not-for-profit, completely volunteer-based coalition of parents, citizens and experts whose mission is to educate and inform Canadians and their policy makers about the dangers of the exposures to unsafe levels of radiation from technology, and to work with all levels of government to create healthier communities for children and families across Canada.

Children’s Health Foundation of Vancouver Island

2390 Arbutus Road, Victoria BC V8N 1V7
Website – 250-519-6977 –
Since our beginnings in Mill Bay, we’ve dedicated ourselves to transforming access to services for kids and youth with health challenges, supporting every Island family in finding care for their children—yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Disaster Aid Canada

426 William St, Victoria, BC V9A 3Y9
Website – 778-265-8821
We provide and assist in delivering humanitarian aid, shelter and sustainable water systems to people affected by natural and other disasters; or with compelling local need.

Greater Victoria Bike to Work Society

Box 8837, Victoria, BC V8W 3SC
Website – 250-920-5775
Bike to Work Week started right here in Victoria 22 years ago! The Greater Victoria Bike to Work Society continues to organize the annual FREE community event which has grown from 50 teams and 500 participants in 1997 to over 600 teams and 6,500 participants in 2016.

Greater Victoria Down Syndrome Society

PO Box 35082, Victoria, BC V8T 5G2
Website – 250-479-7450
The GVDSS membership includes individuals who have Down syndrome, as well as families, friends, advocates, peers, educators, and medical professionals. Together we provide information and understanding about Down syndrome, act as resources and supports for one another, and create a better understanding of diversity.

HUB Cycling

312 Main Street, Vancouver B.C. V6A 2T2
Website – 604-558-2002
HUB Cycling is a charitable not-for-profit organization that has spent over 20 years removing barriers to cycling in Metro Vancouver, while cultivating the health, environmental, and economic benefits that active transportation can bring. HUB has educated thousands of people, motivated thousands more, and championed improvements such as #UnGapTheMap to create a connected cycling network.

Ingland Healthcare

BC’s LNG industry is fueling impacts across the province that increase healthcare system costs and reduce access to care. Join us in calling for a healthier future for our patients and communities.

Mental Health Recovery Partners South Island

941 Kings Road, Victoria, BC, V8T 1W7
Website – 250-384-4225

MHRP provides services for people with mental illness, regardless of their diagnosis, and the people who care about them. Approximately two-thirds of the people that we serve have schizophrenia or psychosis or a loved one with schizophrenia or psychosis, and one third have a mood disorder (bipolar disorder or major depression) or a loved one that does. We also provide service to people with anxiety, borderline personality disorder, and other disorders. Sometimes people do not have a diagnosis but are behaving in a way that leads others to believe that they have a mental illness. We can assist in this situation with support, information and strategies to connect with resources. We provide service to people who have a mental illness with or without a substance use issue (concurrent disorder or dual diagnosis).

Saanich Peninsula Hospital & Healthcare Foundation

9710 Third Street, Sidney, BC V8L 3A2
Website – 250-656-2948
The Saanich Peninsula Hospital & Healthcare Foundation is a registered charity that raises funds in support of the Saanich Peninsula Hospital.

Salvation Army – Addictions Rehabilitation Centre

525 Johnson Street, Victoria, BC V8W 1M2
Website – 250-384-3396
Provides a caring and supportive atmosphere, emphasizing growth and independence of residents. 21 emergency beds are available on a first-come-first-served basis for men in need. 36 rooms for rent to men only through case workers.

St. John Ambulance

205-3214 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC V8Z 3K4
Website – 250-388-5505 –
Community Services volunteers include uniformed members who serve communities across Canada, providing first aid and emergency response support, as well as improving the quality of life for people confined to a health care facility through our Therapy Dog visitation program.

Umbrella Society for Addictions & Mental Health

901 Kings Road, Victoria, BC V8T 1W5
Website – 250-380-0595
We all know someone for whom the use of alcohol and other drugs has become a problem. That person might be a neighbour, a friend or a family member. That person might be you. Our programs were developed to provide you with support you need from people who have experienced your struggle firsthand.

Unnatural Gas

Unnatural Gas is a campaign from the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE) and the Canadian Association of Nurses for the Environment (CANE). We developed this campaign to raise awareness of the climate and health risks of natural gas in BC, and the availability of healthier, non-polluting, and sustainable alternatives.

Vancouver Island Persons Living with HIV/AIDS Society

101 – 1139 Yates Street, Victoria, BC V8V 3N2
Website – 250-382-7927
We are the only peer based HIV/AIDS organization on Vancouver Island, and have been providing peer support and treatment information to persons living with HIV/AIDS for over 20 years.

Victoria Brain Injury Society

D & E 830 Pembroke Street, Victoria, BC V8T 1H9
Website – 250-598-9339
We believe every individual is due respectful support that begins with the recognition that individuals with disabilities are not abnormal or deficient but, instead, reflect the normal diversity of the human community.

Victoria Period Project

Website – 250-383-3552
Menstrual products are expensive! For youth living with little income or support, the cost is even more significant. Our mission is simple: increase the accessibility of menstrual products for youth in need living in Victoria, British Columbia. To do this, we provide youth facing barriers with free and reliable menstrual products of their choice, every month. By overcoming these issues of cost, availability, and choice, we hope that these youth will have one less thing to worry about.

Victoria Youth Clinic Society

533 Yates Street, Victoria, BC V8W 1K7
Website – 250-383-3552
Our dedicated youth-focused integrative team which consists of doctors, nurses, counsellors, psychiatrists, outreach worker, wellness navigator, medical office assistant and director, work collaboratively to support your care.

Victoria Women’s Sexual Assault Centre

511 – 620 View Street, Victoria, BC V8W 1J6
Website – 250-383-5545
We are a feminist organization committed to ending sexualized violence through healing, education, and prevention. We are dedicated to supporting women and all Trans survivors of sexual assault and childhood sexual abuse, through advocacy, counselling, and empowerment.

Oceans & Waterkeepers

Campbell River Environmental Committee

CREC aims to promote environmental awareness that will provide citizens, government and business with informed decision making on environmental issues.​


Code Blue

CodeBlue is a plan to secure and sustain BC’s fresh water sources. Forever. The sources of our fresh water, our watersheds, are the envy of the world. But our water is being wasted, degraded and overused. It’s time to secure and restore our critical water sources as if our lives depend on them.


Gorge Waterway Action Society

2947 Tillicum Rd, Victoria, British Columbia V9A 2A6
Website – 778-265-5119
We take on projects that support the ecological health of the Gorge Waterway, as well as the social well being of the people who live within the watershed. We do this through our active Board, volunteers, and the university summer students we employ.

Friends of Tod Creek Watershed

5021 Prospect Lake Road
Victoria, British Columbia V9E 1J5
Website – 250-479-2886
Our mission is to protect and enhance the integrity and biodiversity of the Tod Creek Watershed. We are partners in the Pulling Together program to remove invasive species and replant native plants in parks within our watershed. We work with Peninsula Streams and Shorelines in the restoration of wetlands and streams and monitor the water quality of Tod Creek to insure the health of aquatic and terrestrial species that make up the biodiversity of the watershed.

Oak Bay Sea Rescue Society

PO Box 5624 LCD9, Victoria, BC V8R 6S4
Website – 250-896-2625
We are an organization of volunteers whose primary roles are Saving Lives on the Water & Boating Safety. But we’re also active in our community.

The Ocean Legacy Foundation

3300 Chatham Street, Unit 61, Richmond, British Columbia, V7E 3K1
Website – 604-214-3591
The Ocean Legacy Foundation is a Canadian non-profit that develops and implements worldwide plastic pollution emergency response programs, with the goal to end plastic pollution. We use a 4 pillar EPIC approach: Education, Policy, Infrastructure and Cleanup. EPIC Academy offers FREE ocean plastics education in English, French and Spanish for ages 14+, educators, businesses and communities worldwide. Plastic waste recovered from our cleanups becomes part of the plastic circular economy while providing communities with long-term tools for ocean stewardship to end plastic pollution.

Orca Rescue Conservancy Association (ORCA)

2012 Paul’s Terrace, Victoria, BC V8N 2Z3
Website – 778-977-6349
Based out of Victoria BC, the mission of Orca Rescue Conservancy Association is three fold: To provide a rescue network for the worlds orca’s, to create a trusted awareness label, and support the development of infrastructure for orca conservation.

Pacific Salmon Foundation

#300 1682 West 7th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, V6J 4S6
Website – 604-664-7664
The Pacific Salmon Foundation, founded in 1987, is a federally incorporated non-profit charitable organization dedicated to the conservation and restoration of wild Pacific salmon and their natural habitats in British Columbia and the Yukon. Operating independently from government, The Foundation facilitates dialogue and undertakes positive initiatives in support of Pacific salmon amongst all levels of government including First Nations; as well as industry, communities, individual volunteers and all fishing interests.

Peninsula Streams Society

P.O. Box 6000, 9860 West Saanich Road, North Saanich BC, V8L 4B2
Website – 250-363-6596
Our goal is to achieve healthy aquatic habitat that supports self-sustaining populations of native species in both freshwater and marine environments. We accomplish this objective through research, restoration, innovative projects, public education and private land stewardship.

POLIS Water Project

We develop cutting-edge research and share solutions, best practices, and opportunities for reform with those working on the ground (and in the water). This includes communities, experts, governments at all levels (local, Indigenous, provincial, federal), and non-governmental and Indigenous organizations. By combining practical research with community action, we demonstrate the powerful potential of new governance approaches and work to drive innovative law reform to generate change towards a sustainable and secure freshwater future.

Rivershed Society of BC

604-1189 Eastwood Street, Coquitlam BC, V3B 7N5
Website – 6041-773-2416
Rivershed formed in 1996, in the wake of Fin Donnelly`s ‘Swim for Life’ – a 1,400 km three-week swim down the entire length of the Fraser River.

Our Vision: The Fraser Watershed is a resilient watershed, with salmon, people and economies flourishing in rivershed communities.
Our Mission: Connect, protect, and restore the Fraser’s 34 riversheds.

Saanich Inlet Society

9811 Seaport Place, Sidney, BC V8L 4X3
Website – 250-656-9645
We protect and conserve the natural and cultural resources of Saanich Inlet for the benefit, education and enjoyment of this and future generations of Canadians.

Salish Sea Trust

9811 Seaport Place, Sidney, BC V8L 4X3
Website – 250-665-7511
We recognize the World Heritage promise of our unique ocean waters, celebrates the west coast’s beauty and strength, and works to protect the significant historical, cultural and natural values of the region.

Sea Smart

#500 – 610 Main Street, Vancouver, BC V6A 2V3
Website – 604-358-0163
Sea Smart is a charity that delivers innovative and engaging education programs to empower youth, educators, businesses, and communities to make a positive impact on our oceans. Since our inception in 2016, we’ve empowered over 700,000 people across the world to become ocean heroes. Our team of marine biologists and environmental educators offer innovative online and in-person programs, as well as workshops, beach clean-ups, and ‘lunch & learns’ to help educate people and communities around the world about ocean issues. By using a positive, solutions-based approach, we aim to educate and empower others to love and protect our oceans.

Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre

9811 Seaport Place, Sidney, BC V8L 4X3
Website – 250-665-7511
Canada’s aquarium and cultural Centre for the Salish Sea located on Sidney’s waterfront in Greater Victoria BC is a must-see Vancouver Island tourist destination and attraction offering a fun, informative, and interactive experience for children and people of all ages.

Squamish Streamkeepers

unceded Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish Nation’s), Tsleil-Waututh and Musqueam Traditional Lands and Territories
We are a charitable non-profit that was founded in 2000 by Edith Tobe, Wendy Mitchell and Caroline Melville. Society governance was passed onto Dr. Jonn Matsen and Jack Cooley in 2006 who have co-chaired the organization since that time. The initial focus of the society was to help monitor and restore wild salmon populations and their habitat in the Squamish River Watershed. Streamkeeper’s conduct annual salmon spawner counts on more than 40 streams and channels, ensuring safe passage and access for adult spawners, monitor rearing habitat, and rescue juvenile salmon from drying streams. Streamkeepers also fund and assist habitat restoration projects.

Surfrider Foundation

Website – 250-885-0464
Dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s ocean, waves and beaches through a powerful activist network.

Victoria Esquimalt Harbour Society

PO Box 8404, Victoria, BC V8W 3S1
Website – 250-888-9602
Victoria and Esquimalt Harbours are centres of industry, recreation, learning and celebration. Opportunities abound for recreation, employment and industry. The harbours provides economic opportunity and diversity to the region.

Victoria Marine Rescue Society

PO Box 8795 Victoria, BC V8W 3S3
Website – 250-385-7728
The station responds to marine distress incidents and participates in many community events throughout the year.

World Fisheries Trust

434 Russell Street Victoria, BC V9A 3X3
Website – 250-380-7585
We are a Canadian non-profit organization dedicated to the equitable and sustainable use and conservation of aquatic biodiversity. We act internationally with small-scale fisheries in Latin America and locally with environmental education including: the Seaquaria in Schools program; Gorge Waterway Nature House; and Eco Learning Hive, and community-based environmental monitoring.

Wildlife & Animals


1020 Malloch Road, Victoria, BC V9C 4G9
Website – 250-478-9453
We provide care to injured, sick, orphaned and distressed wildlife based on rehabilitation standards and the animal’s natural history. We treat each animal in our care as an individual case. The goal of rehabilitation is to release recovered animals back into the wild.

Pacific Animal Therapy Society

9412 Lauries Lane, Sidney, BC V8L 4L2
Website – 250-656-4283
Our mission is to enhance the quality of care given to our clients by our visits with pets. In April 2008 PATS celebrated 20 years of pet and volunteer visits within the community.

Rocky Point Bird Observatory

170-1581 Hillside Avenue, Victoria, BC V8T 2C1
Website –
Seeks to influence conservation and ecological management of migratory birds in Western North America through monitoring, scientific research and public education.

Victoria Natural History Society


We are a volunteer-run organization. Members have developed their interest in nature in a wide variety of ways—some are professional biologists, others are students, most are amateur or volunteer naturalists. VNHS provides an opportunity for those interested in the natural world to come together to share their ideas and experiences.

Youth-Led Organizations

Attire Media

The fashion industry is responsible for 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions. 9.5 million tonnes of textile waste are produced annually in America alone. We’re here so you can express your style, act ethically, and minimize your environmental impact while wearing the clothes you love.

BCCIC Climate Change Branch

Unit 322 – 268 Keefer St, Vancouver,
BC, Canada V6A 1X5
Website – 604-899-4475
CCIC Climate Change is led by a group of committed youth under 25 years old, who are passionate about youth engagement and climate action.

As one of the most prominent youth-led and youth-driven initiatives in the international climate action space, we focus on gaining insight into the best-practices for youth empowerment, i.e. building youth capacity in policy research and analysis, project and budget management, and NGO operations.

Climate Education Reform BC

Climate Education Reform BC is a student-led movement advocating for climate change education in British Columbia. Across the province, each of our team members has noticed the lack of consistent attention climate change has received within our schools. As a result, we are leading the Reform to Transform campaign.


Our cities face major challenges from unaffordability and homelessness to climate change. There are huge unrealized opportunities to harness the energy, knowledge, and unique ideas of youth to address these challenges. We harness the innovative energy, ideas, and desire for impact of young people to create a more equitable, sustainable, inclusive and liveable city.

Cowichan Valley Earth Guardians

The Cowichan Valley Earth Guardians crew is a group of youth between the ages of 10 and 20, who partner with older allies and organizations in our community to create intergenerational change on social, climate and environmental issues.

Lighter Foodprint

Lighter Foodprint is a team of individuals who believe that it is time to take ownership and responsibility for our food consumption. Coming from a variety of backgrounds, the need for lighter living through a less carbon-intensive diet is something we all strive to promote and practice everyday. Our mission is to integrate the climate into our everyday food choices.

Sierra Youth Podcast

Sierra Youth Podcast is hosted by the youth committee of the Sierra Club Canada – we host conversations for a healthy planet and healthy communities. Stay tuned for digestible education on all things related to intersectional environmentalism!

Student Energy

324-309 West Cordova St., Vancouver, BC, V6B 1E5
Student Energy is a global youth-led organization with a chapter in Vancouver, BC empowering young people to accelerate the sustainable energy transition through a variety of initiatives, including university-based Chapters, a digital Energy System Map, and the largest student-;ed energy conference in the world.

Sustainabiliteens Vancouver

We are a movement of young people across Metro Vancouver—united by the urgency we feel to stop climate catastrophe and by a shared vision to exercise our agency, and create a more just and sustainable world. We are Sustainabiliteens.

Threading Change

Threading Change is an ambitious international youth-led organization working to achieve a Feminist Fossil Fuel-Free Fashion Future.

Vote 16 BC

Sixteen and seventeen year olds are impacted every day by government decisions. And just like other citizens, they deserve a say in what lies ahead.

With their whole lives still ahead of them, their future is at greater risk. Climate change is threatening to destroy their communities and shorten their lifespans. Youth must have a role in shaping their own future.

Young Agrarians

We are a network for new and young ecological and organic farmers. Since we started January 2012, the network has grown across Canada from coast to coast through farmers organizing events (mixers, farm tours & potlucks, apprentice meet-ups, etc.), contributing to the blog, adding resources to the UMAP, and more!

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